Date: 8 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Neil Reed> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip ART00004709_Email from Matt Smith at Max Fordham to Neil Reed at Artelia concerning Simon Lawrence's email regarding operation of lifts during fire and fire panel and suggestion to ask Exova f.pdf(3.06 MB) ART00004949_Emails within Artelia regarding CDM responsibility.pdf(2.65 MB) ART00005053_Email from Neil Reed (Artelia) to Tony Batty, Claire Williams and others regarding inspections.pdf(7.07 MB) ART00005451_Email re complaint to Rydon.pdf(335.18 KB) ART00009336_Email correspondence between Neil Reed, Paul Burrows and Simon Cash, regarding a continued discussion on who should adopt the CDMC and principal designer roles, stating that all JR.pdf(5.55 MB) ART00009446_Transcription of ART00009455 (Notebook 5).pdf(1.14 MB) ART00009448_Transcription of ART00009449 (Notebook 4).pdf(94.42 KB) ART00009454_Transcription of ART00009453 (Notebook 3).pdf(7.13 MB) EXO00001342_Email from KCTMO to Exova and Artelia re Fire Detection Arrangements for Grenfell Tower due to the Changed Layout.pdf(730.81 KB)