Date: 27 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip SEA00014148__Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road, London W11 1TH - Fire Authority Consultation__0.pdf(281.73 KB) SEA00014149_Letter from LFB to RBKC Building Control Entitled _Record of Consultation_Advice Given_ regarding REGULATORY REFORM (FIRE SAFETY) ORDER 2005 ARTICLE 45 THE BUILDING (APPROVED INSP_0.pdf(459.51 KB) SEA00014150_Email attaching Fire Authority Consultation.pdf(325.86 KB) SEA00014273_2018.11.09 Witness Statement of Bruce Alexander Sounes (Studio E)_1.pdf(2.83 MB) SIL00000024_Email Chris Mort (Siderise) to Ben Bailey attaching reviewed documents, authored by Harley.pdf(5.63 MB) SIL00000227_Siderise marketing material 'Cavity barriers for rain screen cladding'_0.pdf(5.02 MB) SIL00000229_Siderise marketing material_ 'RH and RV cavity barriers for use in the external envelope or fabric of buildings' (version 1.5)_0.pdf(5.5 MB) TMO00000890_2019.02.07 Witness Statement of Janice Wray (TMO).pdf(3.74 MB) TMO00831200_Rydon Minutes of Meeting with RBKC Building Control at Grenfell Tower re fire safety.pdf(1.42 MB) TMO00837466_TMO Position Statement dated 9 February 2018.pdf(364.75 KB) TMO00840364_2019.02.15 Witness Statement of Claire Williams_0.pdf(6.28 MB) TMO10004759_memo Allen to Hanson 6.12.13 re AOV.pdf(51.8 KB) TMO10004763_Studio E. drawing entitled Fire Access Plan, 1279(08)100 Rev 00.pdf(409.11 KB) TMO10004968_Studio E, drawing entitled Fire Access Plan, 1279(08)100 Rev 00.pdf(557.82 KB) TMO10014007_Building Control Completion Certificate - Grenfell Tower.docx.pdf(387.9 KB) TMO10016306_RE_ National Grid works - advice please.pdf(986.57 KB) TMO10016428_Email chain between Janice Wray (TMO) and John Allen (RBKC Building Control) RE_ National Grid works.pdf(72.45 KB) TMO10016546_Emails between John Allen (RBKC Building Control) and Janice Wray (TMO) re advice concerning National Grid works at Grenfell Tower.pdf(75.52 KB) TMO10016548_Emails between Janice Wray (TMO) and John Allen (RBKC Building Control) re advice concerning National Grid works at Grenfell Tower.pdf(86.93 KB) TMO10045172_Email from Carl Stokes to TMO regarding Minutes from meeting with Building Control - 7th Jan 2016.pdf(67.42 KB) TMO10045448_RE_ Linking Environmental AOV's to smoke extract system @ Grenfell Tower.pdf(102.62 KB) TMO10045455_Grenfell Tower - Letter of Comfort from Building Control.pdf(821.42 KB) TMO10047624_Email from D Hughes (Rydon) to J White (JRP), T Barry (Silcock Dawson) and others forwarding email from J Allen (RBKC Building Control) re items noted during building control site.pdf(33.55 KB) TMO10047784_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Allen - _MOE Obs Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road Preliminary P2.doc_.pdf(51.63 KB) TMO10048973_Witness Statement of Janice Wray (Aftermath).pdf(433.54 KB) RBK00059036_Letter from DCLG regarding the Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010 (SI 2010_404).pdf(2.42 MB) INQ00013959_Building Control Performance Standards published by DCLG (June 2006).pdf(839.47 KB) LFB00118998_2020.07.24 Second Witness Statement of Lynsey Seal.pdf(2.97 MB)