Date: 2 November 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Paul Hyett> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip SEA00000123_Studio E drawing entitled _Fire Access Plan_. Planning. 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00..pdf(1.71 MB) SEA00000157_Email to RBKC attaching updated fire access plan_0.pdf(110.04 KB) SEA00000158_Studio E drawing entitled _Fire Access Plan_, Employer's Requirements, 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00..pdf(1.7 MB) SEA00000175_Grenfel Tower - Building Control Fees Email BS_0.pdf(190.85 KB) SEA00000194_Email from Crawford to Hoban attaching drawings for GT project, including RBKC mark ups of fire strategy.pdf(678.9 KB) SEA00000202_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed South Elevation, 1279 (05) 100 Rev 1.pdf(659.19 KB) SEA00000203_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed North Elevation, 1279 (05) 101 Rev 00.pdf(433.29 KB) SEA00000207_Studio E drawing entitled _Section B_, Employer's Requirements. 1279 (06) 101 Rev 00..pdf(301.53 KB) SEA00000215_Email from Crawford to Hoban attaching drawings for GT project, including RBKC mark ups of fire strategy_1.pdf(783.11 KB) SEA00000223_Email from Crawford to Hoban attaching drawings for GT project, including RBKC mark ups of fire strategy, observations from Building Control in response including ventilated lobbie_0.pdf(2.35 MB) SEA00000228_Studio E drawing entitled _Proposed North Elevation_, Planning. 1279 PL 325 Issue 01, Rev 01..pdf(1.98 MB) SEA00000230_Reduced Window Opening Study.pdf(537.8 KB) SEA00000244_Email from Crawford to Building control attaching fire strategy drawings, queries re fire rating_0.pdf(359.87 KB) SEA00000252_Correspondence between Studio E, Harley, Rydon and RBKC attaching drawings showing horizontal and vertical fire breaks, discussing fire rating within the wall build up between apar_0.pdf(506.91 KB) SEA00000253_Harley drawing entitled _Elevations_. Approved for Construction. C1059-202 Rev C..pdf(80.25 KB) SEA00000256_Harley drawing entitled _Specification_. Issued for Approval. C1059-100 Rev A..pdf(71.84 KB) SEA00000258_Harley drawing entitled _Sections_. Issued for Approval. C1059-305 Rev C..pdf(92.95 KB) SEA00001647_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed Elevations, 1279 RE300 Rev 01..pdf(699.22 KB) SEA00001693_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed Floor Plans, 1279 RE110 Rev 05..pdf(747.94 KB) SEA00002497_Studio E, drawing entitled Fire Access Plan, Employer's Requirements, 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00._1.pdf(725.52 KB) SEA00002499_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed Typical Bay Plans, Section & Elevation, Employer's Requirements, 1279 (06) 110 Rev 00._1.pdf(5.81 MB) SEA00002551_1279 SEA (06) 120 - Detail Sections 1_0.pdf(3.2 MB) SEA00002556_Studio E, drawing entitled Section E, 1279 (06) 103 Rev 00, Employer's Requirements._0.pdf(354.92 KB) SEA00002557_Studio E, drawing entitled Section F, 1279 (06) 104 Rev 00_0.pdf(315.52 KB) SEA00002713_3A Composites brochure regarding Alucobond Product information - Facade Fascination.pdf(18.39 MB) SEA00003040_Harley, C1059-200, Rev E. C1059-201, Rev B. C1059-202, Rev B. C1059-203, Rev B. C1059-300, Rev E. C1059-301, Rev D. C1059-302, Rev D. C1059-303, Rev B. C1059-307, Rev B. C1059-308,_0.pdf(4.58 MB) SEA00003240_Harley. C1059-216. C1059-217. C1059-218. C1059-322. C1059-333. C1059-334. C1059-335. C1059-336. C1059-337. Annotated..pdf(5.28 MB) SEA00003419_Studio E, drawing entitled Flat Type 3 - Mezz 1 Bed, (04) 202, Rev A.pdf(2.23 MB) SEA00003434_Studio E, drawing entitled Entrance Lobby Light Set out, (70) 100, Rev 01.pdf(380.06 KB) SEA00003436_Studio E, drawing entitled, Detail Section Sheet 1, 1279 (06) 120_0.pdf(3.02 MB) SEA00003457_Studio E, drawing entitled Flat Type 3 Mezzanine 1 Bed, 1279 (04) 202, Rev 04.pdf(2.98 MB) SEA00004561_Email attaching Studio E appointment and fee documents_0.pdf(281.77 KB) SEA00004571_RIBA Standard Conditions of Appointment for a Consultant 2010 (specimen)_0.pdf(981.05 KB) SEA00006429_Studio E, Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project Stage C Report regarding the architectural aspects of the Grenfell Tower regeneration project embedding drawings of the building, floo_0.pdf(66.7 MB) SEA00008054_Studio E Document Entitled _Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project Stage D Report August 2013_, embedding drawings of Walking Routes, Lancaster West, Design Approach Podium, Proposed_0.pdf(40.31 MB) SEA00009822_Studio E Document Entitled _Standard Conditions of Appointment for an Architect Amendment 1 - 1 October 2011_ amending contract between TMO and Studio E_0.pdf(130 KB) SEA00009823_Document Entitled _Project Data 2010_ forming part of the contract between TMO and Studio E_0.pdf(1.09 MB) SEA00009824_Document Entitled _Services 2010_ forming part of the contract between TMO and Studio E_0.pdf(914.55 KB) SEA00009826_Document Entitled _Appendix_D-Project_Brief.docx_ forming part of contract between Studio E and TMO_0.pdf(360.79 KB) SEA00010008_Studio E Document Entitled _Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project NBS Specification_.pdf(119.54 MB) SEA00010240_Email Chain Between Sounes, Allen, Hanson, Ashton, Campbell, Hoban, Smith, Studio E, Williams, Booth regarding fire strategy, building regulations, smoke extract system, fire curta_0.pdf(3.22 MB) SEA00010242_Studio E drawing entitled _Fire Access Plan_. Employer's Requirements. 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00. Annotated _RBKC MOE-P1_.pdf(2.36 MB) SEA00010243_Studio E drawing entitled _Fire Access Plan_. Employer's Requirements. 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00. Annotated _RBKC MOE-P1_.pdf(1.91 MB) SEA00010474_1279 SEA (04) 105 - Proposed Residental Plan (W+2).pdf(256.74 KB) SEA00010478_Studio E, drawing entitled Section B, 1279 (06) 101 Rev 00.pdf(240.97 KB) SEA00010481_Studio E, drawing entitled Section G, 1279 (06) 105 Rev 00.pdf(313.93 KB) SEA00011475_Correspondence between Studio E, IBI Group and RBKC regarding cladding materials to be used in relation to Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(1.62 MB) SEA00011707_Email Chain Between Crawford, Lawrence attaching building control observations relating to doors, fire rating, venting, fire access plans_0.pdf(441.15 KB) SEA00011708_Studio E drawing entitled _Fire Access Plan_ Employer's Requirements, 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00. Annotated RBKC MOE-P1..pdf(2.36 MB) SEA00011709_Studio E drawing entitled _Fire Access Plan_, Employer's Requirements, 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00. Annotated, RBKC MOE-P1..pdf(1.91 MB)