Date: 21 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Peter Maddison> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip TMO00000892_2019.02.08 Witness Statement of Peter Maddison_0.pdf(15.14 MB) TMO00847337_2019.11.13 Second Witness Statement of Peter Maddison.pdf(11.76 MB) TMO00873688_2020.06.17 Third Witness Statement of Peter Maddison.pdf(596.93 KB) IDX0088_Peter Maddison No. 1 (KCTMO).pdf(62.84 KB) IDX0194_Peter Maddison No.2 (KCTMO).pdf(54.57 KB) IDX0315_Peter Maddison No. 3 (KCTMO).pdf(47.91 KB) TMO00829504_TMO Document Entitled _Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting No 9 Minutes_ dated 17.03.15 regarding progress of works and concerns.pdf(1.82 MB) TMO00829831_Artelia minutes for Progress Meeting No 8 with TMO, Arterlia and Rydon.pdf(1.87 MB) TMO00830091_Exhibit PM_80 - Progress Meeting No 16 22 October 2015.pdf(18.54 MB) TMO00830456_TMO Document Entitled _Progress Meeting No 11 Minutes_ dated 19.05.15 regarding progress, concerns.pdf(1.33 MB) TMO00830489_Artelia Minutes of Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting No 15 held on 18 September 2015.pdf(3.97 MB) TMO00830537_Exhibit PM_20 - Artelia TMO Notes from Project Review Meeting 26 April 2013.pdf(699.09 KB) TMO00832490_Artelia- Pre-Start Meeting Minutes_0.pdf(2.43 MB) TMO00835445_Artelia Meeting Minutes entitled Progress Meeting No 1 Minutes_ regarding progress, concerns, cost, health and safety.pdf(1.68 MB) TMO00835928_John Rowan _Site Inspection Report no 24_.pdf(2.45 MB) TMO00835939_Exhibit CW_108, Exhibit PM_86 - Site Inspection Report 10 December 2015_0.pdf(3.41 MB) TMO00837261_Emails between Peter Maddison, David Collins, Ciara McGarry, Cllr Blakeman, Cllr Atkinson dated 17.08.15 - 17.08.15 regarding changes in floor numbering; HIU location; cleaning; l.pdf(798.8 KB) TMO00837550_Exhibit CW_30, Exhibit PM_7 - Newsletter April 2014_0.pdf(1.53 MB) TMO00837688_The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation Notes from Grenfell Tower evening meeting with residents held on 17 June 2013.pdf(47.77 KB) TMO00837709_Exhibit CW_70, Exhibit PM_57 - Email Bruce Sounes to Simon Lawrence, Claire Williams 10 November 2014_0.pdf(2.29 MB) TMO00840255_Exhibit PM_4 - Update on Grenfell Tower Improvement Works and recent power surges 16 July 2013.pdf(716.69 KB) TMO00847339_Exhibit PM_1_ 16.07.13 Housing and Property Scrutiny Report.pdf(2.56 MB) TMO00847340_Exhibit PM_2_ 6.5.14 Email Rydon to Claire Williams re facade.pdf(727.08 KB) TMO00873689_Exhibit PM_2 - 18.11.13 item no. 256436) FW _ High Rise Forum.pdf(535.34 KB) TMO00873690_Exhibit PM_2 (attachment).pdf(774.48 KB) TMO00873693_Exhibit PM_1 - 13.11.13 item no. 238617) RSVP_ Invitation to Savills Fire Safety Seminar - S December 2013.pdf(806.13 KB) TMO00873694_Exhibit PM_1 (attachment).pdf(1.73 MB) TMO10001766_Exhibit PM_2, Exhibit MA_11 - 15 November 2012 TMO Board_ Confidential - Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(44.55 MB) TMO10001939_Exhibit PM_1 - TMO Board meeting 15 November 2012.pdf(4.94 MB) TMO10002337_Exhibit PM_16 - Chief Executive’s Report to Board 21 March 2013.pdf(32.52 MB) TMO10002602_Email from Brucee Sounes to Peter Maddison discussion about new fire exit and samples of cladding options to zinc._0.pdf(77.06 KB) TMO10002849_Exhibit PM_3; Exhibit PM_25 - Update Report 20 June 2013.pdf(87.62 KB) TMO10003105_Exhibit PM_15, Exhibit SJ_7 - Minutes of TMO Executive Team meeting on 04.03.13.pdf(5.79 MB) TMO10003173_Exhibit PM_5, Exhibit PM_26 - TMO Board Meeting 25 July 2013.pdf(11.11 MB) TMO10003403_Agenda of TMO board meeting to be held on 5 September 2012 and numerous supporting documents relating to agenda items.pdf(33.48 