Date: 28 July 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BMER0000007_Supplementary Report by Beryl Menzies regarding the smoke control installation that formed part of the Building Regulations application associated with the refurbishment of Grenfel_0.pdf(21.1 MB) BLAS0000003_Section 3 Barbara Lane Supplemental Phase 1 Report_0.pdf(22.33 MB) BLAS0000025_Appendix D Barbara Lane Supplemental Report.pdf(29.47 MB) BLAS0000031_Appendix J Barbara Lane Supplemental Phase 1 Report.pdf(76.6 MB) BMER0000004_Building Control Report prepared by Beryl Menzies (Amended April 2020) - The application for Building Regulations approval (Part B Fire) in relation to the refurbishment of Grenfel_0.pdf(14.65 MB) BMER0000005_Appendix A (Amended)_ Plans, Drawings, Sections (Beryl Menzies' Report)_0.pdf(20.54 MB) BMER0000006_Errata Sheet for Amended Building Control Report by Beryl Menzies (October 2020).pdf(588.54 KB) BSI00000059_BS 9991_2015 Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings - code of practice (Incorporating Corrigendum No. 1)_0.pdf(59.8 MB) CCL00000028_Stage D Report.pdf(26.33 MB) CLG00000224_The Building Regulations 2010 (Fire Safety) Approved Document B – Vol 2 (Buildings other than dwelling houses) B1-B5, 2006 edition incorporating 2007, 2010 & 2013 amendments_2.pdf(115.75 MB) CST00001007_Email chain from Alex Bosman (TMO) to Carl Spray (Chubb), Matthew Keitch (Chubb), Greg Frensham (Chubb), cc_ Steve Spray (Chubb) and others, regarding upcoming LFB inspection and.pdf(29.48 KB) CST00001093_Letter_report from C Stokes to C Williams (TMO) following his site visit to Lancaster West Estate on 17.03.14 re questions raised by LFB following their site visit on 12.03.14, wit_0.pdf(9.52 MB) CST00001258_Letter from Carl Stokes to KCTMO re Grenfell Tower Visit on Vents.pdf(976.61 KB) CST00001481_Exova document entitled _Grenfell Tower - Fire Safety Strategy_..pdf(2.17 MB) CST00001769_Letter from Carl Stokes to Janice Wray (TMO), regarding the FRA inspection of the flat_lift area to staircase fire doors._0.pdf(1.68 MB) CST00001998_PSB- Smoke Ventilation Technical Submission for Lobby Smoke Control Systems at Grenfell Tower Revision 5.pdf(8.94 MB) CST00002142_Exova- Grenfell Tower- Outline Fire Safety Strategy_0.pdf(4.34 MB) CST00002705_Email between London Fire and Carl Stokes re Information pertaining to Fire Safety.pdf(27.6 KB) CST00002867_Fire Risk Assessment for Grenfell Tower by Carl Stokes.pdf(1.85 MB) CTAR00000040_BS 9991_ 2011. Fire safety in the design, management and use of residential buildings � Code of practice..pdf(90.87 MB) EXO00000206_N Crawford (Studio E) to T Ashton (Exova) cc S O'Connor (Ryd), B Sounes (S E)_1.pdf(2.28 MB) EXO00000214_Email B Sounes (S E) to D Campbell M Smith (MaxF), T Ashton (Exova) re RBKC Building Control's comments_1.pdf(3.21 MB) EXO00000218_Email between Max Fordham, Artelia and Studio E re Fire Strategy Building Control Comments for Grenfell Tower.pdf(3.72 MB) EXO00000344_M Smith (MaxF) to T Ashton (Exova) cc D Campbell, P Booth email re AOV pressure differential system.pdf(16.64 KB) EXO00000430_Exova Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy dated 24_10_2012 Attached to Studio E Fire Strategy sent to building control_3.pdf(4.11 MB) EXO00000655_Internal Exova email discussing modifying fire strategy in light of adding residential floors, described as 'making a crap situation worse' (Exova mention single stair and no sprin_1.pdf(714.34 KB) EXO00001371_Minutes of meeting between RBKC Building Control, Studio E and Exova re Fire Strategy_2.pdf(1.35 MB) IBI00000525_Max Fordham M&E Stage C Report.pdf(7.49 MB) JRP00000168_JRP Site Inspection Report 3 - Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(1.56 MB) JSW00000020_Email chain attaching PSB Technical Submission Revision 6.pdf(14.72 MB) JSW00000024_Email chain re building control requirement to link main entrance windows to AOV, confirmation that AOV system complies with all standards with a letter of comfort from RBKC Buildi.pdf(93.13 KB) JSW00000030_Email chain regarding request to link lower floor windows with AOV; building control concern over leakage of air; increase in free area; PSB commenting that no justification for ad.pdf(106.65 KB) JSW00001720_PSB Completion Certification for AOV.pdf(293.83 KB) JSW00001837_E-mail from David Cook to David Bradbury attaching PSB Smoke Ventilation Technical Proposal (April 2014), Building Control Observations (Dec 2013) and LFB Inspection Report (March.pdf(284.11 KB) JSW00001892_2018.10.26 Witness Statement of Alan Whyte (J S Wright Co Ltd)_0.pdf(1.99 MB) JSW00001907_Exhibit AW_12 - Alan Whyte (J S Wright Co Ltd)_0.pdf(1.74 MB) JSW00002901_Email from David Hughes to Matt Smith regarding provision of an access point point of the make up air and attaching letter of comfort from building Control._0.pdf(2.85 MB) JSW00006202_Email chain between David Bradbury and Alan Whyte of JSW, David Harrison of PSB and Paul Hanson of RBKC re_ dampers in Grenfell Tower and the units of measurement being used. The m_0.pdf(2.29 MB) LBI00000880_Exhibit MK_7 - Email Grenfell Tower - RBKC Building Control Notes_1.pdf(1.97 MB) LBI00002449_Email from RBKC to Leadbitter attaching drawings marked up with means of escape plans_1.pdf(334.73 KB) LBI00002544_Emails regarding meeting between RBKC and Leadbitter, concerning inspection and approval_0.pdf(972.83 KB) LFB00000096_LFEPA_RBKC consultation on means of escape application in relation to the proposed changes to Grenfell Tower including new floors and over cladding._0.pdf(143.5 KB) LFB00000129_Correspondence between GLC Department of Architecture and LFB confirming satisfactory mechanical smoke extract arrangements and approval of alteration to plans concerning the play.pdf(159.41 KB) LFB00000290_Email from Suhail Dadabhoy (LFB) to Building Control (RBKC) attaching a copy if the LFB's Response Letter to RBKC Building Control_1.pdf(349.17 KB) LFB00000291_Email from Malcolm Parker, Inspecting Officer at LFB and building control at RBKC re_ _D.Job No.1607567 - FS12_020696 - Grenfell Tower Grenfell Road London W11 1TH_. Respons_0.pdf(273.64 KB) LFB00000292_Letter from LFEPA to RBKC regarding the Record of Consultation_Advice Given in relation to the New Works to Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(659.23 KB) LFB00059241_Smoke Control Association - Guidance on Smoke Control to Common Escape Routes in Apartment Buildings (Flats and Maisonettes), Revision 1_ June 2012._1.pdf(3.91 MB) MAX00001399_Building Control Memo Regarding the Proposed AOV System_0.pdf(96.44 KB) MAX00001651_Max Fordham - Smoke Ventilation Analysis_0.pdf(2.81 MB) MAX00002335.pdf(3.4 MB)