Date: 21 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Peter Maddison> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip TMO10008384_Exhibit PM_60 - Email Tunde Awoderu to Councillor Dent Coad 2 January 2015.pdf(355.18 KB) TMO10008428_Email from Claire Williams to Siobhan Rumble and Janice Wray regarding _FW_ Improvement work on existing smoke extraction and ventilation, system which links to the fire alarm, und.pdf(87.31 KB) TMO10008718_Draft Minutes for the Progress Meeting held on 20_01_15 - includes discussion on changes made to AOV design.pdf(1.49 MB) TMO10008836_Exhibit PM_65 - Programme Board 26 February 2015.pdf(3.93 MB) TMO10009164_Exhibit CW_90, Exhibit PM_67 - Programme Board 16 April 2015_0.pdf(4.87 MB) TMO10009801_Exhibit PM_74 - Progress Meeting No 14 21 August 2015.pdf(4.18 MB) TMO10009922_Exhibit PM_78 - RBKC & TMO Joint Management Meeting.pdf(3.62 MB) TMO10010048_Exhibit PM_75, Exhibit RB_3 - Programme Board 3 September 2015.pdf(3.08 MB) TMO10010078_Exhibit PM_22 - TMO Board Meeting 16 May 2013.pdf(39.66 MB) TMO10010079_Exhibit PM_33, Exhibit PM_29 - Programme Board 21 November 2013.pdf(71.54 MB) TMO10011410_Artelia minutes of Progress Meeting No. 17, held on 17 November 2015_0.pdf(8.54 MB) TMO10011591_Exhibit PM_84 - Joint RBKC & TMO management meeting 2 December 2015.pdf(2.66 MB) TMO10011652_Exhibit PM_88 - Email Janice Wray to Peter Maddison 15 December 2015.pdf(2.4 MB) TMO10011987_Exhibit PM_63 - Health & Safety Committee Meeting 19 January 2015.pdf(3.93 MB) TMO10012507_Exhibit PM_90 - Interim Meeting 09 March 2016.pdf(44.91 KB) TMO10012811_Exhibit JW_50, Exhibit JW_40, Exhibit PM_92 - Health & Safety Committee Meeting 12 April 2016.pdf(5.89 MB) TMO10014782_Exhibit PM_89 - RBKC & TMO Joint Management Meeting 2 March 2016.pdf(4.86 MB) TMO10015934_Exhibit PM_93 - Executive Team Meeting 7 July 2016.pdf(3.46 MB) TMO10016130_Exhibit PM_95 - RBKC & TMO Joint Management Meeting 7 September 2016.pdf(4 MB) TMO10017186_Exhibit PM_11 - Exova Outline Fire Safety Strategy 7 November 2013.pdf(5.87 MB) TMO10023253_Exhibit PM_37 - Contractor Introduction Meeting Minutes 1 April 2014.pdf(934.7 KB) TMO10026298_Exhibit PM_85 - Email David Collins to Peter Maddison 3 December 2015.pdf(3.65 MB) TMO10027587_Correspondence from Dulce De Oliveira to Councillor Judith Blakeman and in cc Janice Wray and Peter Maddison regarding a health, safety and security inquiry at Grenfell Tower..pdf(431.36 KB) TMO10028254_Exhibit PM_61 - Fire Risk Assessment 20 November 2012.pdf(27.37 MB) TMO10028438_Exhibit PM_19 - Programme Board Meeting 24 April 2013.pdf(6.12 MB) TMO10028481_Exhibit PM_55 - Programme Board Meeting 28 August 2014.pdf(4.53 MB) TMO10028488_Exhibit PM_69, Exhibit RB_2 - Programme Board 8 June 2015.pdf(3.83 MB) TMO10028489_Exhibit PM_72 - Programme Board 29 July 2015.pdf(6.97 MB) TMO10038426_TMO Minutes of Programme Board Meeting held on 21 February 2013.pdf(3.65 MB) TMO10038870_TMO Document entitled _Programme Board - 25th March 2013_, minutes of Programme Board meeting detailing programme development.pdf(4.46 MB) TMO10040064_Emails between TMO and Savills re Invitation to Savills Fire Safety Seminar - 5 December 2013_1.pdf(41.23 KB) TMO10040126_Correspondence from Peter Maddison to Janice Wray, Alex Bosman and others regarding a high rise forum to be held following the Lakanal fire._1.pdf(207.76 KB) TMO10040130_Correspondence from David Gibson to Janice Wray, regarding a high rise forum to be held following the Lakanal fire._1.pdf(122.32 KB) TMO10040493_Email correspondence between Jane Clifton and Janice Wray (TMO) and others regarding presentation from David Crowder on Lakanal and containing comments from High Rise Forum to LFB._1.pdf(126.04 KB) TMO10040834_Exhibit PM_34 - Programme Board 19 December 2013.pdf(5.92 MB) TMO10041034_Exhibit PM_38 - Email exchange Marc Watterson and Philip Booth April 2014.pdf(161.64 KB) TMO10041379_Email chain between IBI and TMO discussing cladding specifications and colour options and planning application._0.pdf(92.14 KB) TMO10042446_Exhibit CW_5, Exhibit PM_12 - Carl Stokes Fire Risk Assessment 17 October 2014_0.pdf(5.06 MB) TMO10042475_Exhibit PM_59 - Artelia email 2 December 2014.pdf(648.09 KB) TMO10049880_Exhibit PM_70 - Letter Peter Maddison to Councillor Blakeman (response to message 29.5.15).pdf(227.33 KB) TMO10049883_Exhibit PM_94 - Programme Board 20 July 2016.pdf(212.25 KB) TMO10049902_Exhibit PM_9 - Exova Outline Fire Safety Strategy 31 October 2012.pdf(631.83 KB) TMO10049904_Exhibit PM_10 - Exova Outline Fire Safety Strategy 24 October 2013.pdf(5.63 MB) TMO10049910_Exhibit PM_27 - Notes of Residents’ Meeting 15 August 2013.pdf(298.14 KB) TMO10049915_Exhibit PM_81 - Compact Meeting 12 November 2015.pdf(38.19 KB) TMO10049916_Exhibit PM_53 - TMO Board Meeting 24 July 2014.pdf(1.58 MB) TMO10049929_Exhibit PM_50 - Email Chweechen Lim to TMO 15 July 2014.pdf(110.55 KB) TMO10049930_Exhibit PM_28 - Notes of Residents’ Meeting (power surges) 15 August 2013.pdf(93.37 KB) TMO10049931_Exhibit PM_44 - Email Bruce Sounes to Claire Williams and Simon Lawrence 23 May 2014.pdf(31.33 KB) TMO10049933_Index to the witness statement of Peter Maddison.pdf(166.88 KB)