The Chairman has made a statement on the limited attendance hearings.

"In the light of the Prime Minister’s announcement that the government intends to introduce a nationwide lockdown from this Thursday, I think it may be helpful to explain the Inquiry’s position.

The Inquiry is a workplace which already has robust measures in place to enable us to conduct hearings safely and in accordance with government guidelines. That means we can continue to sit during the period of renewed restrictions. Of course, depending on how things develop, there may come a point at which the position needs to be reconsidered, but for now, like the courts, we shall continue to function in accordance with the thorough risk assessment process undertaken by the Government Property Agency.

Protecting the health and safety of all continues to be a high priority for the Inquiry, so we may find it necessary to depart from our established procedures from time to time.

In order to keep the number of people in the building to a minimum, we shall be asking those legal representatives who wish to make oral opening statements for Module 2 to do so by video-link. 

I am grateful to all those, particularly those behind the scenes, whose support makes it possible for us to continue hearings under difficult circumstances."

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