The Prime Minister, on the recommendation of the Lord Chief Justice, has appointed Sir Martin Moore-Bick as Chair of the Independent Inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire.

Sir Martin Moore-Bick is a former Lord Justice of Appeal with more than twenty years’ experience as a judge across all types of law.

The Inquiry has been established under the Inquiries Act 2005. It will be held in public and will report to the Prime Minister. Sir Martin Moore-Bick will consult with interested parties on the Terms of Reference for the Inquiry.

Sir Martin Moore-Bick said:

“The purpose of this independent Inquiry is to discover the truth about what happened at Grenfell Tower, so that we can learn lessons for the future and ensure that a tragedy of this kind never happens again.

“It is vitally important that the Inquiry be open, transparent and fair to all those whose involvement with Grenfell Tower comes under scrutiny.

“It is important for everyone that the Inquiry should establish as quickly as possible the cause of the fire and how it was able to spread so quickly to the whole of the building.

“I understand the desire of local people for justice; justice for them, and for all those involved in whatever way, will best be served by a vigorous inquiry that gets to the truth as quickly as possible.”

The Inquiry will consider evidence from all parties involved, including victims and their families. The Chairman will work with complete independence from the Government, supported by civil servants seconded from government departments.

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