Date: 2 November 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Paul Hyett> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip HAR00006585_Email Between Ricky Kay, Ben Bailey, Kevin Lamb, Mark Stapley, Sue Sheppard, Simon Lawrence, Simon O'Connor, Ray Bailey, Daniel Anketell-Jones dated 26.03.15 - 27.03.15 regarding f_0.pdf(1.28 MB) HAR00006599_Harley Plan Entitled _Sections_ dated 27.03.15 - C1059-325 RevC_0.pdf(498.27 KB) HAR00008469_Harley Plan Entitled “Sections_, C1059-300 Rev E_0.pdf(50.23 KB) HAR00008470_Harley, drawing entitled “Sections_, C1059-301 Rev D_1.pdf(46 KB) HAR00008471_Harley Plan Entitled “Sections_, C1059-302 Rev D_0.pdf(61.5 KB) HAR00008581_Harley Plan Entitled _Elevations_ - C1059-201 RevD_1.pdf(3.9 MB) HAR00008880_Harley Plan Entitled _Sections__0.pdf(40.01 KB) HAR00008886_Harley Plan Entitled _Elevations_, C1059-201 Rev D_1.pdf(3.63 MB) HAR00008902_Harley Plan Entitled _Sections__1.pdf(64.51 KB) HAR00008903_Harley Plan Entitled _Sections_ - C1059-305 Rev D_0.pdf(33.29 KB) HAR00008910_Harley, drawing entitled _Elevations_, C1059-216 Rev -_0.pdf(59.28 KB) HAR00009729_Harley, drawing entitled _Elevations_ C1059-202 Rev C with firebreaks added_0.pdf(37.06 KB) HAR00009737_Harley, drawing entitled Sections, C1059-305 Rev C_0.pdf(38.51 KB) HAR00010149_2018.11.08 Witness Statement of Daniel Anketell-Jones (Harley Facades)_1.pdf(8.9 MB) HAR00010404_Exhibit RB_10B_ (5 1279 PL400 00.pdf) - Ray Bailey (Harley)_1.pdf(412.34 KB) HAR00017738_Email from Harley to Rydon cc. Studio E attaching drawings relevant to _fire breaks_._0.pdf(382.9 KB) HAR00017742_Harley drawing entitled _Specification_. Issued for Approval. C1059-100 Rev A._0.pdf(37.4 KB) HAR00020026_Email chain between Harley and Siderise concerning Harley’s request for advice about the placement of vertical fire barriers with a plan of the mezzanine floor attached_0.pdf(1.08 MB) MAX00001683_Max Fordham - Grenfell Tower Refurbishment M&E Stage C Report (Rev B)_0.pdf(24.38 MB) MAX00003118_Emailing attaching a Grenfell Tower Planning and Building Regulations Requirements spreadsheet on section L of the regulations, containing proposed refurbishment by level, and work.pdf(366.31 KB) RBK00002974_Email from John Hoban to Neil Crawford cc Paul Hanson_ Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road Regeneration Project Submission 1 Revised 2, attaching plans.pdf(166.11 KB) RBK00002985_Exhibit PDH_10 - Pre-application meeting with design team 17_8_2013 and response to information on the mechanical ventilation system from Max Fordham 11_11_2013_0.pdf(86.11 KB) RBK00003044_Memorandum from Dave Gammon to John Allen (RBKC Building Control) regarding ‘B1 - Means of Escape of Observations’, Submission No. Preliminary P1, Grenfell Tower..pdf(33.75 KB) RBK00003867_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Allen - B1 Means of Escape of Observations, Submission Preliminary(P2) Grenfell Tower..pdf(44.49 KB) RBK00010772_Edward Dijon (RBKC TMO) emails Janice Wray with minutes of a meeting with building control and a document pertaining to a mezzanine floor combined service..pdf(36.42 KB) RBK00013223_Document detailing information on completion of regeneration project..pdf(224.91 KB) RBK00013253_Completion Certificate- Grenfell Tower.pdf(30.27 KB) RBK00019606_RE_ Fire safety deficiency notice before fire attached.pdf(42.36 KB) RBK00020182_Email from Martin Fitzpatrick to Hugh Donohoe FW_ Grenfell building regs approval.pdf(54.96 KB) RBK00020191_2016-01-08 Meeting Mintues with Building Control.doc.pdf(1.41 MB) RBK00033930_2018.11.25 John Allen Witness Statement & Exhibits JA1-JA4_0.pdf(2.92 MB) RBK00033934_2018.11.30 Witness Statement of John Edward Hoban (RBKC)_0.pdf(5.23 MB) RBK00050416_2019.07.09 Witness statement of John Edward Hoban_0.pdf(8.23 MB) RYD00000345_Harley drawing entitled Sections C Wall, C1059-351.pdf(20.52 KB) RYD00000435_Studio E document_ As Built Register and Issue Advice dated 23 March 2016 with plans annexed (including fire access and fire strategy plans)_0.pdf(248.21 MB) RYD00012259_Grenfell Tower Progress Report No 1 regarding the Progress of works including Demolition, Canopy removal, Cladding Mock-up, Health and Safety, Planning matters and design status.pdf(1.67 MB) RYD00014378_Email regarding Studio E Full Plans Application - Grenfell Tower_1.pdf(239.89 KB) RYD00014379_Studio E, Full Plans Application, submission to RBKC_1.pdf(1.24 MB) RYD00016989_Email from Simon Lawrence to John Hoban Re_ Engagement with Building Control_0.pdf(444.47 KB) RYD00017869_Rydon Progress Report No 3 - 3482 regarding progress_updates on Grenfell Tower refurbishment works showing percentage of completion.pdf(2.46 MB) RYD00018043_Correspondence between Rydon, Studio E and Harley regarding cavity barriers at Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(316.87 KB) RYD00018761_Studio E 'employer's requirements' plan entitled 'Fire Strategy' (issue 1) dated 24 October 2013- building control application. 1279 (08) 101.pdf(571.96 KB) RYD00023253_Studio E, drawing entitled Fire Strategy, 1279 (08) 101, Rev 02.pdf(761.27 KB) RYD00037836_Email from John Hoban to Neil Crawford regarding Fire Stopping_0.pdf(3.01 MB) RYD00046822_Harley drawing entitled _Specification_ C1059100 Rev D, _Elevations_ C1059207 Rev C, _Elevation_ C1059212 Rev C, _Sections_ C1059320, _Sections_ C1059321, _Sections_ C1059322, _Sec_1.pdf(15.38 MB) RYD00056956_Site Progress Report October 2015._0.pdf(454.88 KB) RYD00094228_Studio E deed of appointment dated 3 February 2016_0.pdf(5.4 MB) SEA00000121_Email from Sounes to RBKC attaching fire strategy, strategy drawings, proposal of upgrade to AOV_0.pdf(450.7 KB) SEA00000122_Studio E drawing entitled _Fire Access Plan_. Planning. 1279 (08) 100 Rev 00..pdf(2.14 MB)