The Inquiry has issued an update ahead of next week's Procedural Hearing.

Expert Witnesses

The Inquiry has instructed two further Expert Witnesses, Dr. Ivan Stoianov and Rodney Hancox.

  • Dr. Ivan Stoianov, as to the sufficiency of water supply and water pressure to Grenfell Tower for the purpose of providing water to allow the London Fire Brigade to effectively fight the fire on 14 June 2017.
  • Rodney Hancox, as to legislation, regulations, guidance and industry practice relevant to the gas supply to and within Grenfell Tower and the extent to which the presence of gas contributed to the spread of the fire and to the conditions inside Grenfell Tower on the night of 14 June 2017.

Read more about the role of the Inquiry's expert witnesses.

Guides to the Inquiry

Ahead of the Procedural Hearing, the Inquiry has published three new guides.  These cover the disclosure process, witness statements and expert witnesses. The full set of guides to the Inquiry are available on the key documents page.

The Inquiry has also published an infographic, setting out the steps which lead up to the first phase of hearings.

Steps to the first phase of evidential hearings.


Hard copies will be available at Holborn Bars and the Notting Hill Methodist Church at next week’s Hearing.

Procedural Hearing

The Inquiry will hold its second Procedural Hearing on 21 and 22 March. The Inquiry will hear from Counsel to the Inquiry and legal representatives for core participants on a number of matters that need to be decided in preparation for the start of the main hearings in May.

Details of how to watch the hearing are available on the Inquiry’s website.

Support to those attending the hearing

The NHS's Grenfell Outreach Team and Hestia will be present at the Procedural Hearing and also the screening at the Notting Hill Methodist Church.  They will provide direct support and signposting of services for those who attend. Their outreach workers will be familiar to many of the bereaved, survivors and local residents as they have been present at public meetings and community events since the fire.

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