Date: 28 July 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip MAX00002440_PSB - Grenfell Tower Technical Submission for Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 4.pdf(8.46 MB) MAX00004179_FW_ Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road, Refurbishment - Fire Strategy P2_1.pdf(4.09 MB) MAX00004451_Email from MF to KCTMO re Rydon submitting building regs application ASAP.pdf(1.32 MB) MAX00006348_Email from Rydon to MF re Linking Environmental AOVs to smoke extract system @ Grenfell Tower.pdf(2.59 MB) MET00017799_JS Wright technical submission for AOV PSBUK1143-12 rev 0.pdf(553.34 KB) PSB00000044_An email chain between PSB [Hugh Mahoney] and J S Wright [David Peacock and David Bradbury] dated 17 September 2015 regarding the Grenfell Tower AOV ductwork. The PDF is dated sta_0.pdf(569.65 KB) PSB00000144_Purchase Order document from JS Wright & Co Ltd to PSB dated 26 January 2016 for commissioning AOV_1.pdf(419.88 KB) PSB00000209_PSB Smoke Ventilation Technical Submission dated 12 June 2015_1.pdf(14.41 MB) PSB00000224_PSB Above Ground Commissioning Report for AOV dated 28 April 2016_1.pdf(2.64 MB) PSB00000236_MF, Work specification for Grenfell Tower renovation document for M&E and plumbing dated 16 October 2013_0.pdf(1001.22 KB) PSB00000569_179 19G. Email from David Bradbury (11.06.15).pdf re Grenfell AOV Building Control Comment.pdf(549.98 KB) PSB00001163_Internal email, PSB, from D Harrison to H Mahoney re comments raised by JSW from Building Control._0.pdf(561.6 KB) PSB00001164_Email from PSB to JSW re Letter from Building Control_0.pdf(1.14 MB) PSB00001233_PSB Smoke Ventilation Technical Proposal for Stair De-Pressurisation Systems (22.04.14)_0.pdf(1.29 MB) PSB00001257_PSB Above Ground Commissioning Report 76005 (26.02.16)_0.pdf(810.73 KB) PSB00001309_Witness Statement of Granville Partlow (PSB)_0.pdf(11.5 MB) PSB00001329_2018.09.28 - Witness Statement of Hugh Mahoney (PSB)_0.pdf(9.83 MB) PSB00001372_2021.03.26 Second Witness Statement of Granville Partlow_0.pdf(439.08 KB) PSB00001373_2021.03.26 Second Witness Statement of Hugh Mahoney_0.pdf(10.26 MB) RBK00000132_Email, attaching photographs of Fire Doors with signs on them which state to keep shut_Locked at GT_0.pdf(11.82 KB) RBK00001413_Email from Paul Hanson_ Grenfell Tower Fire Authority consultation S2_1.pdf(14.25 KB) RBK00002633_Emails between Neil Crawford, Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Hoban, Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control), Simon Lawrence (Rydon), Terry Ashton (Exova), Simon O'Connor (Rydon) re buil_1.pdf(119.19 KB) RBK00002932_Smoke Control Association Guidance on Smoke Control to Common Escape Routes in Apartment Buildings_Revision 2 Oct 15._0.pdf(15.42 MB) RBK00002964_Email re. Linking Environmental AOV's to smoke extract system @ Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(76.02 KB) RBK00002967_M&E - Smoke Control Proposals - Rev A_0.pdf(1002.79 KB) RBK00002978_Email from Paul Hanson to Neil Crawford cc John Hoban_ Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road Regeneration Project Submission 2, attaching plans with comments_2.pdf(56.55 KB) RBK00002979_JAGS, Drawing entitled _ Fire Strategy_ for James Allen's Community Music Centre, 1309 (08) 101, Rev 05_0.pdf(5.47 MB) RBK00002980_JAGS, Drawing entitled _ Fire Access Plan_ for James Allen's Community Music Centre, 1309 (08) 100, Rev 06_0.pdf(4.22 MB) RBK00002981_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Hoban - B1Means of Escape of Observations, Submission 2_1.pdf(662.16 KB) RBK00002982_Email from David Hughes to Paul Hanson cc John Hoban and Steve Blake RE_ Confirmation of BC instruction to not fit smoke seals to new lift lobby doors at Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(51.77 KB) RBK00002993_Email correspondence between Jose Anon and John Hoban regarding site visit at Grenfell Tower..pdf(21.87 KB) RBK00003017_Grenfell Tower - Smoke exhaust LFB submission._0.pdf(80.78 KB) RBK00003018_Max Fordham, drawing entitled Core Services Smoke Ventilation Schematic, 4614 U(14)01_200 Rev T1.pdf(343.55 KB) RBK00003024_Email from Paul Hanson at RBKC to David Hughes at Rydon RE_ Linking Environmental AOV's to smoke extract system at Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(76.41 KB) RBK00003025_Studio E LLP, drawing entitled Proposed Floor Plans, 1279 RE110 Rev 05, Unannotated._0.pdf(48.92 KB) RBK00003037__RE_ 75019 - Grenfell Tower, London - Summary of Results__0.pdf(68.19 KB) RBK00003044_Memorandum from Dave Gammon to John Allen (RBKC Building Control) regarding ‘B1 - Means of Escape of Observations’, Submission No. Preliminary P1, Grenfell Tower._2.pdf(32.81 KB) RBK00003773_Email correspondence between Rydon, JS Wright and RBKC Building control RE_ Grenfell Tower Building Control Demo_1.pdf(115.57 KB) RBK00003775_Grenfell Tower Tech Sub Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 6_0.pdf(9.06 MB) RBK00003776_PSB, drawing entitled PSB Smoke Ventilation System Electrical Schematic, PSB E 75015 800 Rev E.pdf(479.57 KB) RBK00003778_Email from Rydon to RBKC Building Control re_ Grenfell Tower Cause & Effect Rev 04 & Grenfell Tower Tech Sub Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 6_1.pdf(11.76 KB) RBK00003779_RBKC document entitled ‘Fans and Damper Operation Grenfell Tower’..pdf(484.5 KB) RBK00003781_Correspondence from David Hughes (Rydon Site Manager) to Paul Hanson (RBKC Senior Building Control Surveyor (Fire Regulations)) regarding Grenfell Tower Building Control Demo._1.pdf(88.29 KB) RBK00003782_RBKC document, Grenfell Tower readings in environmental mode for ventilation system..pdf(11.52 KB) RBK00003785_PSB above ground smoke control commissioning undertaken..pdf(936.69 KB) RBK00003790_Internal RBKC email correspondence forwarding revisions to Grenfell Tower Fire Strategy Drawings._0.pdf(39.33 KB) RBK00003802_Emails between Neil Crawford (Studio E), John Hoban and Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control) re means of escape and fire fighting access observations for submission 1 on Grenfell To_1.pdf(72.12 KB) RBK00003806_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire strategy an_2.pdf(25.8 KB) RBK00003808_Correspondence from Hugh Mahoney to David Bradbury and Paul Hanson regarding Grenfell Tower AOV..pdf(90.08 KB) RBK00003838_Email from JS Wright to RBKC attaching AOV Technical Submission from PSB._1.pdf(29.52 KB)