MB) TMO10003560_Max Fordham Grenfell Tower - Proposals_Queries_Discussion Points - 6_09_2013.pdf(1013 KB) TMO10004487_Correspondence between Laura Johnson, Janice Wray and Amanda Johnson regarding the High Rise Forum and engaging a presentation on the Lakanal House fire._1.pdf(1.94 MB) TMO10004645_TMO document entitled _Invitation to Tender_ regarding Artelia draft letter invitation to tender._0.pdf(863.23 KB) TMO10005571_TMO document entitled _Grenfell Tower Refurbishment DECISION_ regarding TMO Board Report. Report provides background of procurement process as well as providing the evaluation crit.pdf(2.43 MB) TMO10005816_Exhibit PM_13 - Executive Team Meeting Minutes 6 February 2013.pdf(5.26 MB) TMO10005829_Exhibit PM_39 - TMO_Council Finance Meeting 14 April 2014.pdf(292.73 KB) TMO10005900_Exhibit CW_33, Exhibit PM_41 - Meeting with RBKC Planners 8 May 2014_0.pdf(1.57 MB) TMO10005911_KCTMO - Cabinet meeting report by Laura Johnson, Director of Housing.pdf(2.07 MB) TMO10005924_Email between Bruce Sounes, TMO and IBI discussing cladding samples, its cost and aesthetic finish as well as the details of its fixings_0.pdf(1.37 MB) TMO10006102_Exhibit PM_40 - RBKC_TMO Joint Management meeting 23 April 2014.pdf(3.92 MB) TMO10006859_Minutes of TMO Capital Programme Team Meeting_0.pdf(2.03 MB) TMO10007050_Exhibit CW_46, Exhibit PM_52 - Email Sarah Scannell to IBI Taylor Young 23 July 2014_0.pdf(175.59 KB) TMO10007280_Exhibit PM_48 - Programme Board 1 July 2014.pdf(3.34 MB) TMO10007302_Meeting Minutes- Rydon, Artelia & TMO®®_0.pdf(70.6 KB) TMO10007968_Email from Artelia to KCTMO requiring decision on Grenfell Tower windows i.e. new size, costing and risk_0.pdf(124.36 KB) TMO00840384_Minutes of the KCTMO Operational Health and Safety Meeting - 17 January 2014..pdf(2.61 MB) TMO00840881_KCTMO minutes of ‘Operational Health and Safety meeting'.pdf(3.02 MB) TMO10002225_Fire Risk Compliance Meeting 27.2.13.docx.pdf(60.86 KB) TMO10002229_RBKC and TMO emails regarding failures in maintenance _ inspection of firefighting equipment at Grenfell and other TMO stock following complaint by Francis O'Connor (Grenfell Actio.pdf(31.3 KB) TMO10002270_TMO email chail regarding 'Fire safety at Lancaster West' including correspondence between TMO and RGE about maintenance_service of fire fighting equipment at TMO properties..pdf(3.37 MB) TMO10003124_KCTMO document entitled Safety Management Review July 2013 FAO Robert Black [KCTMO Chief Executive] CC to Anthony Parkes, Angela Bosnjak-Szekeres.pdf(18.09 MB) TMO10003604_TMO document entitled _Operational Health and Safety Meeting_ regarding draft minutes with comments from 12_9_13 meeting..pdf(2.9 MB) TMO10009784_Ops H&S Group - Minutes. 20th June 2014.docx TMO operational health a safety meeting where various issues are discussed including, updating of doors, complaints handling and asbest.pdf(1.48 MB) CST00002003_Email chain from Carl Stokes to Janice Wray (TMO), chain including, Alex Bosman (TMO), regarding FRA Action Queries and responses..pdf(425.02 KB) RBK00000313_Exhibit AP_1 - RBKC, TMO Health and Safety Final Audit Report, April 2013.pdf(1.22 MB) RBK00000531_Exhibit AP_4 - RBKC, TMO, Final Internal Audit Report, Healthand Safety, March 2016.pdf(3.18 MB) RBK00014072_Exhibit AJ_9 - RBKC & KCTMO JOINT MANAGEMENT MEETINGWednesday 01St March 2017 (included in AJ email 19.10.18).pdf(1.02 MB) RBK00026888_Letter from LFB to Laura Johnson warning of the risk of external fire spread in tall buildings.pdf(973.69 KB) TMO00840480_TMO document entitled ‘KCTMO Procedure for dealing with LFB Deficiency Notices’..pdf(32.72 KB) TMO00840545_TMO document containing notes_minutes of ‘Health & Safety