The Prime Minister has today announced the terms of reference for the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

Please see the attached press notice for more information: Grenfell Tower Inquiry – Press Notice – 15 Aug 2017 [PDF, 3 pages – 115kb]

Sir Martin’s letter of 10 August 2017 to the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister’s response of 15 August 2017 are both available online.

Grenfell Tower Inquiry
Terms of Reference
15 August 2017

The Inquiry’s Terms of Reference are:

1. To examine the circumstances surrounding the fire at Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2017, including:

(a) the immediate cause or causes of the fire and the means by which it spread to the whole of the building;

(b) the design and construction of the building and the decisions relating to its modification, refurbishment and management;

(c) the scope and adequacy of building regulations, fire regulations and other legislation, guidance and industry practice relating to the
design, construction, equipping and management of high-rise residential buildings;

(d) whether such regulations, legislation, guidance and industry practice were complied with in the case of Grenfell Tower and the fire safety
measures adopted in relation to it;

(e) the arrangements made by the local authority or other responsible bodies for receiving and acting upon information either obtained from local residents or available from other sources (including information derived from fires in other buildings) relating to the risk of fire at Grenfell Tower, and the action taken in response to such information;

(f) the fire prevention and fire safety measures in place at Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2017;

(g) the response of the London Fire Brigade to the fire; and

(h) the response of central and local government in the days immediately following the fire;


2. To report its findings to the Prime Minister as soon as possible and to make recommendations.

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