Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip ART00005562_Email re partial possession_0.pdf(3.1 MB) ART00005636_Artelia- Certificate of Practical Completion- Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(9.41 MB) ART00005742_Letter attaching RICS Standard Form of Consultant's Appointment Contract between TMO and Appleyards_Artelia with Fee Proposal and Employers Agent Services attached (signed)_1.pdf(10.29 MB) ART00005913_Exhibit CL_45, Exhibit CL2_4 - Chweechen Lim (Artelia) - Attachment_ Budget Cost Estimate nr.3, Revision 1, prepared by AUK.pdf(2.41 MB) ART00006163_Exhibit SC_401 - Simon Cash (Artelia) -Attachment_ Silcock Dawson O&M Manual Report dd. 6 May 2016_0.pdf(876.44 KB) ART00006170_Exhibit SC_345 - Simon Cash (Artelia) - attachment_ CDM Report prepared by AUK_0.pdf(1.59 MB) ART00006174_Exhibit SC_389, Exhibit NR2_8 - Email from Claire Williams (TMO) to Neil Reed (AUK) regarding email exchanges between the TMO, AUK and Rydon dd. 25 September 2015 to 28 September 2_2.pdf(1.05 MB) ART00006175_Exhibit SC_54 - Simon Cash (Artelia) -Attachment_ Budget Cost Estimate Nr. 4 dd. October 2012_0.pdf(2.44 MB) ART00006185_Exhibit SC_395 - Simon Cash (Artelia) -Minutes of Progress Meeting between the TMO, Rydon, JRP and AUK held on 17 November 2015_0.pdf(5.19 MB) ART00006195_Exhibit SC_388, Exhibit NR2_7, Exhibit SC3_9 - Internal AUK email from Simon Cash to Paul Burrows, Neil Reed and Andrew Malcolm regarding email exchanges between AUK and the TMO dd_2.pdf(2.65 MB) ART00006231_Exhibit SC_377 - Simon Cash (Artelia) -Email from Paul Burrows (AUK) to the TMO regarding previous email exchange dd. 28 May 2015 – 18 June 2015 SC_378 [ ] 216, 217_0.pdf(6.09 MB) ART00006252_Exhibit SC_166 - Simon Cash (Artelia) - Email chain between British Gas, the TMO and AUK dd. 22 March 2013 to 21 May 2013_0.pdf(4.57 MB) ART00006257_Exhibit SC_391 - Simon Cash (Artelia) - internal AUK email chain discussing earlier email exchange between AUK, Rydon and the TMO dd. 7 October 2015_0.pdf(1.51 MB) ART00006286_Exhibit SC_379, Exhibit SC3_8 - Email exchange between AUK, the TMO and Rydon dd. 13 July 2015 to 20 July 2015_0.pdf(3.28 MB) ART00006293_Exhibit SC_358 - Simon Cash (Artelia) -Attachment_ AUK H&S File Proforma_0.pdf(7.38 MB) ART00006299_Exhibit SC_376, Exhibit SC3_19 - Email chain between AUK and the TMO dd. 23 March 2015 – 28 April 2015_0.pdf(1.16 MB) ART00006300_Exhibit SC_390, Exhibit NR2_11, Exhibit SC3_13 - Internal AUK email discussing earlier email exchange between AUK and Claire Williams (TMO) dd. 1 October 2015 to 2 October 2015_1.pdf(2.1 MB) ART00006311_Exhibit SC_321 - Simon Cash (Artelia) - Minutes of Progress Meeting No.8 between TMO, AUK and Rydon held on 20 January 2014, dd. 2 March 2015_0.pdf(2.34 MB) ART00006347_Exhibit SC_381 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Internal AUK email chain between Simon Cash, Neil Reed, Andrew Malcolm, Paul Burrows and Colin James dd. 10 September 2015 to 13 Septemb_0.pdf(1.88 MB) ART00006355_Exhibit SC_301 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Rydon Progress Report No. 2 dd. 15 August 2014_0.pdf(2.89 MB) ART00006359_Exhibit SC_386, Exhibit NR2_6, Exhibit SC3_6 - Email chain between Neil Reed and Paul Burrows (AUK) and Claire Williams (TMO) dd. 24 September 2015 to 25 September 2015_2.pdf(1.73 MB) ART00006387_Exhibit SC_304 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Rydon Progress Report No. 3, dd. 12 September 2014 28 Simon Cash Document Document Reference Paragraph Description of W_S_0.pdf(2.87 MB) ART00006395_Exhibit SC_346 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Pre-Construction Information prepared by AUK dd. 9 November 2013_0.pdf(12.44 MB) ART00006411_Exhibit SC_7 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf -Minutes of Design Team Meeting held on 24 May 2012_0.pdf(1.16 