Date: 15 September 2021 > View this hearingWitness: Rydon Maintenance Limited> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RYD00094564_Phase 2 Modules 1 & 2 - Written closing submission on behalf of Rydon Maintenance Limited.pdf(11.19 MB) TMO10007378_Artelia Grenfell Tower Build Contract 30.10.14. Contract Documents for Enhancements and Improvements to Grenfell Tower..pdf(118.88 MB) ARC00000089_Email from Deborah French (AAP) to Gwenaelle Derrendinger (AAP). Re_ Following confirmation of Rydon as preferred contractor, seeking samples of different cladding finishes.pdf(46.62 KB) CEL00001182_Update on accreditation of FR5000 for use above 18m.pdf(726.34 KB) CEL00002154_CEED_10178_Celotex RS5000 Specification guide_PRINT.PDF(5.99 MB) CEL00010887_Image of Celotex fire test.pdf(440.79 KB) CEL00012241_Appendix to the second witness statement of Dean O'Sullivan.pdf(172 KB) CEL00012254_Celotex & Section 6_ Simplifying Compliance (non-RIBA approved) - CPD Narrative (version 1, July 2012).pdf(9.76 MB) CEL00012274_Attendance certificate issued to Tomas Rek of Studio E LLP for the Celotex CPD Seminar entitled _Celotex and Part L_ Simplifying Compliance_ held on 12 September 2012.pdf(393.27 KB) CEP000004037_Email from CEP to Alcoa stating that they will suggest to Studio E that Reynobond be used for the Grenfell Tower refurbishment.pdf(11.61 KB) CEP00047982_Email to CEP from Alcoa attaching construction design documentation, including a BBA certificate for a project in Newport, Cardiff.pdf(24.12 KB) CEP00051955_Email between CEP, Harley CW and Alcoa re Grenfell Tower Cladding Material Choice.pdf(375.26 KB) CEP00061428_Email from Omnis to Harley Re_ Reynobond KH35 cassette system.pdf(469.01 KB) EXO00001292_Email N Crawford (Studio E) to T Ashton (Exova) re Cavity Fire Barriers on Cladding.pdf(1.2 MB) EXO00001322_Harley, drawings entitled 'Sections', C1059-301 Rev E..pdf(31.4 KB) EXO00001416_Email chain from Terry Ashton to Claire Williams (TMO), cc_ Neil Reed (Artelia) and Andrew Malcolm (Artelia), discussion regarding refurbishment plan of the AOV system at Grenfell.pdf(1.65 MB) HAR00005509_Email chain between Studio E and Harley regarding tenders and ACM cladding options.pdf(49.29 KB) HAR00014130_Certified Novation agreement between Harley and Rydon.pdf(977.65 KB) HAR00019417_Email chain between Siderise, Harley, RBKC Building, Studio E and Rydon concerning the requirements of cavity barriers and fire stopping and referencing windows and an order being.pdf(4 MB) HOM00049019_DCLG letter to LA and HAs regarding safety checks following GT fire.pdf(2.07 MB) IBI00001320_Email re. discharge of planning conditions relating to cladding materials, crown and window louvres.pdf(21.33 KB) KIN00002307_Correspondence between NHBC and Kingspan, followed by Kingspan internal email chain. Kingspan is approaching NHBC to coordinate a text of a publication including information about.pdf(3.8 MB) NHB00000749_NHBC email Dave White to John Lewis re Celotex RS 5000 & BRE BS 8414 Test Report (295369) - request for discussion re results.pdf(262.75 KB) NHB00000870_Unsigned letter from Ian Davis to Kingspan regarding the use of K15 on buildings over 18m..pdf(1.28 MB) NHB00000905_Draft summary of report on use of combustible insulation on high rise buildings..pdf(940.42 KB) NHB00000941_Letter from Fenwick Elliott to NHBC regarding the use of K15 on buildings over 18m..pdf(1.87 MB) NHB00001129_NHBC Combustible Insulation Update.pdf(2.15 MB) NHB00001144_NHBC_Kingspan Meeting 18 Jul 2015 Action List.pdf(31.67 KB) NHB00001244_Internal NHBC email exchange between Andrew Wildon, Head of Risk and Compliance and Ian Davis, Operations Direction discussing the issues relating to insulation used on buildings a.pdf(2.84 MB) NHB00001259_Aluminium Composite Material Assessments under BCA Guidance Note 18 Option 3.pdf(69.82 KB) RYD00003492_Email from Katie Bachellier to Peter Madison and others.pdf(315.58 KB) RYD00004652_Email sent by Rydon to RBKC Building control oncerning s 80 application for demolition at Grenfell Tower and attaching supporting documentation.pdf(404.41 KB) RYD00004653_DEMOLITION NOTICE submitted to building control RBKC by Rydon.pdf(619.15 KB) RYD00008775_Email from Jason Bethel (Rydon Maintenance Limited) to SD Plastering seeking a quotation for _internal package_.pdf(893.69 KB) RYD00010573_Internal Rydon Email confirming permission for demolition at Grenfell Tower attaching a request for payment and the payment receipt.pdf(31.88 KB) RYD00010994_Correspondence between Harley and Rydon regarding price build up for Grenfell Tower including cladding, louvres, windows, etc.pdf(2.03 MB) RYD00018877_Correspondence between KCTMO, Studio E and Rydon regarding materials to be used at Grenfell Tower.pdf(1.58 MB) RYD00026500_Email From JS Wright to Rydon regarding kitchen ventilation fans.pdf(538.22 KB) RYD00040991_Correspondence between Nuaire, Rydon, Max Fordham and JS Wright regarding an order for kitchen extract fans for Grenfell Tower.pdf(932.55 KB) RYD00046005_Harley drawing entitled _Elevations_ C1059204 C1059205 C1059313, _Sections_ C1059314 C1059315 C1059316 C1059317 C1059318 C1059319, C1059325 Rev A, C1059326, C1059327.pdf(4.96 MB) RYD00075296_Email from Steve Blake at Rydon to Claire Williams at TMO, forwarding Exova advice about basement fire alarm and door entry system at Grenfell Tower..pdf(564.15 KB) RYD00088417_Studio E, drawing entitled Window Surrounds Making Good Type Resi, 1279(05)118 Rev 00. Employer's Requirements..pdf(109.69 KB) SEA00010722_Email Chain Between Booth, Watterson, Lawrence, Williams, Blythe, Sounes regarding Rydon proposals for aluminium cladding, removal of crown, removal of louvre panel.pdf(1.61 MB) SIL00001671_Chain of emails between Chris C. Mort (Siderise), Amaury Queuille (Carea), Steve Swales (Siderise) and Andrew Kay (Siderise) in regards to BS8414-2 testing.Testing_ Carea query re.pdf(817.59 KB) TMO10043523_Rydon- Grenfell Tower Project Change Tracker.pdf(3.05 MB) RYD00072279_Emails between T Ashton (Exova), D Hughes (Rydon) and T Batty (Silcock Dawson) cc multiple contractors, forwarding earlier emails between A Bridges (R J Electrics), T Ashton and T.pdf(4.43 MB)