Date: 3 September 2018 > View this hearingWitness: Thomas Goodall> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip Witness Statement - LFB - Thomas Goodall MET000083296.pdf(22.45 MB) Handwritten statement of Thomas Goodall MET00005435.pdf(1.58 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015936.pdf(4.31 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Excel spreadhseet containing a list of flats with associated tenancies MET00015931.pdf(15.94 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015935.pdf(5.32 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Word document containing a table listing flats and associated tenancies MET00015932.pdf(9.27 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015933.pdf(4.54 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015934.pdf(3.18 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower - list of flat numbers with description of occupants MET00015930.pdf(3.85 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Spreadsheet containing a list of flats and details of associated tenancies MET00015926.pdf(15.75 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015929.pdf(4.64 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboards within Grenfell Tower MET00015928.pdf(4.58 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015927.pdf(4.42 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015925.pdf(4.18 MB) Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Photograph of Whiteboard within Grenfell Tower MET00015924.pdf(4.29 MB) THG:3 - Thomas Goodall Exhibit - Typed Contemporaneous Notes MET00015923.pdf(4.14 MB)