Date: 28 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip TMO00869715_TMO document entitled _RBKC TMO grenfell Tower lift refurbishment _regarding Grenfell Tower lift refurbishment.pdf(391.76 KB) TMO00869716_TMO document entitled _RBKC TMO grenfell Tower lift refurbishment _regarding Grenfell Tower lift refurbishment.pdf(218.07 KB) TMO00869717_TMO document entitled _The refurbishment of two electric passenger lifts and replacement_ regarding Grenfell Tower lift refurbishment.pdf(8.18 MB) TMO00869718_TMO document entitled _Health & Safety File for Grenfell Tower Lancaster West Estate_ relating to Grenfell Tower lifts.pdf(16.33 MB) TMO00869731_TMO document entitled Health and Safety Plan.pdf(16.33 MB) TMO00869734_TMO document entitled Grenfell Tower Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan (no appendices).pdf(11.28 MB) TMO00869748_TMO document entitled Artellia Grenfell Tower Health and Safety File Colour Coded.pdf(8.67 MB) TMO00869760_Email from Anthony Cheney to A Morris regarding Grenfell O&M manual.pdf(1.55 MB) TMO00869761_Email from Claire Williams to A Morris regarding Grenfell O&M manual.pdf(1.48 MB) TMO00869762_Email from Steve Blake to Neil Reed regarding Grenfell Completion - Client lead issues..pdf(88.6 KB) TMO00869768_Email from Claire Williams to Steve regarding Grenfell Tower.pdf(36.7 KB) TMO00869769_Email from Claire Williams to Steve Blake regarding Grenfell Completion - Client lead issues - Update 1_6..pdf(178.98 KB) TMO00869770_Email from Steve Blake to Steve Butler and Claire Williams regarding O+Ms Grenfell - sign off with Client team.pdf(39.63 KB) TMO00869771_Email from Steve Butler to Steve Blake and Claire Williams regarding O+Ms Grenfell - sign off with Client team.pdf(58.59 KB) TMO00869776_TMO document entitled Asbestos Consignments Notes for Grenfell Tower - for putting in O+M files.pdf(107.36 KB) TMO00869784_Email from David Hughes to Claire Williams regarding Grenfell Tower - Planned Maintenance Schedule.pdf(16.33 KB) TMO00869786_FW_ Grenfell Tower O&M manuals.pdf(148.71 KB) TMO00870864_Exhibit CW_3 - 14 June 2017 Email from Claire Williams FW_ Grenfell floor plans.pdf(393.75 KB) TMO00870866_Exhibit CW_3 - 14 June 2017 Email from Claire Williams FW_ Grenfell floor plans (attachment).pdf(580.59 KB) TMO00870868_Exhibit CW_9 - 15 June 2017 Email from Claire Williams Subject_ Grenfell floor plans.pdf(575.34 KB) TMO00870875_Exhibit CW_8 - 14 June 2017 Email from Claire Williams Subject_ grenfell plans.pdf(198.62 KB) TMO00870876_Exhibit CW_8 - 14 June 2017 Email from Claire Williams Subject_ grenfell plans (attachment).pdf(102 KB) TMO10012811_Exhibit JW_50, Exhibit JW_40, Exhibit PM_92 - Health & Safety Committee Meeting 12 April 2016_0.pdf(5.89 MB) TMO10013708_Grenfell Tower Health & Safety File._0.pdf(47.63 KB) TMO10013817_M&E - Tracker for Grenfell Tower + Rydon Comments 15 June 2016.pdf(1.46 MB) TMO10017690_Grenfell Tower - FRA Action Tracker Status. 3rd July 2017.xls.pdf(8.87 MB) TMO10028592_Apex Lifts Occupational Health and Safety file for Grenfell construction. Refers to Butler & Young Lift Consultants Ltd as planning consultants. Firemans control at p236..pdf(6.73 MB) TMO10044394_Email from Janice Wray (TMO) to Terry Ashton (Exova) regarding appointment to assist with LFB enforcement notices..pdf(30.81 KB) TMOM00000001_Grenfell Tower - Building Manual_0.pdf(170.04 KB) TMOM00000003_1.2.2.xlsx(73.26 KB) TMOM00000005_Fortress- Roller Shutter Maintenance Log Book and Operating Instructions.pdf(751.33 KB) TMOM00000006_Studio E, drawing entitled Fire Access Plan, 1279(08)100 Rev 06.pdf(512.62 KB) TMOM00000007_Studio E, drawing entitled Fire Strategy, 1279(08)101, Rev 05.pdf(615.66 KB) TMOM00000009_Grenfell Tower Waste.pdf(266.66 KB) TMOM00000027_Waste Note-Grenfell Tower.pdf(571.47 KB) TMOM00000041_7.1.1.3.pdf(2.48 MB) TMOM00000043_7.1.1.7.pdf(290.34 KB) TMOM00000044_7.1.1.8.pdf(307.83 KB) TMOM00000049_1279 SEA (00) 012 - Proposed Site Plan.dgn_.pdf(1.37 MB) TMOM00000050_1279 SEA (04) 101 Proposed Ground Floor Plan.pdf(576.92 KB) TMOM00000051_1279 SEA (04) 102 Proposed Mezzanine Plan.pdf(612.15 KB) TMOM00000052_1279 SEA (04) 103 Proposed Walkway Plan.pdf(366.89 KB) TMOM00000053_1279 SEA (04) 104 Proposed Walkway+1 Plan.pdf(461.28 KB) TMOM00000054_Studio E, drawing entitled Demolished Basement Plan, 1279 (04) 120.pdf(241.48 KB) TMOM00000055_1279 SEA (04) 121 - Demolished Ground Plan.pdf.pdf(493.92 KB) TMOM00000056_1279 SEA (04) 122 - Demolished Mezzanine Plan.pdf.pdf(550.6 KB) TMOM00000057_1279 SEA (04) 123 - Demolished Walkway Plan.pdf.pdf(666.46 KB) TMOM00000058_Studio E, drawing entitled Demolished Walkway +1 Plan, 1279(04)124.pdf(453.71 KB) TMOM00000059_1279 SEA (04) 202 - Flat Type 3 - Mezz 1 Bed.dgn_.pdf(390.54 KB) TMOM00000060_1279 SEA (04) 202 Flat Type 3 - Mezz 1 Bed.pdf(266.39 KB)