Date: 23 March 2020 > View this hearingWitness: Simon Lawrence> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip RYD00094220_2018.09.25 - Witness Statement of Simon Lawrence (Rydon).pdf(7.25 MB) ART00000914_Curtins Structural Performance Specification for the Design, Supply and Application of Overcladding Systems to Grenfell Tower®.pdf(9.11 MB) ART00006670_Email from Neil Reed to Chweechen Lim dd. 20 March 2015 forwarding email chain between the TMO, Max Fordham, AUK and Rydon dd. 19 - 20 March 2015 .pdf(3.25 MB) ART00008645_Email chain between AUK, Rydon, TMO and Studio E dd. 6 – 11 June 2014.pdf(1.59 MB) CEL00002347_BCA Technical Guidance Note 18_ use of combustible cladding materials on buildings exceeding 18m in height..pdf(1.1 MB) CEP00057294_BCA Technical Guidance Note 18- Use of Combustible Cladding Materials on Residential Buildings.pdf(1.09 MB) RYD00017870_Draft Minutes from Progress Meeting No 2 held on 19th August 2014 involving RBKC, Artelia and Rydon.pdf(1.5 MB) RYD00039525_Correspondence between Baily Garner, Cenergist and Rydon regarding Energy Certificates and funding for refurbishment at Grenfell Tower.pdf(2.41 MB) TMO10041790_Document containing minutes of TMO Health & Safety Committee Meeting on 9 July 2014.pdf(196.37 KB) TMO10041791_Artelia - TMO Grenfell Tower Build Contract.pdf(104.93 MB) TMO10048120_Artelia- Meeting Minutes- Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting No. 13.pdf(2.48 MB) ART00002087_Rydon tender documents.pdf(18 MB) ART00002495_Artelia Pre-Start Meeting_ Pre- Start Meeting and Review of Contract Costs, held 13 June 2014.pdf(2.44 MB) ART00002614_Artelia Meeting Minutes- Progress Meeting No 1, held 15 July 2014.pdf(1.69 MB) ART00002939_Project Change Tracker, Rev A.pdf(936.52 KB) ART00002997_Email from Rydon to Artelia attaching meeting minutes, meeting agenda, Grenfell Programme and progress report.pdf(704.25 KB) ART00003086_Rydon- Grenfell Tower Project Change Tracker.pdf(904.61 KB) ART00003710_Artelia minutes relating to progress meeting number 9 on 17 March 2015.pdf(2.64 MB) ART00008861_Email from Rydon to AUK dd. 24 October 2014.pdf(574.8 KB) ART00008915_Email from AUK to Rydon and TMO dd. 12 November 2014.pdf(659.95 KB) CST00000085_Exova document entitled _Grenfell Tower Outline Fire Safety Strategy_..pdf(4.27 MB) HAR00000927_Email from Simon Lawrence to Mark Harris regarding cladding design.pdf(697.53 KB) HAR00000944_Email regarding ACM rainscreen cladding.pdf(1.42 MB) HAR00001999_Email from Harley to AGF regarding curtain wall site drawings.pdf(768.21 KB) HAR00004443_Email between Harley and Rydon attaching comments on cladding drawing.pdf(378.87 KB) HAR00004590_Email between Harley and Rydon attaching drawings of curtain wall elements for approval.pdf(446.7 KB) HAR00004669_Email between Harley and Rydon attaching comments on drawings re. cladding.pdf(370.22 KB) HAR00004670_Harley drawings entitled_ Specification, C1059-100 Rev G; Elevations C1059-222; C1059-223; C1059-224; C1059-225; C1059-226; C1059-227; C1059-228; Sections C. Wall C1059-356; C1059-.pdf(12.02 MB) HAR00004743_Email between Studio E and and Harley attaching drawings showing curtain walling.pdf(541.58 KB) HAR00010160_Sales Tender Progress Report.pdf(7.3 MB) RYD00000435_Studio E document_ As Built Register and Issue Advice dated 23 March 2016 with plans annexed (including fire access and fire strategy plans).pdf(248.21 MB) RYD00001534_RBKC Housing and Property Scrutiny Committee Update on Grenfell Tower Improvement Works and Power Surges.pdf(284.69 KB) RYD00003295_Email from Steve Blake indicating that TMO will likely be asking Rydon