Committee Meeting’ held on 12 April 2016..pdf(4.47 MB) TMO00840607_KCTMO Health and Safety Committee Meeting Minutes from 14_06_2016.pdf(4.13 MB) TMO00840703_London fire and emergency Planning Authority, ‘Enforcement Notice’ , Notice requiring steps to be taken under Article 30 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 200.pdf(1.16 MB) TMO00840715_Correspondence from Peter Maddison to Janice Wray and in cc Barbara Mathews and Sacha Jevans regarding LFB’s Notification to the TMO of Investigation of Offences..pdf(1.41 MB) TMO00840763_TMO committee meeting regarding heath and safety involving Barbara Matthews (BM), Janice Wray and Janice Wray ..pdf(4.07 MB) TMO00841891_TMO document entitled _Bi-monthly Meeting - LFB Fire Safety & KCTMO H&S_ dated 5 January 2016..pdf(1.11 MB) TMO00842279_Exhibit JW_34 - Fire safety in purpose-built blocks of flats' Guidance.pdf(49.62 MB) TMO00843588_Email from Janice Wray to Alex Bosman re fire doors.pdf(2.08 MB) TMO00861973_Email between Hannah Lougher, Johnson, Laura, Robert Black, Janice Wray, Adrian Bowman RE_ Letter from LFB External Fire Spread.pdf(125.79 KB) TMO00866319_Email between Ian Lines and Peter Maddison (TMO) regarding Adair Tower Fire enforcement..pdf(110.74 KB) TMO00866493_Correspondence between Barbara Matthews, Peter Maddison, Sacha Jevans and Robert Black regarding revised FRA for Adair Tower.pdf(154.43 KB) TMO00869184_Email from David Gibson to Peter Maddison re Adair Tower fire meeting with LFB.pdf(219.44 KB) TMO00869725_Email from Patrick Dottridge to John Parson regarding FRA (Medium Risk) Action Plan Items - A&R Surveying.Feb 2013.pdf(101.95 KB) TMO00869726_TMO document entitled FRA (Medium Risk) Action Plan Items - AR Surveying Feb 2013 (3).docx.pdf(2.78 MB) TMO10002288_TMO document titled_ 'FRA Action Plan Items - Asset and Regeration- Building Services'. Feb 2013.pdf(49.53 MB) TMO10009039_TMO Minutes of Operational Health and Safety Group Meeting on 31 July 2015.pdf(693.83 KB) TMO10009447_Minutes of KCTMO Operational Health and Safety Meeting - 12 May 2015..pdf(1.17 MB) TMO10009652_TMO Schedule of FRA Outstanding Actions for W2 Workflow. Health & Safety Committee and Ops Heath & Safety Group 28th July 2015.pdf(31.47 KB) TMO10010066_TMO Health & Safety Cttee_ statistics, FRA programme and outstanding actions, 28 September 2015.pdf(466.82 KB) TMO10011191_FRA & H&S Inspection action Stats - Paper 2. 23rd November 2015.docx.pdf(740.52 KB) TMO10011452_Exhibit JW_46 - 24 November 2015 Minutes of Health & Safety Committee meeting.pdf(2.8 MB) TMO10011910_TMO document, Fire Risk Team’s Summary..pdf(429.95 KB) TMO10014787_FRA & H&S Action Statistics. Paper 4. 13th Sept 2016.docx.pdf(68.53 KB) TMO10014979_Minutes of TMO Health & Safety Committee Meeting..pdf(4.39 MB) TMO10015963_TMO document entitled ‘FRAs – Current Progress with Completion of Actions’..pdf(31.38 KB) TMO10016020_Minutes of TMO Health & Safety Committee Meeting held on 19 January 2017..pdf(656.8 KB) TMO10016217_TMO document entitled ‘FRAs – Current Progress with Completion of Actions’..pdf(354.96 KB) TMO10016741_Minutes of HS Committee - 16.3.17..pdf(4.49 MB) TMO10017116_TMO FRA Action Statistics. 13th June 2017. PAPER 4.pdf(334.56 KB) TMO10017254_Exhibit JW_26 - 17 November 2016- Letter from LFEPA_ Deficiency Notice.pdf(312.04 KB) TMO10042942_TMO Spreadsheet entitled _Fire Risk Assessment actions tracker breakdown for Contract Management_..xls(258 KB) TMO10043024_TMO Spreadsheet entitled _Fire Risk Assessment Actions Tracker - Project Management Team_..xls(63 KB) TMO10044175_TMO document entitled “Minutes of TMO Health and Safety Committee Meeting” 29 September 2015.pdf(756.74 KB)