The Inquiry has published an update on its work.

This update provides information on:

  • Accessibility of the Phase 1 report
  • Assessors Update
  • Number of Core Participants
  • Disclosure Update
  • Drop-ins

Phase 1 Report

As of 20 November, the Phase 1 report had been accessed 31,781 times from the website and the executive summary 29,845 times.

Serbian and Bengali translations have now been added to the original 15 language translations of the summary document which contains the executive summary, recommendations and questions for Phase 2 chapters from the full report. 

The full report and summary document are also available on the Inquiry website in a large print version in English for those with vision impairment.

The Inquiry is also making arrangements for hard copies of the Phase 1 report to be placed in key locations for the community in the area around Grenfell Tower, including the North Kensington Library, Latimer Road Christian Centre and the Notting Hill Methodist Church.

Assessor Update

With the conclusion of Phase 1 of the Inquiry, Joyce Redfearn has decided to step down as an Assessor to focus on her other commitments. The Chairman of the Inquiry, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, has written to thank Joyce for her important contribution to the Inquiry's work.

The Chairman is considering whether a new assessor or expert witness is required to assist with the issues to be considered in Phase 2, taking into account the range of expertise the Inquiry will be able to draw on from Panel Members, Assessors and Expert witnesses.

Number of Core Participants

The Inquiry currently has 633 core participants in total.

Phase 2 Evidence Disclosure

In Phase 1 the Inquiry sat for 123 days of hearings, heard from over 140 witnesses and received over 500,000 documents relevant to both phases.

To date, the Inquiry has disclosed approximately 75,000 documents to core participants relating to Phase 2. Phase 2 hearings will begin on 27 January 2020 with Module 1 which will examine the primary refurbishment of the tower (overview and cladding).  A list of all the Phase 2 modules can be viewed here.


The next Inquiry drop-in session will be on Monday 2 December, 16.00-18.30 at the Notting Hill Methodist Church. Representatives from the team looking at the immediate aftermath of the fire (Module 4 of Phase 2) will be present at the drop-in and are interested in hearing from anyone who believes they have important information relating to Module 4. The same team will also be present at the January drop-in (date and time to be confirmed).

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