Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip TRI000000486_Correspondence_ tRIIO; Fire and Emergency Plan for gas riser build.pdf(83.65 KB) TRI000001218_Design Risk Register, including CDM Design Risk Assessment for gas riser.pdf(2 MB) TRI000001300_CDM Design Risk Register and Risk Assessment.pdf(892.15 KB) TRI000001769_tRIIO CDM Design Risk Register.pdf(312.22 KB) TRI000001774_tRIIO Construction Phase Plan for MOBS.pdf(18.16 MB) TRI000001784_HSE F10 Notification of Construction Project.pdf(81.73 KB) TRI000001793_tRIIO Position Statement dated 9 February 2018.pdf(162.56 KB) TRI000001796_tRIIO letter to the Inquiry.pdf(710.12 KB) BLARP20000015_Module 1 - Relevant CVs Dr Lane and assistants dated 23 October 2020.pdf(4.02 MB) EXO00001382_Exova Fee Proposal with fee acceptance for Grenfell Tower Project.pdf(9.07 MB) EXO00001575_Email from Artelia (Appleyards) to KCTMO, Max Fordham, Curtins, Taylor Young and Exova providing link to SEA Stage C report and discussing costings._0.pdf(829.45 KB) RBK00054198_Letter from Dan Daly (LFB Assistant Commissioner Fire Safety regulation) informing on the risk of external fire spread linked to flammable filler panels on tall buildings.pdf(78.78 KB) BLARP20000022_Module 2 Powerpoint Presentation of Dr Barbara Lane, with Tom Parker (final version) - an explanation of the relevant Reaction to Fire tests and Classification methods to restrict.pdf(81.69 MB)