Date: 26 July 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Colin Todd> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip CTA00000011_Grenfell Tower_ The Fire Risk Assessments Of Carl STOKES, dated August 2020. Report by Colin Todd.pdf(9.93 MB) CTA00000038_Colin Todd Supplementary Report for Grenfell Tower Inquiry regarding The Fire Risk Assessments of Carl Stokes.pdf(1.93 MB) MET00012981_Fire Risk Assessment for Grenfell Tower - Report dated March 2018 by C.S Todd and Associates on the fire risk assessment carried out on 20.06.2016..pdf(1.93 MB) CST00001099_Email between KCTMO and Carl Stokes re Grenfell Tower- Minutes for Meeting with Building Control.pdf(48.19 KB) CST00001100_Email from Carl Stokes to Janice Wray at KCTMO re Letter from LFB on External Fire Spread, saying he asked Rydon for reassurances, in reply to email forwarded by Janice Wray from L.pdf(69.49 KB) CST00003539_Fire Risk Assessments in low risk Blocks Progress Meeting with Roger Keane (RBKC) Janice Wray (TMO) and Carl Stokes.pdf(94.32 KB) CST00005599_Letter from Cynthia Vachino to residents regarding letter before action for fire safety.pdf(505.45 KB) CST00013996_Carl Stokes letter regarding _fire safety in blocks of flats _.pdf(810.67 KB) CST00016046_Letter from Carl Stokes to Anju at RBKC, putting forward his qualifications to attend LFB meeting with her, including experience of building regulations..pdf(875.86 KB) CST00024616_Email from Carl Stokes to Janice Wray, copied to Cynthia Vachino re flat entrance door at Trellick.pdf(445.12 KB) CTA00000004_Copy of certificate, held by C.S. Todd & Associates Ltd, verifying that Carl Stokes successfully completed an examinable fire risk assessment course, held on 10-12 December 2007.pdf(503.33 KB) CTA00000005_Programme for CS Todd & Associates Ltd 3.5 day fire risk assessment courses around 2007..pdf(43.45 KB) CTA00000006_Email, dated 12 October 2011, from Carl Stokes to Naomi Davies, Personal Assistant to Colin Todd, attaching information on a fire in a tower block in Lambeth.pdf(5.6 KB) CTA00000007_Attachment to email from Carl Stokes to Naomi Davies_ Fire Lambeth Tower Block 15th July 2011..pdf(433.8 KB) CTA00000009_Letter from C.S. Todd & Associates Ltd to Omagh District Council listing delegates of Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service who passed the fire risk assessment course test taken on.pdf(44.75 KB) CTA00000010_Fire Safety Guidance in Purpose Built Blocks of Flats. Respondent Information Form completed by Carl Stokes..pdf(977.96 KB) HOM00000029_LGA's Fire Safety in Purpose Built Blocks of Flats - 2011.pdf(55.44 MB) HOM00047812_RBKC Submission to SoS seeking guidance regarding Fire Enforcement responsibilities in respect of demised Leasehold Flat Entrance doors.pdf(3.89 MB) LFB00004623_Email between Andy Jack and Steve Turek (LFB) copied to numerous colleagues regarding the outcome of a meeting about enforcement of fire safety in residential block of flats, in pa.pdf(887.01 KB) LFB00027376_Email chain between Andy Jack (LFB), Carl Stokes, and numerous LFB, RBKC and KCTMO staff regarding enforcement of the Regulatory Fire Safety Order in blocks of flats and HMOs in re.pdf(920.59 KB) RBK00000377_Exhibit RA_16 - Email exchange Maja Luna Jorgensen, Ruth Angel, Celia Caliskan and Janice Wray.pdf(128.34 KB) RBK00018533_Email from Ann