Date: 7 October 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Philip Booth> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip ART00008979_Exhibit PB_71 - Email chain between AUK and TMO dd. 19 – 25 June 2013_1.pdf(631.77 KB) ART00008980_Exhibit PB_335 - Email from AUK to TMO dd. 15 July 2014_1.pdf(578.11 KB) ART00008981_Exhibit PB_436 - Attachment_ Contract Programme prepared by Rydon dd. 14 July 2014_1.pdf(652.87 KB) ART00008982_Exhibit PB_225 - Attachment_ Checklist for Tender prepared by AUK_1.pdf(411.96 KB) ART00009144_Exhibit PB_3 - Attachment_ Appleyards signed appointment dd. 11 July 2014_1.pdf(28.98 MB) ART00009418_Index to the Witness statement of Philip Booth_1.pdf(237.68 KB) ART00002111_Final Preliminaries.pdf(1.06 MB) ART00003302_Artelia Meeting Minutes- Progress Meeting No 6, held on 11 December 2014.pdf(1.86 MB) ART00008445_Exhibit AD_119 - Attachment_ Project Execution Plan prepared by AUK dd. 6 November 2012.pdf(10.02 MB) TMO00856136_Enhancements and Improvements to Grenfell Tower Powerpoint, 15 December 2013.pdf(5.29 MB) ART00002210_Letter from Phillip Booth to Peter Arnold (Rydon) regarding draft Notice of Preferred Bidder Status subject to agreement.pdf(13.12 MB) ART00002797_Minutes - Progress Meeting No 3 - Amended minutes of meeting held on 16 September 2014.pdf(1.66 MB) ART00003150_Exhibit CL2_46 - AUK Progress Meeting No 5 minutes held on 18 November 2014, dd. 1 December 2014.pdf(1.91 MB) TMO00832490_Artelia- Pre-Start Meeting Minutes.pdf(2.43 MB) TMO10005474_Exhibit CW_27 - Artelia letter informing Rydon that their tender proposals had been accepted, 17 March 2014.pdf(4.73 MB) ART00005441_Testing, Commissioning & Witnessing Tracker- Residual Snagging Items from M&E Report- Grenfell Tower.pdf(1.38 MB)