MB) ART00006439_Exhibit SC_35 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Minutes of Project Meeting 8 held on 6 September 2012_0.pdf(1.81 MB) ART00006446_Exhibit SC_13 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - AUK’s Budget CostEstimate Nr.1 dd. June 2012_0.pdf(1.31 MB) ART00006448_Exhibit SC_2 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Minutes of Design Team Meeting held on 19 April 2012_0.pdf(2.46 MB) ART00006466_Exhibit SC_28 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Minutes of Project Meeting 7 held on 9 August 2012_0.pdf(1.47 MB) ART00006482_Exhibit SC_393 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf -Rydon, Progress Report No. 16 dd. 12 September 2015 to 16 October 2015_0.pdf(4.98 MB) ART00006493_Exhibit SC_356 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf -HSE F10 Notification of Construction Project dd. 30 May 2014_0.pdf(580.3 KB) ART00006495_Exhibit SC_27 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Minutes of Project Meeting 5 [sic] held on 26 July 2012_0.pdf(1.81 MB) ART00006516_Exhibit SC_316 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf -Attachment_ Progress Meeting No.4 between the TMO, AUK and Rydon held on 21 October 2014, dd. 28 October 2014_0.pdf(2.09 MB) ART00006519_Exhibit SC_60 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf -Attachment_ Regeneration Project Indicative Programme dd. 16 October 2012_0.pdf(857.5 KB) ART00006529_Exhibit SC_380 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Attachment_ HSE F10 Notification of Construction Project dd. 23 March 2015_0.pdf(403.4 KB) ART00006539_Exhibit SC_26 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Attachment_ AUK’s Budget Cost Estimate No. 2_0.pdf(1.6 MB) ART00006547_Exhibit SC_344 - Simon Cash (Artelia).pdf - Attachment_ CDM Risk Register prepared by AUK_0.pdf(2.08 MB) ART00006596_Exhibit NR_137 - Neil Reed (Artelia) - Email from Neil Reed (AUK) to Claire Williams (TMO) cc Silcock Dawson, JRP and Max Fordham dd 25 April 2016.pdf(437.25 KB) ART00006644_Exhibit NR_129 - Neil Reed (Artelia) - Minutes of Handover Countdown Meeting 1 on 8 October 2015 as prepared by AUK_0.pdf(4.23 MB) ART00006672_Exhibit NR_134 - Neil Reed (Artelia) - Email chain between Rydon, the TMO, Silcock Dawson, JS Wright, R J Electrics and Max Fordham dd 30 January 2015 to 9 May 2016_0.pdf(10.04 MB) ART00006689_Exhibit NR_149 - Neil Reed (Artelia) - Certificate of Practical Completion for Grenfell Tower issued by AUK on 18 July 2016_0.pdf(23.94 MB) ART00006731_Exhibit NR2_4, Exhibit SC3_4 - Attachment_ minutes of Progress Meeting No. 15 attended by TMO, Rydon, JRP and AUK held on 15 September 2015 (dd. 18 September 2015)_1.pdf(7.47 MB) ART00007283_Silcock Dawson O&M Manual Report.pdf(925.41 KB) ART00008213_Grenfell Tower Fire Safety Strategy (issue 3) prepared by Exova.pdf(4.45 MB) ART00008270_Exhibit AD_34 - Attachment_ Ground Floor Layout prepared by AECOM.pdf(306.87 KB) ART00008462_Exhibit AD_29 - Attachment_ Typical Floor Layout prepared by AECOM.pdf(335.09 KB) ART00009283_Email correspondence between Keith Bushell and Nick Valente, regarding the CDM report for 13_02_15, health and safety file headings and stating that KCTMO will have to appoint a P.pdf(645.29 KB) ART00009286_Email chain between Keith Bushell and Chris Churchman about compiling the H&S File..pdf(791.4 KB) ART00009287_Email chain between Keith Bushell and Matt Smith about compiling the H&S File.pdf(487.52 KB) ART00009321_Exhibit NR2_2 - Internal AUK email chain dd. 13 July to 21 July 2015 forwarding email chain between TMO, AUK and Rydon dd. 20-21 July 2015_0.pdf(6.03 MB) ART00009330_Email correspondence between Neil Reed and Coin James, regarding a continued discussion about whether Rydon had been updating the health and safety file and if they could allow the.pdf(2.07 MB)