Date: 27 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BMER0000004_Building Control Report prepared by Beryl Menzies (Amended April 2020) - The application for Building Regulations approval (Part B Fire) in relation to the refurbishment of Grenfel.pdf(15.45 MB) BMER0000005_Appendix A (Amended)_ Plans, Drawings, Sections (Beryl Menzies' Report).pdf(20.55 MB) ALL00000001_CPD Record for John Allen (RBKC Building Control) for the period 2013 - 2017_0.pdf(692.72 KB) ART00003423_Email from David Bradbury to Paul Hanson and John Hoban regarding Grenfell Tower AOV Technical Submissions dated 19 January 2015.pdf(547.75 KB) ART00005080_Email from Max Fordham regarding ventilation to gas risers.pdf(2.41 MB) ART00005126_Email from Steve Blake at Rydon regarding Ventilation to gas risers.pdf(4.59 MB) ART00005128_Email from Claire Williams at KCTMO regarding Ventilation to gas risers.pdf(5.54 MB) ART00005136_Email between Rydon, Artelia, Max Fordham and KCTMO re Proposal for the Ventilation to Gas Risers at Grenfell Tower and Building Control's comments on the scope of works.pdf(6.23 MB) ART00005562_Email re partial possession.pdf(3.1 MB) ART00005791_Exhibit CL_208B - Chweechen Lim (Artelia) - Attachment_ Curtins’ structural performance specification for overcladding systems to Grenfell Tower.pdf(8.96 MB) BLAR00000001_Expert Report - Dr Barbara Lane - Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4_0.pdf(89.54 MB) CCL00002355_Email re Grenfell Tower - RBKC building control notes.pdf(1.86 MB) CEL00002347_BCA Technical Guidance Note 18_ use of combustible cladding materials on buildings exceeding 18m in height._0.pdf(1.1 MB) CEL00002377_BCA Technical Guidance Note 18 use of combustible cladding materials on buildings exceeding 18m in height..pdf(2.24 MB) CEL00003615_BCA Technical Guidance Note 18 -Use of combustible cladding materials on residential buildings - 0 - Jun 14.pdf(1.05 MB) CLG00000224_The Building Regulations 2010 (Fire Safety) Approved Document B – Vol 2 (Buildings other than dwelling houses) B1-B5, 2006 edition incorporating 2007, 2010 & 2013 amendments_0.pdf(115.87 MB) CLG00000690_DCLG Building Regulations and Fire Safety Procedural Guidance 4th Edition (Online version).pdf(20.76 MB) CTAR00000001_Colin Todd Final Expert Report for Grenfell Tower Inquiry.pdf(2.48 MB) CTAR00000025_Technical Guidance Note 18. Use of Combustible Cladding Materials on Residential Buildings. Issue 0. June 2014. (Revised as BCA Technical Guidance Note 18. Use of Combustible Cladd.pdf(88.24 KB) CWCT0000019_CWCT Technical Note 73 - Fire Performance of curtain walls and rainscreens (Final)_1.pdf(1.33 MB) CWCT0000024_CWCT Technical Note 98_ Fire performance of facades - Guide to the requirements of UK Building Regulations (supersedes TN 73).pdf(3.02 MB) DAT00000001_2019.04.24 Witness Statement of Data Planit.pdf(1.34 MB) EXO00000206_N Crawford (Studio E) to T Ashton (Exova) cc S O'Connor (Ryd), B Sounes (S E).pdf(2.28 MB) EXO00000214_Email B Sounes (S E) to D Campbell M Smith (MaxF), T Ashton (Exova) re RBKC Building Control's comments_0.pdf(3.21 MB) EXO00001106_Exova Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy dated 07_11_2013_2.pdf(4.32 MB) EXO00001107_Exova Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy_1.pdf(4.26 MB) EXO00001371_Minutes of meeting between RBKC Building