Date: 7 September 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Dr Barbara Lane> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BLARP20000023_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 1 - The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and its application to high rise residenti.pdf(74.76 MB) BLARP20000024_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 2 - Organising and planning a system of management that provides the fire safety arrangements.pdf(57.79 MB) BLARP20000027_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 8 - The adequacy of the advice provided by the fire risk assessor Carl Stokes of CS Stokes &.pdf(328.56 MB) BLARP20000028_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 9 - KCTMO's duty to create a system of emergency planning - The resulting emergency plan for.pdf(58.78 MB) BLARP20000029_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 3 - The fire safety arrangements made by KCTMO.pdf(80.26 MB) BLARP20000030_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 4 - KCTMO’s duty to provide protection measures to support means of escape – fire doors.pdf(138.41 MB) BLARP20000031_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 5 - KCTMO’s duty to control the hazards from building work and alterations.pdf(86.77 MB) BLARP20000032_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 10 - The external wall construction - the hazard it posed to relevant persons.pdf(17.99 MB) BLARP20000033_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 7 - KCTMO’s duty to provide a suitable system of maintenance for fire protection measures.pdf(78.9 MB) BLARP20000034_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 6 - KCTMO’s duty to provide adequate fire protection for vulnerable persons.pdf(64.48 MB) BLARP20000040_Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 11 - Conclusions.pdf(55.78 MB) ART00000930_Letter from Carl Stokes to Paul Dunkerton (KCTMO) regarding the North facing secondary staircase from the walkway level of Grenfell Tower..pdf(286.82 KB) ART00001861_Grenfell Tower Regeneration Works - Pre construction information.pdf(10.06 MB) ART00002248_Email - Williams to Booth - FW LFB Deficiency Notice.pdf(261.84 KB) ART00002375_Email from S Lawrence (Rydon) to K Bushell (Artelia) regarding Appendices to Rydon documents.pdf(2.55 MB) ART00004957_Email from Simon Lawrence to Keith Bushell attaching Appendix 1 Contract Specific Method Statement and Phasing plans.pdf(1.5 MB) ART00004971_Email from David Gibson to Simon Lawrence re_ Artelia confirmation that Rydon's H&S plan is sufficiently developed, project specific and adequate, and the works can now commence..pdf(435.3 KB) ART00005015_Email from Simon Lawrence to Keith Bushell attaching Grenfell Tower Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan.pdf(1.92 MB) ART00005068_Artelia meeting minutes entitled _Progress meeting number 16_, Completion Programme, Progress Meeting Number 16 and SHE Operational inspection.pdf(8.58 MB) ART00005183_Email with Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting Minutes#17.pdf(500.47 KB) ART00005320_Email attaching Progress Meeting #19 minutes.pdf(725.07 KB) ART00005381_Email attaching Progress Meeting No. 20 Minutes.pdf(545.44 KB) ART00005445_Email with Meeting minutes Progress Meeting 21.pdf(503.21 KB) ART00005550_Meeting mins 22 email.pdf(646.04 KB) ART00006769_Artelia minutes of Progress Meeting No 8- Progress Update.pdf(1.93 MB) ART00009366_Rydon document entitled _SHE Operational Inspection_, detailing site issues that have been identified..pdf(2.78 MB) BRE00032335_Exhibit DC_20 - Letter proposal issued to C.S. Todd & Associates for provision of presentations on Lakanal..pdf(535.94 KB) CAD00000005_Email from Patrick Kelly (Cadent)) to Paul Russel-Smith (Cadent) in regards to riser surveys - LC21 moderate and severe..pdf(702.94 KB) CEL00000563_Grenfell Tower regeneration newsletter August 2014.pdf(1.41 MB) CST00000018_FRA actions spreadsheet for Grenfell Tower.pdf(4.31 MB) CST00000065_Deficiency Notice from London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority to the TMO dated 17 November 2016 listing a number of fire safety deficiencies at Grenfell Tower requiring recti.pdf(99.38 KB) CST00000067_Spreadsheet entitled _Fault Reporting_ completed between 01_01_2016 and 14_06_2017 detailing all fault reporting forms completed within the period.xls(2.19 MB) CST00000107_Grenfell Tower Fire Risk Assessment Nov 2012.pdf(1.76 MB) CST00000121_Letter from C Stokes to J Wray (TMO) re his inspection on 12.02.15 of damaged cover board to electrical riser on 2nd floor, smoke control system, fire separation and signage at Gre.pdf(3.01 MB) CST00000132_Letter from Carl Stokes to Janice Wray (TMO), regarding the Fire Alarm and Extinguishers in Grenfell Tower and recommendations..pdf(22.61 KB) CST00000137_Letter from Carl Stokes to Janice Wray (TMO), regarding Grenfell Tower - fire exit signs in lobby area to staircase doors..pdf(1.15 MB) CST00000144_Email chain from Janice Wray (TMO) to Carl Stokes, Claire Williams (TMO), Simon Lawrence (Rydon) and others, regarding the AOV system and fire strips on the fire escape doors..pdf(1.76 MB) CST00000153_Grenfell Tower Vents April 2015. Letter.pdf(957.99 KB) CST00000181_Email chain from Carl Stokes to Alex Bosman (TMO), requesting for maintenance_service certificates for fire safety systems at Grenfell Tower and the finger blocks..pdf(296.82 KB) CST00000185_Letter from C Stokes to C Williams (TMO) re comments on issues raised by LFB following their site visit to Lancaster West (including Grenfell) on 12.03.14 and C Stokes visit on 17..pdf(8.05 MB) CST00000258_Email chain from Janice Wray (TMO) to Ben Dewis (LFB), cc_ Claire Williams (TMO), regarding the fire safety procedures at Grenfell Tower during refurbishment works and LFB's respon.pdf(1.96 MB) CST00000394_Letter from CS to TMO - Grenfell Tower Sept 2014.pdf(3.7 MB) CST00000447_CS FRA of Grenfell Tower.pdf(1.55 MB) CST00000672_Grenfell fire risk assessment actions log..pdf(4.31 MB) CST00000912_Emails between Carl Stokes, Janice Wray, Claire Williams and various others relating to fire safety at Grenfell Tower between 2013 and 2014.pdf(38.46 MB) CST00000914_Emails between Carl Stokes and TMO re fire alarms, including 80-page chain of discussion of remedial work, especially boxing in of gas pipes and Carl's checking and advising that A.pdf(35.42 MB) CST00000958_CS Stokes Position Statement dated 23 February 2018.pdf(2.26 MB) CST00000972_Email from J Wray (TMO) to C Stokes re arranging date for a fire risk assessment at Grenfell Tower.pdf(498.3 KB) CST00000998_Fire Risk Assessments in medium risk blocks progress meeting minutes, 25 January 2011 with tracked changes..pdf(1.7 MB) BLARP20000042 _Dr B Lane Module 3 Report - The Management and Maintenance of Grenfell Tower - Chapter 6 - KCTMO’s duty to provide adequate fire protection for vulnerable persons - Section 14 - ISSUE 2.pdf(6.8 MB)