Date: 5 November 2020 > View this hearingWitness: BSRs Team 1> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BSR00000063_BSR Team 1 - Phase 2 Module 2 Opening Submissions.pdf(7.91 MB) BSR00000065_BSR Team 1 - Phase 2 Module 2 Opening Submissions errata sheet.pdf(247.83 KB) KIN00002157_Email chain between BBA and Kingspan regarding the draft K15 certificate..pdf(2.08 MB) KIN00005284_Letter from Promat regarding the use of Promaseal RSB fire barrier with Kingspan Kooltherm K15 insulation in rainscreen cladding..pdf(433.02 KB) KIN00005546_Kingspan Strategy presentation. Strategic plan; key business drivers; UK and European markets; products overview; distribution.pdf(8.1 MB) KIN00006380_Email chain between Kingspan and SIG concerning the NHBC looking to refuse to insure or use K15 and RS5000 over 18m and subsequent internal discussion with managing director.pdf(1.3 MB) KIN00006453_Email chain between Kingspan and NHBC concerning Kooltherm K15 and use in facades above 18m..pdf(2.94 MB) KIN00007172_Email from Adam Heath of Kingspan to various Kingspan employees enclosing a drawing from an 8414-1 test report for K15 for potential use in an upcoming large scale fire test using.pdf(257.41 KB) KIN00008924_Draft Article for Insulation by Phil Heath of Kingspan discussing the changes to Approved Document L, particularly the drive to reduce carbon emissions and the solutions offered by.pdf(3.03 MB) KIN00011826_Email from BBA to Kingspan attaching proposed Certificate 14_5134 for K15 Rainscreen Board and internal Kingspan email discussing changes to the wording of paragraph 8.3..pdf(563.45 KB) KIN00012646_Email correspondence between NHBC and Kingspan discussing information and documents provided relating to the use of K15 on facades above 18m..pdf(3.44 MB)