The Inquiry has published an update regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Inquiry learned late last night that panel member Thouria Istephan is unwell and will be unable to attend the hearing today. Some of her symptoms are similar to those of COVID-19 but it is too early to know whether she has contracted the virus.

Any vulnerable individuals or those with concerns about COVID-19 should feel free not to attend hearings in person and instead follow proceedings remotely on the livestream.

The Inquiry is following official guidance and will continue with hearings as scheduled today for the benefit of those who have made plans to travel to the venue. However, we are consulting core participants about options for continuing hearings during the coming weeks.

Enhanced cleaning measures have been put in place at the Inquiry venue, including over the weekend, and will continue for as long as necessary. In addition to the installation of hand sanitiser dispensers throughout the venue, we have increased daily cleaning activity to ensure that all surfaces in the public areas, including the hearing room, are wiped regularly with an appropriate form of disinfectant.

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