Date: 27 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Beryl Menzies> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip LFB00054548_Exhibit LD_1 - Building Regulations and FireSafety Procedural Guidance2015.pdf(16.72 MB) LFB00054550_Exhibit LD_3 - FSIGN 501.pdf(6.17 MB) LFB00059241_Smoke Control Association - Guidance on Smoke Control to Common Escape Routes in Apartment Buildings (Flats and Maisonettes), Revision 1_ June 2012..pdf(3.93 MB) MAX00001365_Memo containing advice regarding the proposed AOV.pdf(42.96 KB) MAX00001399_Building Control Memo Regarding the Proposed AOV System.pdf(99.51 KB) MAX00004179_FW_ Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road, Refurbishment - Fire Strategy P2.pdf(4.09 MB) RBK00000132_Email, attaching photographs of Fire Doors with signs on them which state to keep shut_Locked at GT.pdf(12.23 KB) RBK00001122_Email from John Hoban to John Allen re_ Visits to properties including Grenfell Tower on 12th January 2016_0.pdf(19.97 KB) RBK00001413_Email from Paul Hanson_ Grenfell Tower Fire Authority consultation S2.pdf(14.65 KB) RBK00001685_Email chain between Studio E and RBKC between Paul Hanson and Neil Crawford, regarding Grenfell fire advice and fire signs and mentioning a cladding inspection..pdf(49.66 KB) RBK00001778_SCA Guidance on Smoke Control to Common Escape Routes in Apartment Buildings_Revision 2 Oct 15.pdf(15.43 MB) RBK00002265_RBKC Guide for applicants - Advice for submissions and means of escape in case of fire.pdf(642.34 KB) RBK00002400_Correspondence between John Allen and various RBKC employees attaching letter_ _London Fire Brigade Letter- Poor compartmentation, firestopping, missing fire safety measures__0.pdf(21.51 KB) RBK00002401_Letter from Rita Dexter Deputy Commissioner LFB to Councillor N Paget-Brown_ protecting fire safety features in refurbished buildings.pdf(674.61 KB) RBK00002633_Emails between Neil Crawford, Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Hoban, Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control), Simon Lawrence (Rydon), Terry Ashton (Exova), Simon O'Connor (Rydon) re buil.pdf(120.92 KB) RBK00002711_Email, regarding Grenfell Tower updates on various areas of work..pdf(10.61 KB) RBK00002964_Email re. Linking Environmental AOV's to smoke extract system @ Grenfell Tower.pdf(78.04 KB) RBK00002978_Email from Paul Hanson to Neil Crawford cc John Hoban_ Grenfell Tower, Grenfell Road Regeneration Project Submission 2, attaching plans with comments.pdf(57.46 KB) RBK00002979_JAGS, Drawing entitled _ Fire Strategy_ for James Allen's Community Music Centre, 1309 (08) 101, Rev 05.pdf(5.47 MB) RBK00002980_JAGS, Drawing entitled _ Fire Access Plan_ for James Allen's Community Music Centre, 1309 (08) 100, Rev 06.pdf(4.22 MB) RBK00002981_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Hoban - B1Means of Escape of Observations, Submission 2.pdf(663.35 KB) RBK00002982_Email from David Hughes to Paul Hanson cc John Hoban and Steve Blake RE_ Confirmation of BC instruction to not fit smoke seals to new lift lobby doors at Grenfell Tower.pdf(52.66 KB) RBK00003000_Email from David Hughes Building Control site inspection.pdf(16.43 KB) RBK00003017_Grenfell Tower - Smoke exhaust LFB submission..pdf(81.42 KB) RBK00003024_Email from Paul Hanson at RBKC to David Hughes at Rydon RE_ Linking Environmental AOV's to smoke extract system at Grenfell Tower.pdf(78.44 KB) RBK00003037__RE_ 75019 - Grenfell Tower, London - Summary of Results_.pdf(69.11 KB) RBK00003041_Document, detailing a list of outcomes from a site inspection at Grenfell Tower, citing the fixing of cladding, firestopping and cavity barriers._0.pdf(156.69 KB) RBK00003044_Memorandum from Dave Gammon to John Allen (RBKC Building Control) regarding ‘B1 - Means of Escape of Observations’, Submission No. Preliminary P1, Grenfell Tower._0.pdf(33.75 KB) RBK00003047_Correspondence from David Hughes (Rydon Site Manager) to Tony Batty, Jon White, Paul Hanson and others regarding ‘Smoke Extract _ Ventilation System – Full System Operational W.pdf(26.84 KB) RBK00003773_Email correspondence between Rydon, JS Wright and RBKC Building control RE_ Grenfell Tower Building Control Demo.pdf(117.03 KB) RBK00003775_Grenfell Tower Tech Sub Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 6.pdf(9.07 MB) RBK00003777_RE_ Grenfell Tower.pdf(75.83 KB) RBK00003778_Email from Rydon to RBKC Building Control re_ Grenfell Tower Cause & Effect Rev 04 & Grenfell Tower Tech Sub Lobby Smoke Control Systems Rev 6.pdf(12.17 KB) RBK00003781_Correspondence from David Hughes (Rydon Site Manager) to Paul Hanson (RBKC Senior Building Control Surveyor (Fire Regulations)) regarding Grenfell Tower Building Control Demo..pdf(90.64 KB) RBK00003790_Internal RBKC email correspondence forwarding revisions to Grenfell Tower Fire Strategy Drawings..pdf(39.96 KB) RBK00003791_Studio E Architects, drawing entitled Fire Strategy, 1279 (08) 101 Rev 04, Annotated..pdf(464.23 KB) RBK00003792_Studio E Architects, drawing entitled Fire Access Plan, 1279 (08) 100 Rev 05, Annotated..pdf(378.03 KB) RBK00003802_Emails between Neil Crawford (Studio E), John Hoban and Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control) re means of escape and fire fighting access observations for submission 1 on Grenfell To.pdf(73.3 KB) RBK00003806_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire strategy an.pdf(26.49 KB) RBK00003810_Emails between Bruce Sounes, Neil Crawford (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson, John Hoban (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT ref_0.pdf(177 KB) RBK00003832_Email from Bruce Sounes (Studio E) to Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control) attaching upgraded ground floor fire access plan for GT refurbishment.pdf(12.11 KB) RBK00003835_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire strategy an.pdf(44.22 KB) RBK00003838_Email from JS Wright to RBKC attaching AOV Technical Submission from PSB..pdf(29.92 KB) RBK00003853_Memorandum from Paul Hanson to John Hoban B1 - Means of Escape Observations. Submission S1a. Smoke Ventilation Technical submission PSBUK1143-12 rev 3..pdf(14.51 KB) RBK00003864_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), John Allen, Paul Hanson, John Hoban (RBKC Building Control), Terry Ashton (Exova) and Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) re GT refurbishment fire.pdf(140.76 KB) RBK00010778_Correspondence sent from John Hoban, containing sentence_ _Cladding inspection and meeting with new project manager_..pdf(8.55 KB) RBK00010782_Correspondence sent to John Hoban, containing a brief update on the cladding works being undertaken at Grenfell Tower following a site visit._0.pdf(10.91 KB) RBK00010787_Correspondence sent to John Hoban, containing no substance, with the subject line _Grenfell tower checking framework for cladding_..pdf(8.29 KB) RBK00013223_Document detailing information on completion of regeneration project._0.pdf(224.91 KB) RBK00013224_Document entitled 'The Building Regulations 2010 (as Amended)', detailing areas requiring attention following a site visit._0.pdf(44.95 KB)