Date: 28 July 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RYD00024337_Email between Exova, Studio E and Rydon re Initial Appraisal of the Proposed Layout Changes to the Lower Levels of Grenfell Tower, the Fire Strategy and The Means of Escape and Fir_2.pdf(2.73 MB) RYD00034060_Email chain between JS Wright, Rydon and RBKC Building Control re AOV technical submission from specialists PSB. Floor plans of lower floors attached._3.pdf(857.56 KB) RYD00034397_Email Discussion between JS Wright, RBKC Building Control and Rydon relating to a technical submission regarding the AOV and arranging a meeting to discuss it._2.pdf(905.56 KB) RYD00038873_Email attaching the AOV technical submission_2.pdf(473.75 KB) RYD00051936_Discussion concerning secondary supply and other issues related to AOV work.pdf(3.89 MB) RYD00054618_Email chain including two cost options for AOV work.pdf(1.2 MB) RYD00062356_Email thread re Architect walking around site_2.pdf(707.03 KB) RYD00068839_Smoke Ventilation Technical Submission for Lobby Smoke Control Systems Revision 5.pdf(9.19 MB) RYD00071521_Fans and Damper Operation Chart.pdf(1.18 MB) RYD00075492_Email re_ witnessing of smoke extract and ventilation system_0.pdf(31.21 KB) RYD00075511_Email re_ witnessing of smoke extract and ventilation system_0.pdf(515.03 KB) RYD00076380_Email from Paul Hanson at RBKC to David Hughes at Rydon re_ booking smoke extract system full operational witnessing._0.pdf(1.27 MB) RYD00076415_Email discussion between Rydon and RBKC building control concerning documentation related to the AOV_0.pdf(46.2 KB) RYD00076522_Email re_ demonstration of smoke ventilation system to building control.pdf(862.29 KB) RYD00076682_Email discussion of AOV demonstration for building control and testing with relevant smoke control association guidance attached_0.pdf(1.25 MB) RYD00076725_Email chain between JS Wright, PSB, Rydon and RBKC Building Control re_ demonstration of smoke ventilation system to building control with relevant documentation attached_0.pdf(2.23 MB) RYD00077614_Email from Rydon to RBKC re Building Control visit to Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(452.85 KB) RYD00080024_Email chain between PSB, JS Wright, Rydon and RBKC Building Control re the design of the AOV_0.pdf(1.28 MB) RYD00081016_Email chain between Rydon, JS Wright and RBKC Building Control discussing building control's requirement that environmental AOVs in the lobby linked to the smoke extract system, ot_0.pdf(2.49 MB) RYD00081525_Email from Rydon to RBKC re Completion Walkaround_0.pdf(295.66 KB) RYD00081891_Email re_ photographs of fire door keep shut signs_0.pdf(17.99 KB) RYD00082020_Email from David Hughes at Rydon to John Hoban at RBKC Building Control concerning a site visit and Rydon's request for a Building Control completion certificate._0.pdf(20.2 KB) RYD00082205_Email from David Hughes (Rydon) to Paul Hanson and John Hoban (RBKC Building Control) and Steve Blake (Rydon) discussing confirmation of Building Control instruction not to fit smo_0.pdf(814.4 KB) SEA00000097_Meeting invite_2.pdf(13.33 KB) SEA00000121_Email from Sounes to RBKC attaching fire strategy, strategy drawings, proposal of upgrade to AOV_3.pdf(450.3 KB) SEA00000149_Email chain re smoke exhaust LFB submission, clarifying concerns and providing visual schematic, air changes per hour. Embedding drawing from Studio E of natural air ventilation sy_0.pdf(1.06 MB) SEA00000159_Email sending RBKC Building Control fire strategy, accompanying drawings, clarifications, RBKC response saying information inadequate to show new AOV system not worse than old syst_1.pdf(3.07 MB) SEA00000215_Email from Crawford to Hoban attaching drawings for GT project, including RBKC mark ups of fire strategy_4.pdf(782.51 KB) SEA00000247_Email chain between JS Wright and Building Control regarding AOV submission, preliminary floor plans, new AOV duct route_1.pdf(897.5 KB) SEA00009482_Email Chain Between Sounes, Campbell, Smith, Williams, Studio E, Booth, Lim regarding possible savings by not undertaking cladding on plant room at top of savings, embedding a draw_0.pdf(569.86 KB) SEA00009805_Email Chain Between Sounes, Allen, Hanson, Ashton, Campbell regarding fire strategy, building regulations, smoke extract system_0.pdf(1.16 MB) SEA00012200_Email Chain Between Crawford, Hoban, Lawrence, Hanson, Ashton, O'Connor, Sounes regarding fire strategy drawings for lower levels, Exova strategy, extraction, riser access_3.pdf(2.88 MB) SEA00013781_Accepted_ site meeting_0.pdf(8.97 KB) SEA00014148__Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road, London W11 1TH - Fire Authority Consultation__1.pdf(281.36 KB) SEA00014150_Email attaching Fire Authority Consultation_0.pdf(325.53 KB) TMO00829504_TMO Document Entitled _Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting No 9 Minutes_ dated 17.03.15 regarding progress of works and concerns_1.pdf(1.81 MB) TMO00830197_Rydon TMO Document _Progress Report No 21_.pdf(2.36 MB) TMO00830679_Correspondence from Steve Blake to Matt Smith, David Hughes, Claire Williams (TMO) and others regarding smoke detection system..pdf(38.97 KB) TMO00831200_Rydon Minutes of Meeting with RBKC Building Control at Grenfell Tower re fire safety_0.pdf(1.42 MB) TMO00832681_TMO Document Entitled _Testing Commissioning and Witnessing Tracker Residual Snagging Items from M&E Reports_ dated 24.03.16.pdf(1.69 MB) TMO00833300_FRA Action 19a - AOV System Manual (2)..pdf(6.75 MB) TMO10021475_PSB Section 10 Commissioning Reports.pdf(632.24 KB) TMO10042279_Max Fordham Grenfell Tower Refurbishment, M&E Stage C(Rev B) report.pdf(26.12 MB) TMO10045172_Email from Carl Stokes to TMO regarding Minutes from meeting with Building Control - 7th Jan 2016_0.pdf(66.25 KB) TMO10045448_RE_ Linking Environmental AOV's to smoke extract system @ Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(100.33 KB) TMO10045704_TMO Document Entitled _FRA Grenfell Tower June 2016.pdf_ dated 20.06.16.pdf(2.22 MB) TMO10047764_TMO document entitled “Record of Significant Findings and Action Plan”..pdf(5.4 MB) PSB00001331_Smoke Ventilation Technical Proposal for Stair De-Pressurisation Systems at Grenfell Tower.pdf(1.88 MB) CLG00019897_The Building Regulations 2010.pdf(5.26 MB) BMER0000008_Errata Sheet for Beryl Menzies Smoke Control Report (April 2021).pdf(257.88 KB)