Muchmore (RBKC) to Laura Johnson (RBKC) and Pam Sedgwick (RBKC), discussion regarding companies to conduct the fire risk assessments..pdf(10.02 KB) RBK00033687_RBKC Document entitled RBKC Housing and Property Scrutiny Committee. Reports presents details of TMO performance from April - September 2013. Section 9 Health and Safety details wo.pdf(1.71 MB) RBK00052571_Email chain between RBKC and TMO relating to TMO FRA programme..pdf(610.26 KB) RBK00053547_Email correspondence between Pam Sedgwick, Laura Johnson and Janice Wray relating to LFB's enforcement notice. Chain includes Liam Good and Robert Black and Alexis Correa..pdf(172.74 KB) SAL00000039_Minutes of the Introductory Meeting between TMO, Salvus and LFB on Fire Risk Assessments in High Risk Blocks - 16 September 2009..pdf(194.62 KB) TMO00840410_Correspondence from Carl Stokes to Janice Wray regarding self-closing devices on flat entrance doors at Adair Tower.pdf(87.12 KB) TMO00865078_Fire Risk Assessment Quotation Form Dated 06.08.2009 for Fire Protection Association..pdf(1.93 MB) TMO00865081_Letter from Janet Rhymes to Fire Protection Association Reference No JCR.inv4ba Ltd dated 27.08.2009.pdf(394.87 KB) TMO00865082_Fire Risk Assessments Bona Fide Quotation 07.08.2009 from Firecare 999..pdf(2.03 MB) TMO00865096_Fire Risk Assessment Quotation Form from RSP Safety Services..pdf(1.91 MB) TMO00865098_Email chain between Andrew Furness at Salvus, Janice Wray and others re start date and practicalities for Fire Risk Assessments at high risk blocks, dated 26.08.2009..pdf(2.27 MB) TMO00865112_Fire Risk Assessment Analysis of Fee Quotations Received..pdf(564.67 KB) TMO00865146_Letter of Intent from Janet Rhymes to Salvus Consulting for high risk FRAs Reference No JCR.inv5ba Ltd..pdf(341.04 KB) TMO00865154_Letter from Janet Rhymes to Salvus Consulting Reference No JCR.inv3ba Ltd dated 27.08.2009 announcing unsuccessful tender..pdf(381.76 KB) TMO00865157_Letter from RBKC to TMO re Fire Risk Assessments Invitation to Quote for Consultancy Service for high risk FRAs..pdf(684.06 KB) TMO00865175_Fire Risk Assessments Consultant's Brief July 2009.pdf(13.3 MB) TMO00867936_Email between Carl Stokes, Janice Wray and Abigail Acosta re. removal of self closer devices to flat doors..pdf(2.02 MB) TMO10016192_KCTMO document_ Review of Fire Strategy - update on self-closers (for H&S Committee meeting 16th March 2017).pdf(650.21 KB) CTA00000026_Exhibit CSD_9B - Letter L Upton, DCLG to CSTA regarding the status of the LGA Guide 25 September 2013.pdf(539.14 KB) CST00013995_Email from Carl Stokes to Colin Todd attaching letter regarding 'fire safety in blocks of flats' guidance document.pdf(11.03 KB) RBK00052559_RBKC corporate health & safety report 2009_10..pdf(12.36 MB) CTA00000003_PAS 79 2012 Fire risk assessment - Guidance and a recommended methodology,.pdf(80.98 MB) CTA00000012_2021.05.11 Witness Statement of Colin Simon Todd.pdf(1.53 MB) INQ00014819_Colin Todd - LinkedIn (captured 7.7.2021).pdf(1.71 MB) LFB00001174_Email chain between Colin Todd (CS Todd & Associates Ltd) and Nicholas Coombe (LFB) regarding update to PAS 79 and advice to London Boroughs on fire risk assessment of external cla.pdf(375.57 KB) CLG10004906_TripleA Consult 080911.docx.pdf(935.83 KB) CLG10004907_Email from Brian Martin RE_ fire guidance purpose built flats FW_ Letter