Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BLARP20000017_The Fire Safety Engineer Report (Version 2 - updated 22 October 2020) - Dr Barbara Lane Phase 2 Report.pdf(195.24 MB) BLARP20000018_Appendix A (Version 2 - updated 22 October 2020) to The Fire Safety Engineer Report - Timeline of External wall construction information - Dr Barbara Lane Phase 2 Report.pdf(19.01 MB) BLARP20000016_The Health and Safety File (Version 2- Updated 22 October 2020) - Dr. Barbara Lane.pdf(101.23 MB) BLARP20000021_Regulation 38 Fire Safety Information Report (Version 2 - updated 23 October 2020) - Dr Barbara Lane Phase 2 Report.pdf(63.77 MB) BLARP20000007_Appendix A (Version 2) to Regulation 38 Report_ Organograms representing the contractual arrangements - Dr. Barbara Lane Phase 2 Report.pdf(3.17 MB) BLARP20000020_Appendix B to Regulation 38 Report updated 23 October 2020 - Dr. Barbara Lane Phase 2 Report.pdf(1.53 MB) APX00000044_Apex Lift Pre Tender Health & Safety Plan for a Construction Project at Grenfell Tower for the construction of 3 lift installations..pdf(95.9 KB) APX00000049_Health & Safety File Cover Letter.pdf(14.06 KB) APX00000050_Health & Safety Cover Letter.pdf(13.44 KB) APX00000055_Letter from Apex to RBKC confirming the instruction to proceed with lift modernisation & accepting quote.pdf(12.37 KB) APX00000096_Exhibit WJ_8 - Completion Documentation including Certificate of Testing. (Part 3_3).pdf(644.83 KB) APX00004944_Minutes of contract progress meeting as to lift refurbishment works held on 23 February 2006; regarding lifts, fire alarm, lift performance.pdf(388.88 KB) APX00005420_Certificate of Practical Completion of the Works - lift refurbishment works - project 1; practical completion and defects liability dates given.pdf(27.47 KB) APX00005640_Minutes of contract progress meeting as to lift refurbishment works held on 27 April 2005; regarding programme generally, noise, standby engineer, standby costs.pdf(123.9 KB) ARC00000011_Purchase Order document from CEP dated 18 March 2015.pdf(269.35 KB) ARC00000012_Order Acknowledgement document from Alcoa Architectural Products to CEP Architectural Facades dated 20 March 2015.pdf(1.05 MB) ARC00000027_Order Acknowledgement document from Alcoa Architectural Products to CEP Architectural Facades dated 21 July 2015.pdf(787.34 KB) ARC00000043_Order Acknowledgement document from Alcoa Architectural Products to CEP Architectural Facades dated 11 November 2015.pdf(471.34 KB) ARC00000215_Order Acknowledgement Order No_ARC5413_A_005. Dated 6 October 2015.pdf(21.08 KB) ART00000088_Emails between C Churchman (Churchman Landscape Architects Ltd), B Sounes and A Kuszell (Studio E) cc Appleyards re appointment of Exova Warringtonfire to Grenfell Tower Regenerati_0.pdf(661.2 KB) ART00000122_KCTMO Specification_ Upgrade to Fire Alarm and Smoke Extract System.pdf(23.11 MB) ART00000404_Exhibit CL2_39 - Studio E Project Meeting 8 minutes dd. 6 September 2012.pdf(1.8 MB) ART00000523_Minutes of Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project Design Team Meeting No 11 held on 22 November 2012.pdf(2.56 MB) ART00001277_Appleyards- CDM Report.pdf(1.56 MB) ART00001456_Email from Artelia attaching Grenfell Tower Meeting minutes dated 10_09_2013 with Max Fordham comments.pdf(1.93 MB) ART00001894_Artelia Document entitled _ Lifts Health and Safety File for Grenfell Tower_ regarding lift procurement in 2004.pdf(11.46 MB) ART00002206_Final Tender Report - PDF.pdf(58.02 MB) ART00002255_Artelia Minutes- Grenfell Tower Contractor Introduction Meeting, held 01 April 2014_0.pdf(2.16 MB) ART00003575_Email from Claire Williams at TMO to Keith Bushell at Artelia attaching Grenfell Tower Health and Safety File, chain includes Keystone database stock list..pdf(1.3 MB) ART00004636_Email From Artelia to TM regarding Grenfell Tower cost projection.pdf(1.61 MB) ART00004949_Emails within Artelia regarding CDM responsibility_0.pdf(2.65 MB) ART00004953_CDM Risk Register issue 1.pdf(950 KB) ART00004954_F10 Notification of Construction Project.pdf(721.83 KB) ART00004955_HSE F10 Notification.pdf(1005.93 KB) ART00004956_Artelia Health and Safety File template.pdf(9.53 MB) ART00004963_Email from Simon Lawrence to Keith Bushell re_ the H&S plan, attaching documents.pdf(1.97 MB) ART00005027_Email attaching F10 HSE Notification.pdf(621.94 KB) ART00005188_Email attaching handover meeting minutes.pdf(514.49 KB) ART00005273_Artelia - meeting minutes - Progress Meeting #18.pdf(2.29 MB) ART00005276_Email attaching Grenfell Tower Handover Meeting Minutes#4 from our meeting on 15_12_15.pdf(485.15 KB) ART00005306_Email attaching handover meeting minutes 5.pdf(9.35 KB) ART00005313_Artelia - meeting minutes - PROGRESS MEETING #19.pdf(4.42 MB) ART00005394_Lobby Smoke Control Systems Manual.pdf(9.19 MB) ART00005400_Testing, Commissioning and Witness Tracker- Residual Snagging Items from M&E Reports- Grenfell Tower.pdf(1.37 MB) ART00005408_Artelia- Grenfell Tower Minutes - Progress Meeting no 20.pdf(4.23 MB) ART00005475_Snagging.pdf(2.65 MB) ART00005493_Testing, Commissioning & Witnessing Tracker Residual Snagging Items from M&E Reports.pdf(3.14 MB) ART00005539_Artelia Meeting Minutes for Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting No 22, held 19 April 2016.pdf(2.23 MB) ART00005560_Email re nursery handover.pdf(2.68 MB) BLARP20000014_The Fire Safety Engineer Report_ Corrections and Addenda._0.pdf(32.55 MB) BLARP20000009_Appendix C to Regulation 38 Report_Comparison of the disclosed versions of Rydon's Building Manual - DR Barbara Lane Phase 2 Report.pdf(412.06 KB)