for further VE savings.pdf(493.6 KB) RYD00003298_Email from Steve Blake to Simon Lawrence and Others.pdf(630.55 KB) RYD00003419_Email between Peter Arnold (Rydon) and Steve Blake, Jeff Henton, Simon Lawrence (Rydon) confirming Rydon's successful tender with letter of tender result..pdf(609.34 KB) RYD00015405_Progress tracker for planning conditions.pdf(333.72 KB) RYD00018299_Draft Minutes of Grenfell Tower Progress Meeting No 3 held on 16 September 2014 regarding progress of works at Grenfell Tower.pdf(455.45 KB) RYD00022907_Email re. Windows within flats at Grenfell Tower.pdf(2 MB) RYD00037478_Correspondence between Siderise, RBKC, Exova, Harley and Studio E regarding fire barriers_fire stopping to be installed at Grenfell Tower.pdf(3.3 MB) RYD00086624_Email from Rydon to JS Wright, regarding returning a tender for Grenfell Tower works..pdf(379.22 KB) RYD00086654_E-mail chain re_ Rydon tender being £212k lower than it should and Rydon recovering that loss by making Harley remove timber window reveals from their package.pdf(601.39 KB) SEA00003310_Harley. C1059-219, Rev E, C1059-221, Rev D, C1059-332, Rev B..pdf(1.6 MB) SEA00003316_Harley, drawing entitled Elevations, C1059-223.pdf(22.66 KB) SEA00011472_Rydon Document Entitled _Minutes of Design Team Meeting No 1_ regarding Grenfell Tower refurbishment works - Facade works, windows.pdf(2.08 MB) SEA00013639_855 C1059 GA Model 51 223A (1).pdf(43.01 KB) TMO10037827_Exova document - outline fire safety strategy for Grenfell Tower refurbishment.pdf(2.1 MB) ART00003042_Email between KCTMO and Artelia re Grenfell Tower Windows and Cladding and meeting with regulations_1.pdf(582.29 KB) CEP000003223_Fire Damage Report Absiel Survey- Taplow House (Harley CW)_1.pdf(10.93 MB) EXO00001461_Emails between Harley, Rydon and Studio E re fire breaks and exterior_1.pdf(469.23 KB) HAR00000120_Undated Letter of Intent from Rydon Management Systems to Harley Curtin Wall Ltd appointing the latter under a Sub-Contract Order as the Envelope Package contractor in relation to.pdf(1.5 MB) HAR00000396_Harley Curtain Wall appendix- undated, regarding schedule of information for Grenfell Tower_1.pdf(48.43 KB) HAR00000934_BBA Certificate No 08_4510 - Product Sheet 1 - Reynobond Architecture Wall Cladding Panels dated 14 Jan 2008_1.pdf(5.4 MB) HAR00003952_Harley drawing entitled _Elevations_. Approval for Construction. C1059-202 Rev C._1.pdf(71.82 KB) HAR00005834_Email chain between Tom Elliott (Rockwool), Claire Williams, Simon Lawrence, Mark Harris, Mike Albiston regarding possibility of supplying insulation system which is fire rated A1,.pdf(1.12 MB) HAR00017738_Email from Harley to Rydon cc. Studio E attaching drawings relevant to _fire breaks_._1.pdf(382.9 KB) KIN00016733_LABC Registered Detail Certificate No_ EWWS165 for Kingspan Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen Board._1.pdf(2.56 MB) RYD00000421_Harley document entitled 'Specification Notes' dated 15 January 2015, marked as issued for approval_1.pdf(50.96 KB) RYD00003965_Email from Simon Lawrence to Mark Harris_1.pdf(2.15 MB) RYD00004085_Email from Mike Albiston to Simon Lawrence_1.pdf(415.85 KB) RYD00004154_Email from Simon Lawrence to Claire Williams and others re GT planners meeting_1.pdf(636.71 KB) RYD00005064_Email from Simon Lawrence to Steve Blake re Grenfell VE options; cassette options_1.pdf(314.69 KB) RYD00013699_Attachment to email of Jason Bethell showing cost of insulation at Grenfell_1.xls(14 KB) RYD00021252_Email chain between Rydon and Cenergist regarding funding proposal for heating improvement, containing current and proposed specification for