Date: 27 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RBK00013226_Email from John Hoban to Neil Crawford re Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road Regeneration Project MOE Obs Submission 1 Revised 2.pdf(101.15 KB) RBK00014255_Image of completion certificate for Grenfell Tower by Rydons Maintenance Ltd.pdf(266.97 KB) RBK00014263_Building Regulations statement.docx.pdf(14.67 KB) RBK00018794_RBKC Position Statement dated 9 February 2018.pdf(2.12 MB) RBK00018811_RBKC Position Statement Supporting Document - Document 17_0.pdf(394.75 KB) RBK00023058_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed Floor Plans, 1279RE110 Rev 05, annotated.pdf(1.04 MB) RBK00026859_Grenfell Tower Inquiry- RBKC Building Control Chronology.pdf(4.65 MB) RBK00027290_Email from B Sounes (Studio E) to J Allen and P Hanson (RBKC Building Control) cc Exova and Max Fordham, re Grenfell Tower fire strategy.pdf(369.33 KB) RBK00027302_Email from John Hoban, RBKC to Bruce Sounes, Studio E regarding Grenfell tower fire strategy.pdf(3.82 MB) RBK00027308_Grenfell tower building planning application.pdf(240.75 KB) RBK00027326_LDSA_LFEPA LFB joint consultation amd MOE observations.pdf(3.53 MB) RBK00027391_RBKC Building Control email to Studio E regarding Fire Access Drawing and in particular the Ground Floor Store Room in the Grenfell Tower.pdf(354.41 KB) RBK00027392_PSB Technical Submission for Lobby Smoke Control Systems at Grenfell Tower, Rev 3, re final smoke control system®.pdf(11.42 MB) RBK00027396_Correspondence between PSB and JS Wright and RBKC Building Control regarding the amended Smoke Ventilation System technical submission - Rev3.pdf(885.84 KB) RBK00027407_Correspondence within RBKC regarding a site visit at the Grenfell Tower.pdf(78.89 KB) RBK00027408_Internal email of RBKC regarding a site visit at Grenfell Tower_Grenfell Tower checking framework for cladding.pdf(56.74 KB) RBK00027411_Document containing a list of site visits by RBKC, including visit to the Grenfell Tower regarding application FP_04_00796.pdf(4.82 MB) RBK00027418_Letter from RBKC - Building Control to KCTMO regarding the records of the site notes for application FP_14_03563 about works at the Grenfell Tower.pdf(158.92 KB) RBK00027424_Exhibit GS_1 - Letter acknowledging receipt of application FP_14_03563.pdf(28.25 KB) RBK00027560_Exhibit GS_2 - Letter from RBKC Building Control to LFEP A.pdf(317.87 KB) RBK00028391_Paper on Key Strategic Issues Related to Building Control.pdf(115.63 KB) RBK00029082_Exhibit JA_1 - Site note of 17.04.2015.pdf(14.27 KB) RBK00029088_RE_ Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project - Ground floor store room Email chain concerning the smoke vent system and fire barriers with relevant plans attached.pdf(55.19 KB) RBK00029897_Witness Statement of Jose Anon (RBKC).pdf(7.25 MB) RBK00030894_Building Control Enterprise Manual.docx.pdf(62.5 KB) RBK00031215_Internal RBKC email discussion concerning the fire resistance of cladding.pdf(18.67 KB) RBK00033179_Copy of Training Records for RBKC personnel..pdf(36.81 MB) RBK00033894_2018.11.21 Witness Statement of Paul Derek Hanson (RBKC).pdf(49.04 MB) RBK00033895_Exhibit PDH_6 - Submission _ (S1) 10_11_2014_0.pdf(1.94 MB) RBK00033896_Exhibit PDH_11 - First Fire Authority consultation request 11_11_2014.pdf(2.73 MB) RBK00033897_Exhibit PDH_12 - Second Fire Authority consultation request.pdf(28.5 MB) RBK00033901_Exhibit PDH_5 - Preliminary application 2 (P2) 6_12_2013.pdf(2.54 MB) RBK00033902_Exhibit PDH_9 - Existing Dry riser - email chain regarding control under Building regulations.pdf(1.13 MB) RBK00033904_Exhibit PDH_4 - Preliminary application 1 (P1).pdf(991.28 KB) RBK00033910_2018.11.23 Witness Statement of Graham Stallwood (RBKC).pdf(2.87 MB) RBK00033930_2018.11.25 John Allen Witness Statement & Exhibits JA1-JA4_1.pdf(2.92 MB) RBK00033934_2018.11.30 Witness Statement of John Edward Hoban (RBKC)_1.pdf(5.23 MB) RBK00033936_Exhibit JEH_1 - email chain 03.03.15 – 11.03.15_0.pdf(1.39 MB) RBK00033982_160719 Building Control Service Plan 2016 2017.docx.pdf(1001.97 KB) RBK00044876_Acolaid screenshot of RBKC building control file for Grenfell Tower refurbishment - FP 14 03563.pdf(15.48 MB) RBK00044889_John Hoban Outlook entry for Building Control completion walkaround.pdf(7.96 KB) RBK00044890_John Hoban Outlook entry for Building Control completion walk around.pdf(153.52 KB) RBK00044893_John Hoban Outlook entry for Grenfell Tower - Cladding inspection and meeting with new project manager.pdf(7.94 KB) RBK00044894_John Hoban Outlook entry - Grenfell Tower.pdf(7.63 KB) RBK00048619_Paul Hanson, Performance Targets 2012-13.pdf(29.39 KB) RBK00048623_LABC Consult Fire Risk Assessment Personal Development Planner (PDP) Paul Hanson.pdf(154.2 KB) RBK00048628_Email from John Jackson at RBKC to PC-BC RBKC regarding new completion certificates under the new BCPIN 49.pdf(32.39 KB) RBK00048629_Building Control Policy Information Note No 49 (BCPIN 49), regarding Completion Certificates 2013, includes Regulation 38 fire safety information.pdf(1.14 MB) RBK00048649_Emails between StudioE, MF, RBKC regarding the proposed fire strategy_0.pdf(164 KB) RBK00048693_Emails between StudioE and RBKC regarding fire strategy plans and the Building Regulations 2010_0.pdf(50.69 KB)