Date: 21 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Peter Maddison> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip TMO10049937_Exhibit PM_8 - Newsletter September 2015.pdf(356.38 KB) TMO10049939_Exhibit PM_91 - Revised F10 10 March 2016.pdf(85.9 KB) TMO10049941_Exhibit PM_21 - Project Review Meeting 8 May 2013.pdf(995.73 KB) TMO10049943_Exhibit PM_43 - Executive Team Presentation 21 May 2014.pdf(4.99 MB) TMO10049948_Exhibit PM_76 - Simon Lawrence to Neil Reed 28 August 2015.pdf(258.52 KB) TMO10049949_Exhibit PM_32 - Programme Board 15 October 2013.pdf(388.35 KB) TMO10049951_Exhibit PM_56 - Programme Board Meeting 9 October 2014.pdf(272.71 KB) TMO10049954_Exhibit PM_79 - Residents Compact Meeting 6 October 2015.pdf(130.7 KB) TMO10049978_Exhibit PM_24 - Programme Board Meeting 20 June 2013.pdf(447.09 KB) TMO10049979_Exhibit PM_71 - Letter Peter Maddison to Mr Mohammed 20 July 2015.pdf(147.22 KB) TMO10003102_TMO Draft Operations Committee minutes 2nd May 2013.pdf(482.74 KB) TMO10016229_Papers for H&S Committee on Thursday 16th March at 10am in Portobello Rooms.pdf(496.52 KB) TMO10016238_KCTMO Health & Safety Committee Agenda 16th March 2017.pdf(486.56 KB) TMO10016240_Briefing Note on Fire at Lakanal House (Southwark) – June 13.pdf(508.2 KB) TMO10016241_KCTO Health & Safety Committee – Lakanal House Fire..pdf(898.83 KB) TMO10016739_Minutes of HS Committee - 16.3.17.FINAL_.pdf(4.5 MB) TMO10039091_Health & Safety Committee Agenda 20 June 2013.pdf(11.78 KB) TMO10002702_Appleyards Status Report - Addendum May 2013 for TMO.pdf(2.55 MB) TMO00879770 - Extract D58 - 2014 Diary of Peter Maddison.pdf(315.37 KB) TMO00879773 - Extract D58 - Day Book 2 of 8 - Peter Maddison.pdf(402.84 KB) TMO00879779 - Extract D58 - 2013 diary of Peter Maddison.pdf(535.53 KB) LBI00000982_Pre-construction agt - V7 (TMO) Appleyards amends.doc.pdf(27.75 MB) RBK00050771_KCTMO Business Plan Year 2 2009 - 2014 setting out the objectives, standards and values for that period.pdf(1.72 MB) TMO00831107_Letter from Jonathan Bore (RBKC) to M Watterson dated 10.01.14 giving condition planning permission for grenfell refurbishment.pdf(1.14 MB) TMO00833991_Exhibit EG_6 - Minutes of meeting between TMO and RBKC planners to discuss materials and potential alterations to planning applications (on 8th May 2014).pdf(1.14 MB) TMO00850744_TMO executive team meeting 19 3 14.docx.pdf(2.42 MB) TMO10005583_TMO document entitled _Grenfell Tower Refurbishment DECISION_ regarding report on TMO Board meeting 27 March 2014 . Report provides background of procurement process as well as pro.pdf(3.34 MB) TMO10005632_Email between Peter Maddison (KCTMO) and Sacha Jevans regarding Grenfell Tower Procurement EU compliance risk provided by Trowers & Hamlins..pdf(107.18 KB) TMO10008672_TMO document entitled “Minutes of the TMO Health & Safety Committee Meeting 13 Jan 2015”.pdf(317.61 KB) TMO00879771 - Extract D59 - Day Book 1 of 8 - Peter Maddison.pdf(296.12 KB) TMO00879776 - Extract D59 - 2015 diary of Peter Maddison .pdf(236.97 KB) TMO00879778 - Extract D59 - Book 5 Maddison.pdf(522 KB) MET00070923_Email Judith Blakeman to Peter Maddison, RBKC councillors re issues matrix.pdf(684.04 KB) TMO00829803_TMO Grenfell Tower Review Consulation.pdf(308.95 KB) TMO00830538_email correspondence between Edward Daffran, Peter Maddison, Claire Williams, Janet Seward, KCTOM Compliant manger, Catherine Dack regarding the residents complaint..pdf(397.07 KB) TMO00830759_Minutes relating to TMO Grenfell Review Meeting dated 12.03.16 regarding Cllr Blakeman's complaints on behalf of residents; lack of consultation_resident engagement; complaints reg.pdf(2.53 MB) TMO00831285_Emails Between Tunde Awoderu, Peter Maddison, Robert Black, Joanne Burke, dated 14.10.13 - 28.11.13 regarding extensive complaints.pdf(4.82 MB) TMO00832280_Emails Between Edward Daffarn, Claire Williams, Janet Edwards, Joanne Burke dated 22.01.14 - 03.02.14 regarding request for recognition of Grenfell Action Group as a residents grou.pdf(1.66 MB) TMO00845965_Email from Peter Maddison to Fola Kafidiya attaching posts from GAG website..pdf(115.37 KB) TMO00845967_Post from GAG website re forming community group and issues with Rydon over location HIU unit..pdf(3.7 MB) TMO00846643_Stage 2 response letter from TMO to Tunde Awoderu_ GTLA.pdf(53.38 KB) TMO00849798_KCTMO Executive Team, held on 18 September 2013.pdf(4.91 MB) TMO00852865_Email from TMO regarding Grenfell Board Review.pdf(71.58 KB) TMO00852922_Draft TMO Joint ET_SMT Meeting Minutes dated 14 April 2016.pdf(3.65 MB) TMO00852958_The Royal Borough of Kensignton & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation Limited - Mins 14_04_16.docx.pdf(2.54 MB) TMO00899807_TMO executive team minutes for meeting held on 7 August 2013..pdf(2.81 MB) TMO10008416_Correspondence between Amanda Johnson, Roger Keane and Peter Maddison (others CCed) regarding a complaint about Improvement work on existing smoke extraction and ventilation system.pdf(146.82 KB) TMO10027592_Exhibit JW_17 - 15 December- 16 December 2015 Email thread RE_ Grenfell Tower - signage & responses to Cllr Blakeman.pdf(659.63 KB) TMO10031174_TMO consultation survey on how residents would like to be consulted.pdf(9.48 MB) TMO10044817_Correspondence between Peter Maddison and Gillian Kennedy regarding Edward Daffarn’s complaint about the TMO’s failure to consult residents about the refurbishment project..pdf(150.88 KB) TMO10044821_Correspondence forwarded from Peter Maddison to himself regarding email attaching concerns from Grenfell Tower Leaseholder’s association..pdf(147.49 KB) TMO00840369_Peter Maddison signed statement (Aftermath).pdf(202.47 KB)