Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RBK00003010_Studio E LLP, drawing entitled Proposed Ground Floor Plans, 1279 RE111 Rev 04, Annotated..pdf(42.42 KB) RBK00003012_Studio E LLP, drawing entitled Proposed Walkway Plan, 1279 RE113 Rev 04, Unannotated..pdf(24.17 KB) RBK00003014_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Allen_ B1 Means of Escape Observations, Preliminary P2.pdf(49.86 KB) RBK00003022_Studio E LLP, Drawing entitled Proposed Mezzanine Floor Plans, 1279 RE112 Rev 04, Unannotated..pdf(21.23 KB) RBK00003025_Studio E LLP, drawing entitled Proposed Floor Plans, 1279 RE110 Rev 05, Unannotated..pdf(49.41 KB) RBK00003041_Document, detailing a list of outcomes from a site inspection at Grenfell Tower, citing the fixing of cladding, firestopping and cavity barriers._1.pdf(156.69 KB) RBK00003042_Email from David Hughes at Rydon to John Hoban at RBKC requesting Building Control Completion Certificate..pdf(12.84 KB) RBK00003044_Memorandum from Dave Gammon to John Allen (RBKC Building Control) regarding ‘B1 - Means of Escape of Observations’, Submission No. Preliminary P1, Grenfell Tower._1.pdf(33.75 KB) RBK00003773_Email correspondence between Rydon, JS Wright and RBKC Building control RE_ Grenfell Tower Building Control Demo_0.pdf(117.03 KB) RBK00003778_Email from Rydon to RBKC Building Control re_ Grenfell Tower Cause & Effect Rev 04 & Grenfell Tower Tech Sub Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 6_0.pdf(12.17 KB) RBK00003785_grenfell tower rev02.pdf(937.84 KB) RBK00003793_Exhibit GS_11 - Email from Rydon to RBKC Building Control.pdf(84.14 KB) RBK00003800_Email from Paul Hanson to Neil Crawford_ Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project - Ground floor store room.pdf(17.15 KB) RBK00003802_Emails between Neil Crawford (Studio E), John Hoban and Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control) re means of escape and fire fighting access observations for submission 1 on Grenfell To_0.pdf(73.3 KB) RBK00003806_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire strategy an_0.pdf(26.49 KB) RBK00003809_Grenfell Tower Tech Sub Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 3.pdf(9.47 MB) RBK00003810_Emails between Bruce Sounes, Neil Crawford (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson, John Hoban (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT ref_1.pdf(177 KB) RBK00003831_Correspondence from Terry Ashton (Exova Warringtonfire Associate Fire Engineering (Europe)) to Neil Crawford (Studio E LTD Associate) regarding Grenfell Tower Regeneration Project.pdf(33.02 KB) RBK00003832_Email from Bruce Sounes (Studio E) to Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control) attaching upgraded ground floor fire access plan for GT refurbishment_0.pdf(12.11 KB) RBK00003835_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire strategy an_0.pdf(44.22 KB) RBK00003837_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson, John Hoban (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire.pdf(157.09 KB) RBK00003838_Email from JS Wright to RBKC attaching AOV Technical Submission from PSB._0.pdf(29.92 KB) RBK00003839_Grenfell Tower Tech Sub Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 1.pdf(9.23 MB) RBK00003846_Emails between D Hughes, S Blake (Rydon), N Crawford (Studio E), J Hoban, P Hanson (RBKC Building Control) re minutes from meeting with building control on 07.01.16.pdf(27.19 KB) RBK00003852_Correspondence from Paul Hanson to David Bradbury and in cc Hugh Mahoney and others regarding Grenfell Tower AOV technical submission..pdf(37.23 KB) RBK00003854_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson, John Hoban (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire_0.pdf(167.49 KB) RBK00003855_Email from David Hughes attaching_ Grenfell Tower - Mintues from meeting with Building Control on7 January 2016.pdf(14.36 KB) RBK00003856_Grenfell Tower - Meeting Minutes with Building Control_0.pdf(1.41 MB) RBK00003864_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson, John Hoban (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire_0.pdf(140.76 KB) RBK00003867_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Allen - B1 Means of Escape of Observations, Submission Preliminary(P2) Grenfell Tower._0.pdf(44.49 KB) RBK00013224_Document entitled 'The Building Regulations 2010 (as Amended)', detailing areas requiring attention following a site visit._1.pdf(44.95 KB) RBK00014255_Image of completion certificate for Grenfell Tower by Rydons Maintenance Ltd_0.pdf(266.97 KB) RBK00014938_Letter from Grenfell Tower Fire Authority tp RBKC Building Control re consultation response from the London fire and emergency planning authority to new works at Grenfell Tower.pdf(476.8 KB) RBK00027308_Grenfell tower building planning application_0.pdf(240.75 KB) RBK00027344_Email from John Hoban, RBKC to John Allen, RBKC regarding building control site visit.pdf(396.86 KB) RBK00027346_Emails between P Hanson (RBKC Building Control) and N Crawford (Studio E) cc Rydon, J S Wright and Harley Facades re fire exit signs, fire alarms, fire strategy and cladding produc.pdf(957.06 KB) RBK00027396_Correspondence between PSB and JS Wright and RBKC Building Control regarding the amended Smoke Ventilation System technical submission - Rev3_0.pdf(885.84 KB) RBK00027403_Correspondence between JSW Right, RBKC, Rydon, MaxFordham regarding the Grenfell Tower AOV Technical Submission and the Tech Submission Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 1.pdf(507.09 KB) RBK00027424_Exhibit GS_1 - Letter acknowledging receipt of application FP_14_03563_0.pdf(28.25 KB) RBK00027560_Exhibit GS_2 - Letter from RBKC Building Control to LFEP A_0.pdf(317.87 KB) RBK00029072_3D.pdf(3.84 KB) RBK00029082_Exhibit JA_1 - Site note of 17.04.2015_0.pdf(14.27 KB) RBK00029194_Exhibit SS_27 - Proposed East Elevation Plan 1279 PL313 00.pdf(60.22 KB) RBK00029197_Exhibit SS_30 - Planning Material Samples 1279 PL316 00.pdf(68.82 KB) RBK00029198_Exhibit SS_26 - Proposed West Elevation Plan 1279 PL312 00.pdf(54.35 KB) RBK00029199_Exhibit SS_33 - Harley Cladding Sample Drawing No EE3317 Mock Up.pdf(45.41 KB) RBK00029202_Exhibit SS_29 - Proposed North Elevation Plan 1279 PL315 00.pdf(53.81 KB) RBK00033895_Exhibit PDH_6 - Submission _ (S1) 10_11_2014_1.pdf(1.94 MB) RBK00033897_Exhibit PDH_12 - Second Fire Authority consultation request_0.pdf(28.5 MB) RBK00033904_Exhibit PDH_4 - Preliminary application 1 (P1)_0.pdf(991.28 KB)