On 21 and 22 March the Inquiry is holding a Procedural Hearing at Holborn Bars.

This procedural hearing will review the progress of the first phase of the Inquiry and submissions on the timeframe for the hearings.


The hearing will start on both days at 10:00 and will be expected to last the full day.

Live Stream

A live-stream of the session will be made available on the Inquiry website: www.grenfelltowerinquiry.org.uk

Public Screening

To enable the bereaved, survivors and local residents to view the hearing without travelling into central London, a public screening of the live-stream will be held on both days at the Notting Hill Methodist Church. Doors will open at 9:30am and there will be 100 seats available, issued on the day, on a first come, first served basis.

Attending the Hearing

Available seating within the hearing room at Holborn Bars has been reserved for Core Participants who are bereaved, survivors and local residents. Places have been offered through legal representatives and those attending are welcome to arrive from 09:00.

Please contact us if you would like to attend Holborn Bars in person and have not received details via your legal representative.


Media wishing to attend Holborn Bars do not need to register in advance but on arrival journalists must register at the press desk. Journalists will be seated in an adjacent annex into which proceedings will be broadcast.

Please note

  • Cameras and recording equipment are strictly prohibited at Holborn Bars and the Notting Hill Methodist Church.
  • Mobile phones and other devices must be switched to silent during the hearing.
  • Laptops may be used in the Inquiry’s hearing rooms and public areas if they do not disturb others but they may not be used to make live recordings of proceedings.
  • Laptops must be battery-powered as power sockets are not available.
  • A transcript will be added to the Inquiry website each day following the hearing.
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