Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RYD00092643_Asbestos Removal Certificates.pdf(14.9 MB) RYD00092644_Enhancements and improvements to Grenfell Tower - Pre Construction information for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation_1.pdf(9.97 MB) RYD00092645_Planning Application - Design and Access Statement embedded drawings of the site area in 70s, lower ground floor of Lancaster West (original drawing), Ground Floor (original drawin.pdf(12.23 MB) RYD00092646_Planning App - Engagement Statement.pdf(9.62 MB) RYD00092647_Drawing Register, Studio E.pdf(2.81 MB) RYD00092648_Drawing Register, Studio E (As Built Drawings).pdf(43.06 MB) RYD00092649_Drawing Register, Curtins Consulting.pdf(6.25 MB) RYD00092650_Schedule of As Fitted Drawings embedded JSW, drawings entitled Heating Schematic 9497_M_102 Rev AF; BCWS Schematic, 9497_M_104 Rev AF; Dry Riser Schematic, 9497_M_105 Rev AF; Above.pdf(11.09 MB) RYD00092651_JSW, drawings entitled Main LV Distribution Schematic Diagram, RJE_293_LVSCH Rev RD; Ground Floor Electrical Services Layout, RJ293_P+L_GRD Rev RD; Mezzanine Level Electrical Servi.pdf(3.57 MB) RYD00092652_Larkin Engineering, untitled drawings, 288 B1 Rev P1; 288 B2 Rev C1; 288 B3 Rev C1; 288 B4 Rev C1; drawings entitled 'GA' Elevation on Bracing, F3616 G [1] Rev P1; 'GA' Pergola Ste.pdf(158.62 KB) RYD00092653_Steelguard Drawings.pdf(447.55 KB) RYD00092654_Maxwood Washrooms Limited, drawing entitled Nursery Toilet & Baby Change Cubicles & Vanity Plan, PPJ-007324-001-01 Rev B; Nursery Toilet & Baby Change Cubicles & Vanity Elevations.pdf(986.96 KB) RYD00092655_Fortress, drawings entitled FC75 Commercial Roller Shutter, Item 1_CW4 East Rev 1; Item 2_CW5 North Rev 1; Item 3_CW6 North Rev 1; item 4_CW& West Rev 1; Item 5_CW8 West Rev 1; Ite.pdf(3.83 MB) RYD00092656_Studio E, drawings entitled Demolished Basement Plan, 1279904)120; Demolished Ground Plan, 1279(04)121; Demolished Mezzanine Plan, 1279(04)122; Demolished Walkway Plan, 1279(04)123.pdf(2.95 MB) RYD00092657_Harley - Operation and Maintenance Manual Revision A.pdf(93.48 MB) RYD00092658_Boxing Club - Flooring Cleaning and Maintenance.pdf(8.41 MB) RYD00092659_Maxwood Washrooms - Operation and Maintenance Manual.pdf(8.81 MB) RYD00092660_Firetherm Intustrap fire protection sheet.pdf(4 MB) RYD00092661_Charcon EcoPave® Textured paving brochure, Kompan Handover pack for Kensington Academy, Grenfell Tower Landscape Specification, ULMA Architectural Solutions brochure, Product Manu.pdf(29.62 MB) RYD00092663_Product Data Sheet for sika mono top.pdf(12.03 MB) RYD00092664_product specification for Ibstock bricks.pdf(586.29 KB) RYD00092665_Safety data sheet for arbosil.pdf(2.78 MB) RYD00092666_Gypliner universal - linings introduction product specification.pdf(19.71 MB) RYD00092667_Gyptone acoustic ceiling range product details.pdf(2.66 MB) RYD00092668_Crown trade timonox vinyl matt safety data sheet.pdf(50.68 MB) RYD00092669_list of products for (flooring and paint) different parts of Grenfell and product details.pdf(10.86 MB) RYD00092670_product details for fortress doors roller shutter doors.pdf(8.49 MB) RYD00092671_Finishing schedule for new build flats at Grenfell Tower.pdf(305 KB) RYD00092672_Door ironmongery schedule.pdf(634.72 KB) RYD00092673_Studio E Santitaryware shedule - Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project.pdf(769.59 KB) RYD00092674_Fortress Safety Environmental Fire Architecture sales order doc re_ warranties.pdf(717.79 KB) RYD00092675_Flat 2 British Gas Certificate.pdf(5.81 MB) RYD00092676_JS Wright _Pressure Test_ re Apartment C.pdf(3.58 MB) RYD00092677_Gas test certificate.pdf(804.79 KB) RYD00092678_boiler commissioning certificate.pdf(2.65 MB) RYD00092679_paperwork from boiler engineer visit to Grenfell.pdf(4.84 MB) RYD00092680_paperwork from boiler engineer visit to Grenfell.pdf(4.84 MB) RYD00092681_LA maintenance site reports from visit to Grenfell Tower.pdf(3.49 MB) RYD00092682_Certificate of Chemical Analysis.pdf(5.64 MB) RYD00092683_Grenfell tower dry riser pressure test certificate.pdf(306.5 KB) RYD00092684_Electrical Installation Cert Flat 2.pdf(26.41 MB) RYD00092685_Electrical certificates for minor works, including for flat 16.pdf(124.73 MB) RYD00092686_Fire alarm installation certificates for flats 1-10 Grenfell Tower.pdf(6.13 MB) RYD00092687_Commissioning & Acceptance Certificate access control equipment.pdf(44.1 KB) RYD00092688_Lightning protection certificate of compliance.pdf(917.79 KB) RYD00092689_Grenfell Tower Emergency Lighting Installation Test Log for initial testing of Entrance Lobby, Community Centre, Lift Lobbies, Boxing Club and Nursery on 16_05_16..pdf(3.02 MB) RYD00092690_Commissioning & Acceptance Certificate access control equipment.pdf(23.41 KB) RYD00092691_Applied Acoustic Design - Sound Installation Test report.pdf(6.6 MB) RYD00092692_GSI contract - services fire protection - Fire certificate for fire stopping around 2 service preparations passing through floors level 4 to 23.pdf(280.63 KB) RYD00093982_JSW GT manual - including all manufacturer technical data sheets, manuals, test sheets and drawings embedded drawings of the gas pipes and appliances (product manual), insulation s.pdf(586.45 MB)