Date: 28 July 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RBK00003845_Gilberts series 54 smoke evacuation damper brochure,.pdf(1.61 MB) RBK00003853_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Hoban B1 - Means of Escape Observations. Submission S1a. Smoke Ventilation Technical submission PSBUK1143-12 rev 3._0.pdf(14.09 KB) RBK00003864_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson, John Hoban (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire_1.pdf(139 KB) RBK00010784_Email from JS Wright to RBKC Building Control and others re_ Grenfell Tower AOV Secondary Electrical Supply.pdf(18.77 KB) RBK00013223_Document detailing information on completion of regeneration project._1.pdf(222.62 KB) RBK00013224_Document entitled 'The Building Regulations 2010 (as Amended)', detailing areas requiring attention following a site visit._2.pdf(44.3 KB) RBK00013226_Email from John Hoban to Neil Crawford re Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road Regeneration Project MOE Obs Submission 1 Revised 2_0.pdf(100.31 KB) RBK00018810_Certificate of Practical Completion between RBKC and Artelia UK re Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(12.71 MB) RBK00018811_RBKC Position Statement Supporting Document - Document 17_1.pdf(392.66 KB) RBK00026859_Grenfell Tower Inquiry- RBKC Building Control Chronology_0.pdf(4.64 MB) RBK00027142_Exova Proposed Outline Fire Safety Strategy issue no.1.pdf(312.26 KB) RBK00027287_Max Fordham Grenfell Tower Smoke Control Proposals.pdf(835.15 KB) RBK00027289_Grenfell Tower Refurbishment M&E Stage C report.pdf(27.69 MB) RBK00027290_Email from B Sounes (Studio E) to J Allen and P Hanson (RBKC Building Control) cc Exova and Max Fordham, re Grenfell Tower fire strategy_0.pdf(368.92 KB) RBK00027300_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Allen in relation to Grenfell tower escape observations.pdf(1.89 MB) RBK00027302_Email from John Hoban, RBKC to Bruce Sounes, Studio E regarding Grenfell tower fire strategy_0.pdf(3.81 MB) RBK00027326_LDSA_LFEPA LFB joint consultation amd MOE observations_0.pdf(3.53 MB) RBK00027368_Email from David Hughes, Rydon to Paul Hanson, RBKC regarding Grenfell Tower air speed readings for smoke extract.pdf(959.47 KB) RBK00027392_PSB Technical Submission for Lobby Smoke Control Systems at Grenfell Tower, Rev 3, re final smoke control system®_0.pdf(11.41 MB) RBK00027394_Correspondence between JS Wright and RBKC Building Control, cc Rydon et al, regarding the amended Smoke Ventilation System technical submission for Grenfell Tower.pdf(491.91 KB) RBK00027396_Correspondence between PSB and JS Wright and RBKC Building Control regarding the amended Smoke Ventilation System technical submission - Rev3_1.pdf(885.29 KB) RBK00027404_Artelia Minutes of meeting between RBKC TMO, Artelia and Rydon regarding an update on the Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project.pdf(2.92 MB) RBK00027560_Exhibit GS_2 - Letter from RBKC Building Control to LFEP A_3.pdf(313.99 KB) RBK00030869_RBKC document entitled _Mechanical Smoke Venting of residential lobbies and fire fighting shafts - LDSA fire engineering performance criteria paper_.pdf(1.95 MB) RBK00033894_2018.11.21 Witness Statement of Paul Derek Hanson (RBKC)_0.pdf(49.03 MB) RBK00033895_Exhibit PDH_6 - Submission _ (S1) 10_11_2014_2.pdf(1.93 MB) RBK00033897_Exhibit PDH_12 - Second Fire Authority consultation request_1.pdf(28.48 MB) RBK00033900_Exhibit PDH_7 - Submission 1a (S1a).pdf(28.37 MB) RBK00033903_2018.11.21 Second Statement of Paul Derek Hanson_0.pdf(1.08 MB) RBK00033905_Exhibit PDH_8 - Submission 2 (S82) 26_1_2016_0.pdf(25.91 MB) RBK00033930_2018.11.25 John Allen Witness Statement & Exhibits JA1-JA4_2.pdf(2.91 MB) RBK00033934_2018.11.30 Witness Statement of John Edward Hoban (RBKC)_2.pdf(5.23 MB) RBK00044889_John Hoban Outlook entry for Building Control completion walkaround_0.pdf(7.54 KB) RBK00044890_John Hoban Outlook entry for Building Control completion walk around_0.pdf(153.14 KB) RBK00044894_John Hoban Outlook entry - Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(7.19 KB) RBK00048649_Emails between StudioE, MF, RBKC regarding the proposed fire strategy_2.pdf(161.96 KB) RBK00048693_Emails between StudioE and RBKC regarding fire strategy plans and the Building Regulations 2010_1.pdf(50.07 KB) RBK00048816_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to Paul Hanson of RBKC concerning revision of documents relating to smoke extracting system at Grenfell Tower prior to inspection._0.pdf(13.18 KB) RBK00048818_Email from Paul Hanson of RBKC to David Hughes of Rydon relating to speed readings of the smoke extracting system at Grenfell Tower, prior to inspection._0.pdf(67.57 KB) RBK00048842_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC concerning preparations for the inspection at Grenfell Tower, notably electrical and lighting protection certificates._1.pdf(26.7 KB) RBK00048847_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC relating to preparations prior to inspection at Grenfell Tower, notably lock specifications and electrical and lighting certi.pdf(33.98 KB) RBK00050416_2019.07.09 Witness statement of John Edward Hoban_2.pdf(8.22 MB) RBK00058146_Revised RBKC Building Control Chronology - 30 January 2020_0.pdf(9.94 MB) RYD00014378_Email regarding Studio E Full Plans Application - Grenfell Tower_5.pdf(239.45 KB) RYD00014379_Studio E, Full Plans Application, submission to RBKC_4.pdf(1.24 MB) RYD00018742_email from Studio E to John Hoban ref pack of drawings for Grenfell Tower project, inc fire strategy etc - building control application_4.pdf(716.06 KB) RYD00018963_Email chain between Studio E, Max Fordham, RBKC Building Control and Rydon concerning Building Control Approval of the fire safety startegy_2.pdf(4.06 MB) RYD00018989_Email chain between Studio E and RBKC Building control concerning building design and the fire strategy_2.pdf(824.74 KB) RYD00021548_Email requesting a meeting to discuss the smoke ventilation system_2.pdf(502.93 KB) RYD00023970_Group email from David Bradbury to arrange a meeting to discuss the AOV design on 24-11-2014_2.pdf(568.56 KB)