Date: 27 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RBK00048732_Emails between Harley, Rydon. StudioE, and RBKC regarding cladding insulation and building height_0.pdf(112.38 KB) RBK00048733_Emails between StudioE and RBKC regarding revisions to fire strategy drawings and fire doors.pdf(44.42 KB) RBK00048815_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to Paul Hanson of RBKC in relation to witnessing operation of smoke extract_ ventilation system at Grenfell Tower..pdf(44.12 KB) RBK00048816_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to Paul Hanson of RBKC concerning revision of documents relating to smoke extracting system at Grenfell Tower prior to inspection..pdf(13.6 KB) RBK00048818_Email from Paul Hanson of RBKC to David Hughes of Rydon relating to speed readings of the smoke extracting system at Grenfell Tower, prior to inspection..pdf(68.48 KB) RBK00048828_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC regarding electrical certification of new build and existing flats at Grenfell Tower..pdf(11.81 KB) RBK00048830_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC regarding electrical certification for communal areas (bottom 4 floors) at Grenfell Tower..pdf(11.09 KB) RBK00048834_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC regarding electrical certificates for additional communal supplies at Grenfell Tower..pdf(11 KB) RBK00048836_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC concerning door entry commissioning certification for the altered door entry system at Grenfell Tower..pdf(10.85 KB) RBK00048842_Email from David Hughes of Rydon to John Hoban of RBKC concerning preparations for the inspection at Grenfell Tower, notably electrical and lighting protection certificates..pdf(27.07 KB) RBK00050382_Training Records - RBKC Building Control - Allen, Anon, Hanson, Hoban 1995-2017.xlsx(32.54 KB) RBK00050399_2019.06.26 Witness Statement of Jago Williams.pdf(2.73 MB) RBK00050416_2019.07.09 Witness statement of John Edward Hoban_1.pdf(8.23 MB) RBK00052249_Chartered Association of Building Engineers Continuing Professional Development Record of Paul Hanson, RBKC.pdf(700.06 KB) RBK00052250_Email correspondence between Paul Hanson, RBKC Senior Building Control Surveyor (Fire Regulations) and Beverley Kuchar, RBKC Head of Development Management and Conservation, Plann.pdf(69.26 KB) RBK00052482_Second witness statement of Jago Williams.pdf(1.11 MB) RBK00052484_Exhibit JW_1 - Job Description -Senior Building Control surveyor.pdf(275.29 KB) RBK00052485_Exhibit JW_2 - Job Description -Principal Building Control surveyor.pdf(3.81 MB) RBK00052487_Exhibit JW_4 - Standard Form 60 draft decision letter_0.pdf(31.44 KB) RYD00013323_Email from Studio E to RBKC Building Control and Rydon re Grenfell Tower Building Control Fees and Fire Strategy_0.pdf(281.96 KB) RYD00014378_Email regarding Studio E Full Plans Application - Grenfell Tower_2.pdf(239.89 KB) RYD00014379_Studio E, Full Plans Application, submission to RBKC_2.pdf(1.24 MB) RYD00015810_Email from RBKC to Rydon concerning and attaching an invoice for building control fees_0.pdf(395.18 KB) RYD00016868_Email from Adam Marriott and Simon Lawrence, Zak Maynard and Simon O'Connor re payment of Building Control fees_0.pdf(287.56 KB) RYD00016976_Email between RBKC, Studio E and JS Wright re Grenfell Tower Mechanical and Electrical Works in relation to the Modifications to the Existing Dry Riser and Compliance with the Buil_0.pdf(1.07 MB) RYD00016986_Email between RBKC, Studio E and JS Wright re Grenfell Tower Mechanical and Electrical Works in relation to the Modifications to the Existing Dry Riser and Compliance with the Buil_0.pdf(1.47 MB) RYD00016990_Introductory email from Rydon to RBKC (John Hoban)_1.pdf(444.05 KB) RYD00017255_Email between RBKC, Rydon and Studio E re Building Regulation Matters for Grenfell Tower and Person of Contact for all Building Regulation Queries ®_0.pdf(924.63 KB) RYD00018742_email from Studio E to John Hoban ref pack of drawings for Grenfell Tower project, inc fire strategy etc - building control application_1.pdf(718.6 KB) RYD00018963_Email chain between Studio E, Max Fordham, RBKC Building Control and Rydon concerning Building Control Approval of the fire safety startegy_0.pdf(4.06 MB) RYD00018989_Email chain between Studio E and RBKC Building control concerning building design and the fire strategy_0.pdf(827.29 KB) RYD00021548_Email requesting a meeting to discuss the smoke ventilation system_0.pdf(505.08 KB) RYD00023970_Group email from David Bradbury to arrange a meeting to discuss the AOV design on 24-11-2014_0.pdf(571.08 KB) RYD00024038_Email Discussion between Studio E and RBKC building control concerning fire safety and windows with drawings relating to windows attached_0.pdf(2.32 MB) RYD00024337_Email between Exova, Studio E and Rydon re Initial Appraisal of the Proposed Layout Changes to the Lower Levels of Grenfell Tower, the Fire Strategy and The Means of Escape and Fir_0.pdf(2.73 MB) RYD00034060_Email chain between JS Wright, Rydon and RBKC Building Control re AOV technical submission from specialists PSB. Floor plans of lower floors attached._0.pdf(860.06 KB) RYD00034377_Email from Paul Hanson to Neil Crawford Re_ fire breaks_0.pdf(1.17 MB) RYD00034397_Email Discussion between JS Wright, RBKC Building Control and Rydon relating to a technical submission regarding the AOV and arranging a meeting to discuss it._0.pdf(908.07 KB) RYD00034595_Email between Studio E, RBKC, Rydon and Harley CW re Grenfell Tower Fire Stopping (Compartmentation)_0.pdf(1.46 MB) RYD00037401_Correspondence between Siderise, RBKC, Exova, Harley and Studio E regarding fire barriers_fire stopping to be installed at Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(1.85 MB) RYD00037836_Email from John Hoban to Neil Crawford regarding Fire Stopping_1.pdf(3.01 MB) RYD00038873_Email attaching the AOV technical submission_0.pdf(475.94 KB) RYD00044651_Email re_ lobby protection to stair connections.pdf(952.83 KB) RYD00045533_Email correspondence from Studio E to RBKC and Rydon re Grenfell Tower Mechanical Smoke Vent Submission and Fire Doors_0.pdf(990.83 KB) RYD00045572_Email between Studio E, RBKC and Rydon re Mechanical Smoke Ventilation Submission, Glass Partition and Fire Safety®_0.pdf(1.3 MB) RYD00049708_Email from Simon Lawrence to John Hoban regarding firestopping between floor slabs_0.pdf(452.73 KB) RYD00056059_email re site visit to Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(266.47 KB) RYD00056424_E-mail chain with building control re_ structural changes to GT_0.pdf(995.39 KB) RYD00062356_Email thread re Architect walking around site_0.pdf(709.11 KB) RYD00063599_Email from David Hughes to John Hoban re site visit_0.pdf(225.49 KB)