Date: 2 November 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Paul Hyett> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip SEA00011730_Correspondence between Rydon, Studio E, Exova and Harley regarding fire breaks_cavity barriers within the cladding areas at Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(1.59 MB) SEA00012963_Correspondence between RBKC, Studio E and Harley attaching drawings showing fire breaks on party walls and fire rating for walls between apartments_0.pdf(1.01 MB) SEA00013508_1279-A11-Technical Review STAGE E-F.docx_1.pdf(2.08 MB) SEA00013511_Email Chain Between Hughes, Crawford, McDonagh, Bailey, Peacock, Blake North attaching latest drawing issue sheets.pdf(519.67 KB) SEA00013512_Studio E Drawing Register and Issue Advice up to 06_07_15_1.pdf(3.44 MB) SEA00014273_2018.11.09 Witness Statement of Bruce Alexander Sounes (Studio E)_0.pdf(2.83 MB) SEA00014275_2018.11.09 Witness Statement of Neil Stuart Crawford (Studio E)_0.pdf(1.23 MB) ART00000026_Grenfell Tower Project – Fire Safety Engineering Services Fee proposal_0.pdf(9.02 MB) ART00000483_Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project Risk Register.XLSX(105.47 KB) ART00001219_Artelia document entitled _Grenfell Tower Refurbishment – (Draft) Revised Brief at June 2013_ regarding revised project brief_0.pdf(7.16 MB) ART00005742_Letter attaching RICS Standard Form of Consultant's Appointment Contract between TMO and Appleyards_Artelia with Fee Proposal and Employers Agent Services attached (signed)_0.pdf(10.29 MB) ART00006259_Exhibit SC_29 - Simon Cash (Artelia) -Email chain between Mark Anderson (TMO) and Alun Dawson (AUK) cc The TMO dd. 21 August 2012_0.pdf(664.12 KB) CEL00003364_BR 135 Third Edition - Fire performance of external thermal insulation for walls of multistory buildings._0.pdf(3.41 MB) CWCT0000019_CWCT Technical Note 73 - Fire Performance of curtain walls and rainscreens (Final)_0.pdf(1.33 MB) CWCT0000046_Standard for systemised building envelopes - Part 6_ Fire Performance_0.pdf(7.93 MB) EXO00000430_Exova Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy dated 24_10_2012 Attached to Studio E Fire Strategy sent to building control_0.pdf(4.12 MB) EXO00000519_Exova Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy dated 31_10_2011_0.pdf(3.81 MB) HAR00005406_Email from Mark Harris to Mark Harris regarding materials_0.pdf(64.3 KB) RYD00014215_Grenfell Tower Project Draft Schedule of Services_0.pdf(2.87 MB) RYD00018299_Draft Minutes of Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting No 3 held on 16 September 2014 regarding progress of works at Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(455.45 KB) RYD00064706_Email between Bruce Sounes (SE) and Simon Lawrence (RYD) attaching draft of schedule of services and corresponding response to same_0.pdf(414.59 KB) RYD00094244_Exhibit NMY15 - RML Tender Submission dated February 2014 or RML Tender Submission on the Enhancements and Improvements to Grenfell Tower for KCTMO, dated February 2014.pdf(40.97 MB) SEA00004568_Studio E Architects Limited entitled Appendix D Project Brief regarding Grenfell Tower upgrade.pdf(573.63 KB) SEA00009821_1279-B2-002_0.pdf(486.96 KB) SEA00011724_Correspondence between Rydon, Studio E, Exova and Harley regarding fire breaks_cavity barriers within the cladding areas at Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(1.07 MB) INQ00013943_RIBA Architects Job Book 8th Edition_Extracts.pdf(23.13 MB) INQ00013967_Law in Practice_ The RIBA Legal Handbook (2nd Ed) by John Wevill_Extracts.pdf(995.41 KB) FBU00000130_Exhibit MW 99 - Cantley, Report of the Summerland Fire Commission Inquiry into Fire at Summerland Leisure Centre, Douglas - (Matt Wrack - FBU).pdf(76.85 MB) INQ00014113_ARB Criteria at Parts 1, 2 and 3 - Prescription of qualifications.pdf(3.28 MB) PHY0000007_201015_GTI _Model Reference[4].pdf(284.36 KB) CEL00001284_BCA Guidance Note 18 -Use of combustible cladding materials on residential buildings - 0 - Jun 14.pdf(1.07 MB) MET00019915_CS5 (Part 1) - Claude Schmidt Exhibit - Reynobond step by step fabrication guideline.pdf(11.56 MB) BLAS0000026_Appendix E Barbara Lane Supplemental Report.pdf(24.24 MB) CEL00000006_Email Celotex to Harley re 'Grenfell Tower, Hammersmith - RS5000 Data_.pdf(510.06 KB) CEL00000416_Rainscreen Cladding RS5000 Compliance Guide building above 18 meters February 2015_0.pdf(1.58 MB) PHY0000001_Briefing to Pipers Modelmakers - Hyett model.pdf(2.88 MB) PHY0000002_Design Detail 2_ Typical Window Sill (Through Glazed Section) - Hyett model.pdf(1.24 MB) PHY0000003_Design Detail 3_ Typical Window Head (Through Infill Panel) - Hyett model.pdf(1.34 MB) PHY0000004_Design Detail 5_ Column Apex _ Nosing at Horizontal Cavity Barrier - Hyett model.pdf(1.4 MB) PHY0000005_Design Detail 4_ Typical Window Sill (Through Infill Panel) - Hyett model.pdf(2.6 MB) PHY0000006_Design Detail 1_ Typical Window Head (Through Glazed Section) - Hyett model.pdf(2.62 MB) PHYR0000037_Errata Sheet (Paul Hyett's Amended Report).pdf(1.36 MB)