- RBK00029929_2018.09.25 Witness Statement of Steve Mellor (RBKC).pdf(4.08 MB)
- RBK00054444_Second Witness statement of Steve Mellor (RBKC)..pdf(3.89 MB)
- MET00065661_MET Statement of Steve Mellor (RBKC - Head of Finance).pdf(6.63 MB)
- IDX0149_Steve Mellor No. 1 (RBKC).pdf(57.06 KB)
- IDX0150_Steve Mellor No. 2 (RBKC).pdf(58.93 KB)
- RBK00000663_Exhibit SM_1 - HRA Business Plan 2017_18 - 2021_22.pdf(1.39 MB)
- RBK00000731_Exhibit SM_25 - Paper A16 for 16 November 2016 HPSC Meeting_ _Mid Year Review on TMO Performance Agreement 2016_17__0.pdf(605.52 KB)
- RBK00000987_Exhibit SM_6 - Email chain and report for discussion regarding theinstallation of self-closing devices on flat entrancedoors.pdf(105.21 KB)
- RBK00000988_Exhibit LJ_30, Exhibit SM_6 (attachment) - Installation of Self- Closing Devices on Flat Entrance Doors -For Discussion_0.pdf(805.08 KB)
- RBK00001823_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project Q4 2016_17.pdf(1.91 MB)
- RBK00003699_RBKC document entitled 'Report by the Director of Housing Budget Monitoring 2014_15 - Quarter 3 Housing Revenue Account', detailing list of financial updates and accounts following.pdf(1.6 MB)
- RBK00013885_Exhibit TC_5, Exhibit SM_9 - Budget monitoring report 2013-2014 Quarter 1_1.pdf(368.83 KB)
- RBK00015868_Exhibit SM_2, Exhibit NPB_6 - July 2013 (Quarter 1) Quarterly report.pdf(2.68 MB)
- RBK00017738_Exhibit SM_4, Exhibit NPB_5 - Report by Director of Housing - 2 May 2012_1.pdf(649.91 KB)
- RBK00018569_A8 Cabinet Meeting held on 19 June 2012 - Report by the Director of Housing regarding Grenfell Tower Major Works and Hidden Homes Project.pdf(103.79 KB)
- RBK00026405_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q2 2015_16.pdf(897.02 KB)
- RBK00028437_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q2 2014_15.pdf(1.23 MB)
- RBK00030968_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project Q3 2016_17.pdf(1.63 MB)
- RBK00054435_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q2 2013_14.pdf(2.68 MB)
- RBK00054436_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q1 2015_16.pdf(1.59 MB)
- RBK00054437_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q3 2013_14.pdf(1.38 MB)
- RBK00054438_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q4 2014_15.pdf(1.35 MB)
- RBK00054439_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q3 2015_16.pdf(1.24 MB)
- RBK00054440_Exhibit SM_8 - TMO Business Case for one-off growth bid 2015_16.pdf(43.52 KB)
- RBK00054441_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q2 2016_17.pdf(1.96 MB)
- RBK00054442_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q1 2014_2015.pdf(1.25 MB)
- RBK00054443_Exhibit SM_9 - Quarterly Budget Monitoring Reports mentioning the Grenfell Tower refurbishment project_ Q4 2015_16.pdf(1.15 MB)