Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip ART00009336_Email correspondence between Neil Reed, Paul Burrows and Simon Cash, regarding a continued discussion on who should adopt the CDMC and principal designer roles, stating that all JR_2.pdf(5.55 MB) ART00009339_Email correspondence between Neil Reed, Paul Burrows and Simon Cash, regarding a continued discussion on who should adopt the CDMC and principal designer roles._1.pdf(2.54 MB) ART00009340_Email correspondence between Neil Reed, Paul Burrows and Andrew Malcolm, regarding a continued discussion on who should adopt the CDMC role_1.pdf(2.39 MB) ART00009342_Email correspondence between, Neil Reed, Simon Cash and Andrew Malcolm, regarding a continued discussion on who should adopt the PD role, suggesting JRP._1.pdf(3.64 MB) ART00009343_Email correspondence between Neil Reed, Simon Cash and Paul Burrows, regarding whether KCTMO would be able to request the Principal Contractor to compile the health and safety file_1.pdf(2.51 MB) ART00009346_RE Grenfell Handover Meeting 1 (2).msg__1.pdf(1.23 MB) ART00009350_Minutes about the Grenfell Handover Countdown Meeting regarding various project updates including the expectation of a handover pack from Artelia as the CDMC under CDM 2007._1.pdf(3.21 MB) ART00009351_Email correspondence between Andrew Malcolm, Paul Burrows and Michelle Lowe, regarding the need for a process for handing over the CDM bundle and its associated components to the c_2.pdf(4.35 MB) ART00009352_Email correspondence between Paul Burrows,Andrew Malcolm, and Michelle Lowe, regarding the need for Andrew Malcolm to be informed on the updated CDM Regulations and a suggestion to_1.pdf(5.11 MB) ART00009356_Email correspondence between Neil Reed and Simon Cash, regarding a continued discussion regarding handover of CDM documents including the Health and Safety File, and offering CDM A_2.pdf(6.62 MB) ART00009357_Email correspondence between Andrew Malcolm, Ian Bailey and Philip Boulcott, regarding a continued discussion on the handover of CDMC duties from Artelia to the TMO, and issues reg_1.pdf(4.15 MB) ART00009368_Updated F10 - HSE Notification of Construction Project__1.pdf(1.35 MB) ART00009376_Artelia UK - submissions - 20 December 2019_1.PDF(26.33 MB) BAG00000011_Emails between TMO and Baily Garner agreeing Baily Garner is to act as CDM co-ordinator. Attaching Project Information Register._1.pdf(3.36 MB) BAG00000013_Baily Garner - Pre-Tender Information Pack. unsigned._1.pdf(8.08 MB) BAG00000015_Emails between TMO and Baily Garner, chain regarding Baily Garner instruction to act as CDM co-ordinator, TMO attaching property and VIrex List_1.pdf(4.28 MB) BAG00000016_Exhibit PL_4 - Project information register issued by KCTMO to BGHS Ltd providing further information on 4 January 2011_1.xls(60.5 KB) BAG00000017_TMO spreadsheet - Virex List - tenants with a history of physical or verbal threatening behaviour. Redacted._1.xlsx(46.15 KB) BAG00000024_Exhibit PL_5 - Project information register issued for tender on 10 January 2011_1.xls(50.5 KB) BAG00000028_Exhibit PL_9 - BGHS Ltd invoice dated 31 January 2011_1.pdf(296.36 KB) BAG00000034_Exhibit PL_1 - Email from KCTMO instructing BGHS Ltd to carry out the services dated 4 January 2011 [11_07].pdf(3.23 MB) BAG00000035_Exhibit PL_10 - Letter to KCTMO enclosing invoice