Control, Studio E and Exova re Fire Strategy_1.pdf(1.35 MB) EXO00001434_Email chain between Studio E and Exova re cladding and fire stopping_0.pdf(2.43 MB) HAN00000002_CABE CPD records for Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control) for the period September 2014 - December 2017.pdf(1.22 MB) HAR00003947_Email from Ben Bailey to Ray Bailey, Kevin Lamb and Mark Stapley regarding Grenfell Tower Fire Stopping dated 30 March 2015_0.pdf(3.56 MB) HAR00006585_Email Between Ricky Kay, Ben Bailey, Kevin Lamb, Mark Stapley, Sue Sheppard, Simon Lawrence, Simon O'Connor, Ray Bailey, Daniel Anketell-Jones dated 26.03.15 - 27.03.15 regarding f.pdf(1.28 MB) HAR00006586_Email Between Ricky Kay, Ben Bailey, Kevin Lamb, Mark Stapley, Sue Sheppard, Simon Lawrence, Simon O'Connor, Ray Bailey dated 26.03.15 - 27.03.15 regarding fire integrity and insul.pdf(1.09 MB) HAR00006596_Email Between Ricky Kay, Ben Bailey, Kevin Lamb, Mark Stapley, Sue Sheppard, Neil Crawford, John Hoban (RBKC), Terry Ashton (Exova), Paul Hanson (RBKC), Simon Lawrence, Simon O'Con_0.pdf(3.35 MB) HAR00006597_Studio E, drawing entitled Detail Sections 2 - Main Entrance, 1279 (06) 121 Rev 00.pdf(3.63 MB) HAR00006598_Studio E, drawing entitled Detail Section Sheet 1, 1279 (06) 120 Rev 00_0.pdf(3.68 MB) HAR00006599_Harley Plan Entitled _Sections_ dated 27.03.15 - C1059-325 RevC.pdf(498.27 KB) HAR00019412_Email chain between Siderise, Harley, RBKC Building, Studio E and Rydon concerning the requirements of cavity barriers and fire stopping and referencing windows with a relevant dra.pdf(3.1 MB) JRP00000171_JRP Site Inspection Report- Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(2.01 MB) JSW00000022_Email attaching smoke ventilation operation and maintenance information, including commissioning report, completion certificate, maintenance contract.pdf(22.35 MB) JSW00001675_Paul Hanson's comments on JS Wright's AOV Proposals.pdf(12.52 KB) JSW00001916_Exhibit AW_13 - Alan Whyte (J S Wright Co Ltd).pdf(15.71 MB) JSW00002374_Email from Studio E to RBKC, Rydon, Harley Facades and JSW re Exit signs and fire warning for boxing club - fire strategy drawings.pdf(962.02 KB) JSW00002901_Email from David Hughes to Matt Smith regarding provision of an access point point of the make up air and attaching letter of comfort from building Control..pdf(2.85 MB) LBI00000880_Exhibit MK_7 - Email Grenfell Tower - RBKC Building Control Notes.pdf(1.97 MB) LBI00002449_Email from RBKC to Leadbitter attaching drawings marked up with means of escape plans.pdf(335.07 KB) LFB00000096_LFEPA_RBKC consultation on means of escape application in relation to the proposed changes to Grenfell Tower including new floors and over cladding..pdf(145.88 KB) LFB00000290_Email from Suhail Dadabhoy (LFB) to Building Control (RBKC) attaching a copy if the LFB's Response Letter to RBKC Building Control.pdf(351.29 KB) LFB00000291_Email from Malcolm Parker, Inspecting Officer at LFB and building control at RBKC re_ _D.Job No.1607567 - FS12_020696 - Grenfell Tower Grenfell Road London W11 1TH_. Respons.pdf(274.02 KB) LFB00000292_Letter from LFEPA to RBKC regarding the Record of Consultation_Advice Given in relation to the New Works to Grenfell Tower.pdf(661.46 KB) LFB00027294_RBKC letter and memorandum re_ proposed work on Grenfell Tower.pdf(619.06 KB)