insulating elements of Grenfell Tower..pdf(1.51 MB) RYD00039499_Email from Simon O'Connor (Rydon) to Simon Lawrence (Rydon) regarding Insulation details_1.pdf(256.54 KB) RYD00039507_Celotex brochure regarding RS5000 Cladding Board Technical Information_1.pdf(960.48 KB) RYD00039964_Email from Simon Lawrence (Rydon) to Daniel Osgood (Rydon), cc Simon O'Connor (Rydon) regarding Harley’s façade package and the cladding for Grenfell Tower_0.pdf(345.53 KB) SEA00011033_Correspondence between Studio E, KCTMO, Rydon, IBI Group and Harley commenting on brushed aluminium cladding and fixings for Grenfell Tower.pdf(633.12 KB) SEA00011099_Correspondence between Rydon, Harley, Studio E, CEP, Alcoa regarding samples of cladding, colour preference, orientation of panels for Grenfell Tower.pdf(2.55 MB) TMO10005924_Emails from Bruce Sounes of Studio E dd. 16 May 2014.pdf(1.37 MB) TMO10012526_Record of Grenfell Tower Significant Findings Action Plan 17 October 2014.pdf(4.61 MB) ART00002192_Artelia Final Draft Tender Report.pdf(57.52 MB) ART00002788_Artelia Meeting Minutes - Progress Meeting 3, meeting held on 16 September 2014.pdf(1.82 MB) ART00003716_Email from Claire Williams to Neil Reed regarding RBKC TMO - Grenfell Tower -HIU dated 20 March 2015.pdf(4.65 MB) ART00003762_Minutes of Artelia Progress meeting No. 9 that took place on 17 March 2015.pdf(2.34 MB) ART00006174_Email from Claire Williams (TMO) to Neil Reed (AUK) regarding email exchanges between the TMO, AUK and Rydon dd. 25 September 2015 to 28 September 2015.pdf(1.05 MB) ART00006604_Email from Neil Reed to Claire Williams (TMO) cc AUK colleagues dd 17 August 2015.pdf(867.82 KB) ART00006629_ Email from Neil Reed to the TMO and AUK colleagues dd 9 April 2015.pdf(659.59 KB) ART00006641_Email from Neil Reed to the TMO and Max Fordham dd 19 March 2015.pdf(1.06 MB) ART00006657_Email dd 21 April 2015 containing minutes of Contract Scope Review Meeting on 17 April 2015 forwarded by Claire Williams (TMO) to Chweechen Lim (AUK) on 13 May 2015.pdf(1.41 MB) ART00006672_Email chain between Rydon, the TMO, Silcock Dawson, JS Wright, R J Electrics and Max Fordham dd 30 January 2015 to 9 May 2016.pdf(10.04 MB) ART00006696_Internal AUK email dd. 2 June 2015.pdf(3.13 MB) ART00006706_Email chain between the TMO, Silcock Dawson, AUK and JRP dd 5 October 2015.pdf(896.52 KB) ART00006711_Internal AUK email regarding email from the TMO dd 2 June 2015.pdf(1016.11 KB) ART00006722_Artelia minutes of Progress Meeting 2, held on 19 August 2014.pdf(1.91 MB) HAR00003947_Email from Ben Bailey to Ray Bailey, Kevin Lamb and Mark Stapley regarding Grenfell Tower Fire Stopping dated 30 March 2015.pdf(3.56 MB) JSW00002538_Chain of emails between David Bradbury (JS Wright), John Hoban and Paul Hanson (RBKC) discussing about the refurbishment, mainly the modifications to the existing dry riser at Gre.pdf(1.03 MB) MET00039807_BRE Grenfell Tower Fire Investigation - On-Site Investigation prepared for the Metropolitan Police Service - Report Number P109378-1000 Issue_ 2.pdf(260.98 MB) MET00045762_Grenfell Tower Issues Matrix - document undated.pdf(1.71 MB) RYD00004218_Email from Steve Blake to Zak Maynard and Simon Lawrence re K+C Cladding.pdf(431.87 KB) RYD00011573_Email chain between LFB_TMO forwarded to Simon O'Connor regarding resident concern regarding lack of information about fire safety and advice during refurbishment works.pdf(2.25 MB) RYD00012107_Correspondence between KCTMO and Rydon regarding visit at Grenfell Tower by RBKC to see cladding mock-up.pdf(1.07 MB) RYD00016969_Email from Studio E to Rydon providing Paul Hanson (of RBKC Building Control's) