Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RYD00093983_Email communication between David Hughes, Rydon, and Steve Butler, allgroupholdings, regarding information _ test sheets for the lift adaptation works at Grenfell Tower..pdf(725.97 KB) RYD00094191_New flats resident manual..pdf(2.44 MB) RYD00094192_Residents manual..pdf(19.31 MB) RYD00094193_Grenfell Tower Nursery User Manual.pdf(1.09 MB) RYD00094228_Studio E deed of appointment dated 3 February 2016_2.pdf(5.4 MB) RYD00094315_Exhibit DH_5 - FRA record of significant findings and action plan with Rydon comments_0.pdf(4.58 MB) SEA00000016_Email from Margaret Treanor to Bruce Sounce regarding and attaching Exova's GT consultancy proposal.pdf(371.89 KB) SEA00000020_Email chain between Evoxa and Studio E attaching fee proposal and giving Exova's comments on GT Stage C proposals_0.pdf(1.51 MB) SEA00000022_Email from Exova to Studio E attaching comments on GT Option D_0.pdf(369.32 KB) SEA00000023_Email chain between Appleyards, TMO, Studio E attaching Budget Cost Estimate nr. 1 and drawings, noting costs over budget_0.pdf(714.28 KB) SEA00000028_Email attaching Exova fee proposal and identifying ambit of report.pdf(355.15 KB) SEA00000030_Email between Exova and Studio E attaching Ashton's fee proposal_0.pdf(753.28 KB) SEA00000038_Email from Cate Cooney at Exova to Bruce Sounes with queries re ventilation, riser, fire-fighting lift, fire doors_0.pdf(443.93 KB) SEA00000058_Correspondence between Studio E, Exova and Max Fordham regarding progress of fire strategy for proposed Grenfell Tower design_0.pdf(717.96 KB) SEA00000061_Fire Strategy cover email_0.pdf(481.45 KB) SEA00000070_Design and Access Statement - Planning Application regarding Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project.pdf(11.83 MB) SEA00000079_Minutes of Exova Meeting with Building Control re Fire Strategy on 06.11.12.pdf(1.37 MB) SEA00000097_Meeting invite_1.pdf(13.73 KB) SEA00000102_Email chain between Sounes and Ashton regarding AOV and ventilation specifications, stair to EMB office, attaching drawing relating to the same_0.pdf(908.62 KB) SEA00000105_Grenfell Tower.pdf(735.4 KB) SEA00000108_Email chain between Studio E, Max Fordham, Exova regarding AOV and ventilation specifications, how to present the smoke control system to RBKC, protecting communal areas and escape_0.pdf(2.07 MB) SEA00000109_Email chain attaching draft fire strategy and access drawings, AOV changes_0.pdf(308.6 KB) SEA00000112_Email chain between TMO, Studio E, Artelia, Exova regarding possibility of keeping external staircase to save £100k_0.pdf(855.31 KB) SEA00000113_Email chain between TMO, Studio E, Artelia, Exova regarding possibility of keeping external staircase to save 100k, regulation and fire safety implications_0.pdf(1.19 MB) SEA00000114_Email chain between Sounes, Exova and others attaching in-progress drawings including nursery, offices, stairs, smoke ventilation_0.pdf(453.39 KB) SEA00000115_Email chain regarding revised office layout, comments on stair void, retention of existing escape stair, final exit route via entrance lobby_0.pdf(1.09 MB) SEA00000116_Email between Max Fordham and Exova regarding lift lobby smoke control, building regs requirements_0.pdf(493.71 KB) SEA00000119_Email from Margaret Treanor at Exova to Bruce Sounes at Studio E attaching 2nd issue outline fire safety strategy..pdf(625.73 KB) SEA00000121_Email from Sounes to RBKC attaching fire strategy, strategy drawings, proposal of upgrade to AOV_2.pdf(450.7 KB) SEA00000132_Exova document entitled _Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy_..pdf(4.11 MB) SEA00000146_Email attaching 3rd issue of fire safety strategy from Margaret Treanor at Exova to Bruce Sounes at Studio E..pdf(624.97 KB) SEA00000152_Grenfell NBS specification_0.pdf(119.56 MB) SEA00000153_Grenfell NBS specification_0.pdf(110.72 MB) SEA00000170_Email chain regarding meeting with fire brigade, info on smoke ventilation system, attachment of fire strategy drawings (including building control mark ups), service risers openin_0.pdf(1.29 MB) SEA00000175_Grenfel Tower - Building Control Fees Email BS_1.pdf(190.85 KB) SEA00000194_Email from Crawford to Hoban attaching drawings for GT project, including RBKC mark ups of fire strategy_0.pdf(678.9 KB) SEA00000214_Email to Ashton attaching revised fire strategy plans, comments in response giving approval, extension of smoke extract system serving lift lobbies, fire separation and fire doors_1.pdf(1.09 MB) SEA00000215_Email from Crawford to Hoban attaching drawings for GT project, including RBKC mark ups of fire strategy_3.pdf(783.11 KB) SEA00000223_Email from Crawford to Hoban attaching drawings for GT project, including RBKC mark ups of fire strategy, observations from Building Control in response including ventilated lobbie_2.pdf(2.35 MB) SEA00000244_Email from Crawford to Building control attaching fire strategy drawings, queries re fire rating_2.pdf(359.87 KB) SEA00000265_Correspondence between Studio E, Siderise, Harley and RBKC discussing fire rating within the wall build up between apartments_1.pdf(1.99 MB) SEA00000269_Correspondence between Studio E, Siderise, Harley and RBKC discussing fire rating within the wall build up between apartments_1.pdf(2.51 MB) SEA00000340_Correspondence between Studio E, RBKC, KCTMO, Artelia Group, JSWright, Rydon, RJElectrics, Silcockdawson attaching minutes from meeting with building control on 7 Jan 16 with Build_1.pdf(281.57 KB) SEA00000341_Minutes of Meeting with Building Control discussing matters including risers; fire doors; smoke seals; heat detectors; emergency escape; AOV system; fire risk assessments_0.pdf(1.41 MB) SEA00003480_Studio E Plan Entitled _Fire Access Plan_.pdf(591.83 KB) SEA00004308_Grenfell Tower Access_0.pdf(308.69 KB) SEA00004542_Email attaching Exova scope and fee proposals_0.pdf(389.61 KB) SEA00004561_Email attaching Studio E appointment and fee documents_1.pdf(281.77 KB) SEA00004572_Email re scope of exova appointment and fees_0.pdf(770.37 KB)