Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip HAR00003951_Email from Neil Crawford to Paul Hanson regarding Grenfell cladding fire rating_0.pdf(493.3 KB) HAR00006477_Harley, drawing entitled Specification, C1059-100 Rev -.pdf(31.8 KB) HAR00006596_Email Between Ricky Kay, Ben Bailey, Kevin Lamb, Mark Stapley, Sue Sheppard, Neil Crawford, John Hoban (RBKC), Terry Ashton (Exova), Paul Hanson (RBKC), Simon Lawrence, Simon O'Con_1.pdf(3.35 MB) HAR00007785_Purchase Orders for Insulation_0.pdf(201.18 KB) HAR00008581_Harley Plan Entitled _Elevations_ - C1059-201 RevD_0.pdf(3.9 MB) HAR00008582_Harley Plan Entitled _Elevations_.pdf(18.07 KB) HAR00008583_Harley Plan Entitled _Elevations_ - C1059-202 Rev C_0.pdf(16.42 KB) HAR00008991_Harley Plan Entitled _Specification_ - C1059-100 Rev I_0.pdf(25.57 KB) JRP00000077_Grenfell Tower Tracker- M&E.pdf(442.06 KB) JRP00000139_Email between Rydon, Artelia, John Rowan and Partners, KCTMO, Silcock Dawson and Max Fordham re Rydon Completion Meeting with Tracker for Grenfell Tower attached.pdf(1.78 MB) JRP00000325_Email from David Hughes to Tony Batty RE_ Completion Strategy for Grenfell Tower.pdf(137.62 KB) JSW00000026_Email attaching letter of comfort from building control requesting that AOV be linked to opening of windows.pdf(49.08 KB) JSW00002728_re Grenfell Tower. Email from Alan Whyte to David Bradbury attaching O&M part 1..pdf(1.45 MB) JSW00003018_Data sheet entitled Grenfell Tower Cause & Effect.pdf(829.83 KB) KIN00000015_Photograph provided by Kingspan of fire damage to Grenfell Tower.pdf(805.7 KB) LBI00000607_RE_ rbkc-tender_ KALC and Grenfell tower fire strategy.pdf(1.08 MB) LBI00002449_Email from RBKC to Leadbitter attaching drawings marked up with means of escape plans_0.pdf(335.07 KB) LBI00002544_Emails regarding meeting between RBKC and Leadbitter, concerning inspection and approval.pdf(973.45 KB) LFB00000290_Email from Suhail Dadabhoy (LFB) to Building Control (RBKC) attaching a copy if the LFB's Response Letter to RBKC Building Control_0.pdf(351.29 KB) LFB00001968_PI_D9_GTIRT17-02358_FI_FSG_Scanned_Primary_Doc_CU_Misc_Notes.pdf(9.88 MB) LFB00027294_RBKC letter and memorandum re_ proposed work on Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(619.06 KB) LFB00032957_Exhibit LAS_1 - FSIGN 501.pdf(1.51 MB) MAS00000003_Spreadsheet setting out doors supplied to Grenfell.pdf(2.74 MB) MAS00000015_TMO Letter to Manse Masterdor Ltd regarding invitation to tender.pdf(84.72 KB) MAS00000016_Letter from TMO to Manse Masterdor regarding Fire door replacement programme 2011-2012.pdf(1.18 MB) MAS00000020_Email internal Manse Masterdor re projections for contract, how many doors to do..pdf(63.31 KB) MAS00000024_Email re kensington & chelsea office.pdf(24.41 KB) MAS00000027_Letter from TMO to Manse Masterdor Ltd regarding fire door replacement programme 2011-2012.pdf(117.94 KB) MAS00000037_Tendor Documents Appendix A Property List and Map.pdf(16.4 MB) MAS00000039_Contract for replacement flat entrance doors and associated work.pdf(24.94 MB) MAS00000040_Document titled new security doors - sets out the specifications for doors to be installed at GT..pdf(181.4 KB) MAS00000043_Appendix C Pre Construction Information Pack.pdf(260.96 KB) MAS00000086_Contract between TMO and Manse Masterdor Ltd undated.pdf(20.09 MB) MAS00000120_Fire door replacement pre tender information pack.pdf(1.75 MB) MAS00000249_Emails between TMO and Manse Masterdor re extension of time fire door contract.pdf(102.68 KB) MAS00000294_Email re extension of time to complete contracted work - backdated.pdf(70.35 KB) MAX00000008_Studio E Notes from Client Meeting held on 28 March 2012_0.pdf(996.77 KB) MAX00000075_Max Fordham document detailing Fee Offer for Building Services Engineering and Acoustic Consultancy_0.pdf(2.09 MB) MAX00000221_Max Fordham - Sustainability & Energy Statement on Grenfell Tower Refurbishment_0.pdf(12.2 MB) MAX00000318_AECOM tender report entitled Grenfell Tower Upgrade to fire alarm and smoke extract system for Kensington and Chelsea TMO.pdf(23.12 MB) MAX00000412_Max Fordham - Sustainability & Energy Statement - Grenfell Tower Refurbishment (Rev A)_0.pdf(8.05 MB) MAX00000439_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed Floor Plans, 1279RE110 Rev 05.pdf(6.21 MB) MAX00000442_Studio E, drawing entitled Proposed Walkway Plan, 1279RE113 Rev 04.pdf(516.17 KB) MAX00000445_Grenfell Tower Stage C Report including Studio E drawings, 1279SK018 Rev 00, 1279SK019 Rev 00, 1279SK020 Rev 00, 1279SK021 Rev 00, 1279SK022 Rev 00, 1279SK004 Rev 00, 1279SK004 Rev_0.pdf(86.92 MB) MAX00000532_Max Fordham - Sustainability & Energy Statement (Rev B) - Grenfell Tower Refurbishment.pdf(8.06 MB) MAX00000636_Max Fordham - Grenfell Tower Refurbishment M&E Stage C Report (Rev B).pdf(15.73 MB) MAX00000654_GT Regeneration Project Stage D Budget Cost Estimate with Leadbitter comments on potential cost savings and scheme proposals.pdf(5.05 MB) MAX00000675_Max Fordham - Grenfell Tower Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health Stage D with comments.pdf(16.99 MB) MAX00000724_Max Fordham - Sustainability & Energy Statement (Rev C) - Grenfell Tower Refurbishment.pdf(5.45 MB) MAX00000834_Max Fordham - Draft Grenfell Tower Refurbishment Mechanical, Electrical and Public Health Stage D.pdf(11.66 MB)