dated 31 January 2011_1.pdf(244.74 KB) BAG00000036_Exhibit PL_2 - Email from KCTMO to BGHS Ltd providing information for project notification dated 4 January 2011 [10_13]_1.pdf(946.19 KB) BUT00000044_Exhibit SBE_4 - Complete Specification April 2004_1.pdf(89.92 MB) CAD00003003_Exhibit SM_2 - Steve Mason (Cadent Gas)_1.pdf(670.52 KB) CCL00000028_Stage D Report_1.pdf(26.36 MB) CCL00002960_RE As Built Drawings @ Grenfell Tower (42186827-1).MSG__1.pdf(861.87 KB) CEL00008809_Proteus-HR-flat-facade-integrated-modular-rainscreen-system_1.pdf(7.97 MB) CEP000000007_Email from CEP to Studio E concerning a meeting between meeting with Reynobond to discuss cladding_4.pdf(9.62 KB) CEP000000148_Formal Letter including confirmation quote on design, manufacture and supply of rain screen and windows_2.pdf(34.61 KB) CST00000007_Letter from London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority to RBKC_ TMO re Grenfell Tower LFB Deficiency Notice_1.pdf(740.44 KB) CST00000022_Apex Lifts health and safety file for Grenfell Tower embedded with Butler& Young Lift Consultants, drawings entitled Existing Arrangement Typical Plan on Lift Shaft, L2508_1.pdf(11.41 MB) CST00000090_Grenfell Tower Fire Risk Assessment by Carl Stokes_2.pdf(1.43 MB) CST00000101_Grenfell Tower Significant Findings and Action Plan June 2016._2.pdf(5.4 MB) CST00000182_Grenfell Tower Significant Findings and Action Plan Nov 2012_1.pdf(2.14 MB) CST00000384_APEX lifts Health_and_Safety_Plan_1.pdf(4.68 MB) CST00000448_CS Grenfell Tower Significant Findings and Action Plan - risks identified and actions to be taken - majority are high priority_0.pdf(2.81 MB) CST00000451_Record of Significant Findings and Action Plan for Grenfell Tower April 2016_0.pdf(2.76 MB) CST00000548_Studio E, drawing entitled Fire Access Plan, 1279(08)100 Rev 00_0.pdf(679.24 KB) CST00001022_Email chain from Janice Wray (TMO) to Carl Stokes, providing the Grenfell Tower Smoke Detection System Drawings and Certificates for the FRA action at 17C..pdf(374.61 KB) CST00001234_Email between KCTMO and Carl Stokes re Grenfell Tower Building Control- Letter of Comfort.pdf(44.45 KB) CST00001572_Email from Paul Dunkerton (TMO) to Carl Stokes and Colin Chiles (Leadbitter) cc_ David Hales (Appleyards) and Janice Wray (TMO), discussion regarding outline of fire safety strateg.pdf(497.05 KB) EXO00000029_Email from James Lee, Exova, to Bruce Sounes, Studio E, regarding quote for review of the existing fire safety arrangements at GT_0.pdf(279.23 KB) EXO00000030_Exova Fee Proposal dated 09_05_2012 addressed to Studio E for work at RIBA Stage C, D_E and F - letter, terms and conditions and fee acceptance form.pdf(8.22 MB) EXO00000032_Exova Fee Proposal dated 09_05_2012 addressed to Studio E for work at RIBA Stage C, D_E and F - letter, terms and conditions and fee acceptance form.pdf(8.29 MB) EXO00000034_Email from Exova to Studio E with the Design Note for Grenfell Tower attached.pdf(258.74 KB) EXO00000122_D Hale to C Barker (Exova) cc P Dunkerton (TMO) A Dawson (Appley) email re Acceptance of Exova Fees.pdf(1.06 MB) EXO00000141_Exova - Grenfell Tower_ Fire Safety Strategy Design Note - Issue 1.pdf(2.06 MB) EXO00000146_Exova comments on Design Drawings.pdf(1.75 MB) EXO00000160_Email A Jess (Studio E) to T Ashton (Exova) cc Grenfell (Studio E) re Revised Layout Plans.pdf(1.33 MB)