Date: 2 November 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Paul Hyett> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip PHYR0000024_Cover Sheet and Amendment Note (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(34.98 KB) PHYR0000025_Executive Summary, Table of Contents, and List of Characters, Organisations, and Acronyms (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(579.97 KB) PHYR0000026_Section 1_ Preamble and Background Information (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(459.52 KB) PHYR0000027_Section 2_ Introduction (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(4.77 MB) PHYR0000028_Section 3_ Indicative Approach to Preparing an Over-cladding Scheme Compliant with Building Regulations and Approved Documents B and L (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(21.09 MB) PHYR0000029_Section 4_ Failures of Statutory Compliance (Paul Hyett's Amended Report)_0.pdf(50.09 MB) PHYR0000030_Section 5_ Failures of Statutory Process (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(22.75 MB) PHYR0000031_Section 6_ Failures in Quality Control (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(8.47 MB) PHYR0000032_Appendix 1_ Letter of Instruction (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(2.89 MB) PHYR0000033_Appendix 2_ RIBA Plan of Work (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(360.9 KB) PHYR0000034_Appendix 3_ CWCT and BCA Technical Notes (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(3.25 MB) PHYR0000035_Appendix 4_ Full CVs for Author and Selected Team Members (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(173.42 KB) PHYR0000036_Appendix 5_ About HKS (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(149.65 KB) PHYS0000001_Cover and Contents Page for Paul Hyett's Supplemental Report.pdf(453.1 KB) PHYS0000002_Part 1 of Paul Hyett's Supplemental Report.pdf(4.68 MB) PHYS0000003_Part 2 of Paul Hyett's Supplemental Report.pdf(4.67 MB) PHYS0000004_Part 3 of Paul Hyett's Supplemental Report.pdf(12.56 MB) PHYS0000005_Part 4 of Paul Hyett's Supplemental Report.pdf(578.45 KB) ART00006240_Exhibit SC_225 - Simon Cash (Artelia) -Attachment_ Grenfell Tower Procurement Process Map_0.pdf(595.4 KB) ART00006734_Artelia minutes of Pre-Start Meeting and Review of Contract Costs, held on13 June 2014.pdf(3.04 MB) BBA00000044_Certificate 14_5133 Product Sheet 5 for Kingspan Therma Structural Applications relating to Kingspan Thermapitch TP10.pdf(5.23 MB) BBA00000047_Certificate 08_4510 Product Sheet 1 for Alcoa Architectural Products relating to Reynobond Architecture Wall Cladding Panels (ACM)_0.pdf(5.4 MB) BLAS0000003_Section 3 Barbara Lane Supplemental Phase 1 Report.pdf(22.34 MB) BLAS0000009_Section 9 Barbara Lane Supplemental Phase 1 Report_0.pdf(18.09 MB) BLAS0000010_Section 10 Barbara Lane Supplemental Phase 1 Report_0.pdf(26.59 MB) BLAS0000011_Section 11 Barbara Lane Supplemental Phase 1 Report_0.pdf(43.33 MB) CEL00000013_Celotex RS5000 guide_1.pdf(6.26 MB) CEL00000716_Internal Celotex Email regarding the Testing of Celotex Above 18m Insulation Boards_1.pdf(44.9 KB) CEL00001240_Celotex RS5000 Product Datasheet.pdf(1.16 MB) EXO00000427_Email Studio E to RBKC cc Exova, Max Fordham re building control fire strategy.pdf(422.69 KB) EXO00000428_Drawing of Studio E - Fire Strategy Attached to Studio E Fire Strategy sent to building control.pdf(4.52 MB) EXO00000586_Email chain between Exova and Studio E re cavity barriers fire resistance_0.pdf(1.65 MB) EXO00000708_Email Exova to Studio E re insulation and cavity fire barriers_0.pdf(1.14 MB) EXO00000714_Email between Exova and Studio E re insulation and cavity barriers.pdf(1.78 MB) EXO00000715_T Ashton to N Crawford email re Fire Stopping Fire Strategy cavity barrier_0.pdf(2.34 MB) EXO00001106_Exova Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy dated 07_11_2013_1.pdf(4.32 MB) EXO00001294_Email N Crawford (Studio E) to T Ashton (Exova) re Building Control interpretation of regulations for cladding fire resistance.pdf(2.26 MB) EXO00001315_Email from N Crawford (Studio E), T Ashton (Exova) re cladding, forwarding email from K Lamb (Harley) to S Lawrence (Rydon) cc others re fire breaks, attaching drawings _ plans_1.pdf(568.73 KB) EXO00001347_Email T Pearson to T Ashton re External Cladding Fire Risk_1.pdf(17.09 KB) EXO00001371_Minutes of meeting between RBKC Building Control, Studio E and Exova re Fire Strategy_0.pdf(1.35 MB) EXO00001433_Email - R Kay (Siderise) to J Hoban (RBKC), B Bailey (Harley) cc various - request for Siderise cladding technical data_0.pdf(2.1 MB) EXO00001434_Email chain between Studio E and Exova re cladding and fire stopping.pdf(2.43 MB) EXO00001575_Email from Artelia (Appleyards) to KCTMO, Max Fordham, Curtins, Taylor Young and Exova providing link to SEA Stage C report and discussing costings..pdf(829.45 KB) HAR00003952_Harley drawing entitled _Elevations_. Approval for Construction. C1059-202 Rev C..pdf(71.82 KB) HAR00003953_Harley drawing entitled _Elevations_. Approved for Construction. C1059-201 Rev D._0.pdf(56.94 KB) HAR00003955_Harley, drawing entitled specification notes, C1059-100 Rev A_0.pdf(19.81 KB) HAR00003958_Harley drawing entitled Window Head Upper Levels Sections, C1059-301, Rev E.pdf(37.33 KB) HAR00004014_Email from Neil Crawford to Kevin Lamb and Simon Lawrence regarding grenfell fire breaks time specification.pdf(450.49 KB) HAR00004309_Harley, drawing entitled Specification, C1059-100 Rev D.pdf(51.36 KB)