Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RBK00048649_Emails between StudioE, MF, RBKC regarding the proposed fire strategy_1.pdf(164 KB) RBK00048682_Emails between Rydon, RBKC, and StudioE regarding division of duties between Paul Hanson and John Hoban_0.pdf(40.78 KB) RBK00048692_Emails between MF, RBKC, StudioE, and Rydon regarding smoke vent and fire separation issues in contractor proposal.pdf(175.63 KB) RBK00048706_Email between David Bradbury JS Wright to Paul Hanson et al RBKC, and Rydon, MF, PSB regarding the proposed AOV system and arranging a meeting.pdf(26.06 KB) RBK00048731_Emails between Harley, Rydon. StudioE, and RBKC regarding cladding insulation and building height.pdf(108.46 KB) RBK00048732_Emails between Harley, Rydon. StudioE, and RBKC regarding cladding insulation and building height_1.pdf(112.38 KB) RBK00048824_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC detailing the findings following visit of Grenfell Tower..pdf(31.13 KB) RBK00048828_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC regarding electrical certification of new build and existing flats at Grenfell Tower._0.pdf(11.81 KB) RBK00048829_Various certificates relating to the design, installation and commissioning of fire detection and alarm system as well as electrical installations for apartments at Grenfell Tower..pdf(224.58 MB) RBK00048830_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC regarding electrical certification for communal areas (bottom 4 floors) at Grenfell Tower._0.pdf(11.09 KB) RBK00048832_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC regarding emergency lighting certification for the boxing club at Grenfell Tower..pdf(11 KB) RBK00048833_Emergency Lighting Completion Certificates and Emergency Lighting Design Declarations for Boxing Club at Grenfell Tower..pdf(4.49 MB) RBK00048834_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC regarding electrical certificates for additional communal supplies at Grenfell Tower._0.pdf(11 KB) RBK00048835_Electrical Installation Certificates and Schedule of Test Results for additional supplies at Grenfell Tower..pdf(3.6 MB) RBK00048836_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC concerning door entry commissioning certification for the altered door entry system at Grenfell Tower._0.pdf(10.85 KB) RBK00048837_Door entry commissioning certificate for the altered door entry system at Grenfell Tower issued by SW Security Ltd.pdf(21.19 KB) RBK00048838_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC concerning lighting protection certification & drawings following alterations at Grenfell Tower..pdf(11.36 KB) RBK00048842_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC concerning preparations for the inspection at Grenfell Tower, notably electrical and lighting protection certificates._0.pdf(27.07 KB) RBK00058146_Revised RBKC Building Control Chronology - 30 January 2020.pdf(9.94 MB) RYD00000001_Contract between Rydon and KCTMO for renovation works dated 30 Oct 2014_0.pdf(5.7 MB) RYD00003149_Artelia response to tender including tender clarifications..pdf(508.04 KB) RYD00003419_Email between Peter Arnold (Rydon) and Steve Blake, Jeff Henton, Simon Lawrence (Rydon) confirming Rydon's successful tender with letter of tender result._0.pdf(609.34 KB) RYD00004142_Email from Simon Lawrence to Steve Blake which mentions material change from Zinc to ACM._0.pdf(428.44 KB) RYD00013323_Email from Studio E to RBKC Building Control and Rydon re Grenfell Tower Building Control Fees and Fire Strategy_1.pdf(281.96 KB) RYD00014378_Email regarding Studio E Full Plans Application - Grenfell Tower_3.pdf(239.89 KB) RYD00014379_Studio E, Full Plans Application, submission to RBKC_3.pdf(1.24 MB) RYD00015810_Email from RBKC to Rydon concerning and attaching an invoice for building control fees_1.pdf(395.18 KB) RYD00016868_Email from Adam Marriott and Simon Lawrence, Zak Maynard and Simon O'Connor re payment of Building Control fees_1.pdf(287.56 KB) RYD00016989_Email from Simon Lawrence to John Hoban Re_ Engagement with Building Control_1.pdf(444.47 KB) RYD00018155_Celotex information sheet for RS5000 (issue 1)_0.pdf(1.1 MB) RYD00018337_Email chain between Studio E and Rydon re_ revised fire strategy plans.pdf(956.02 KB) RYD00018742_email from Studio E to John Hoban ref pack of drawings for Grenfell Tower project, inc fire strategy etc - building control application_2.pdf(718.6 KB) RYD00034060_Email chain between JS Wright, Rydon and RBKC Building Control re AOV technical submission from specialists PSB. Floor plans of lower floors attached._1.pdf(860.06 KB) RYD00037401_Correspondence between Siderise, RBKC, Exova, Harley and Studio E regarding fire barriers_fire stopping to be installed at Grenfell Tower_1.pdf(1.85 MB) RYD00037742_Correspondence between Siderise, Harley, Exova, RBKC, Rydon and Studio E regarding Cavity Barriers and Fire stopping at Grenfell Tower attaching Studio E drawings_0.pdf(2.63 MB) RYD00037836_Email from John Hoban to Neil Crawford regarding Fire Stopping_2.pdf(3.01 MB) RYD00049708_Email from Simon Lawrence to John Hoban regarding firestopping between floor slabs_1.pdf(452.73 KB) RYD00069120_Correspondence between Rydon, KCTMO, JRP, Max Fordham, Silcock Dawson, Artelia Group, RJElectrics and JSWright regarding progress tracker of works.pdf(219.09 KB) RYD00069703_Email from Rydon to RBKC (John Hoban) regarding a site visit to Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(272.5 KB) RYD00071352_Grenfell Tower H&S File_ O&M Manual Quotation_1.pdf(1.36 MB) RYD00080300_Email from Neil Crawford (Studio E) to Steve Butler (All Group) and others Re_ riser cupboard door detail with drawing register attached.pdf(951.41 KB) RYD00080302_Email between All group holdings and TMO re Grenfell Tower - H&S File.pdf(201.97 KB) RYD00080428_Email chain discussing building control's requirement that environmental AOVs in the lobby linked to the smoke extract system, other alterations and hot water delivery..pdf(933.05 KB) RYD00082334_Email from David Hughes at Rydon to Claire Williams at TMO attaching fire access drawing, re Alterations to zones in Fire Strategy..pdf(494.64 KB) RYD00085048_Email chain from Claire Williams (TMO) to David Hughes (Rydon), discussion regarding the smoke detection system certificates..pdf(1.02 MB) RYD00091575_Email from Steve Blake (Rydon) to Laura Field and James LCifton (Rydon) re_ Grenfell - Riser cupboard door detail..pdf(840.03 KB) RYD00092466_Flat 43 Grenfell Tower, Lancaster West Estate, W11 1TG - Kitchen window repairs CRM_0137285.pdf(77.15 KB) RYD00092639_Document entitled 'Building Manual Contents'.pdf(67.48 KB) RYD00092641_Grenfell Tower Building Control Completion Certificate.pdf(441.42 KB) RYD00092642_Studio E, drawing entitled Fire Strategy, 1279(08)101 Rev 05.pdf(2.3 MB)