for Sir Merrick Cockell - issue raised on disabilities saying our guidance is unlawful from Elspeth Grant o.pdf(1.63 MB) CLG10004932_Draft Letter to Elsbeth Grant from Caroline Bosdet, Project Manager of the Fire Safety Guidance Project, re Fire Safety Guidance in Purpose-Built Blocks of Flats.pdf(757.78 KB) CTA00000021_Exhibit CSD_7A - List of delegates booked to attend _roadshows_ held in London 11_05_11.pdf(926.55 KB) HOM00002660_Department for Communities and Local Government Fire safety guidance in purpose built blocks of flats - respondent information form.pdf(4 MB) HOM00019844_Letter from Elspeth Grant (Triple Consult) to Merrick Cockell (LGA) re withdrawal of Guidance 'Fire Safety in purpose-built blocks of flats' and relevant risk assessments..pdf(166.28 KB) CTA00000015_Exhibit CSD_3 - CSTA Draft Guidance key topics list.pdf(554.85 KB) CTA00000013_Exhibit CSD_1 - Project Brief for LGA Guide.pdf(1.24 MB) CTA00000014_Exhibit CSD_2 - File note of conversation with Ms Bosdet of LGID 20 January 2011.pdf(513.33 KB) CTA00000016_Exhibit CSD_4 - Reference Group Meeting with Steven Daws 15 April 2011.pdf(582.63 KB) CTA00000017_Exhibit CSD_5 - Press Release.pdf(743.15 KB) CTA00000018_Exhibit CSD_6A - Email 13 April 2011 from M Bullock TSAG comments on draft Guide.pdf(1.15 MB) CTA00000019_Exhibit CSD_6B - Email 13 April 2011 M Bullock to TSAG request for comments on draft Guide.pdf(761.31 KB) CTA00000020_Exhibit CSD_6C - Email 11 April 2011 from M Bullock (IFE) request for TSAG comments on draft Guide.pdf(799.33 KB) CTA00000022_Exhibit CSD_7B - List of delegates booked to attend _roadshows_ held in Manchester 12_05_11.pdf(1.01 MB) CTA00000023_Exhibit CSD_7C - List of delegates booked to attend _roadshows_ held in Birmingham 19_05_11.pdf(829.5 KB) CTA00000024_Exhibit CSD_8 - Key issues from Consultation for Project Board discussion.pdf(1.38 MB) CTA00000025_Exhibit CSD_9A - Letter CSTA to L Upton, DCLG, regarding the status of the LGA Guide 18 September 2013.pdf(563.21 KB) CTA00000027_Exhibit CSD_10A - Letter CSTA to A Cloke, South Yorks Fire and Rescue regarding the status of the LGA Guide 16 September 2013.pdf(554.76 KB) CTA00000028_Exhibit CSD_10B - Letter A Cloke, South Yorks Fire and Rescue to CSTA regarding the status of the LGA Guide 19 September 2013.pdf(697.28 KB) CTA00000029_Exhibit CSD_10C - Letter CSTA to A Cloke, South Yorks Fire and Rescue regarding the status of the LGA Guide 9 November 2013.pdf(692.18 KB) CTA00000030_Exhibit CSD_10D - Letter A Cloke to CSTA regarding the status of the LGA Guide 11 December 2013.pdf(586.21 KB) CTA00000031_Exhibit CSD_11A - Letter CSTA to D Sibert, Fire Sector Federation, regarding the status of the LGA Guide 18 September 2013.pdf(515.8 KB) CTA00000032_Exhibit CSD_11B - Letter D Sibert, Fire Sector Federation, to CSTA, regarding the status of the LGA Guide 19 September 2013.pdf(612.57 KB) CTA00000033_Exhibit CSD_11C - Letter CSTA to D Sibert, Fire Sector Federation regarding the status of the LGA Guide 9 November 2013.pdf(739.12 KB) CTA00000034_Exhibit CSD_11D - Letter D Sibert, Fire Sector Federation, regarding the status of the LGA Guide 18 November 2013.pdf(915.98 KB) CTA00000035_Exhibit CSD_12A - Letter CSTA to Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government regarding the status of the LGA Guide 9 November 2013.pdf(728.22 KB)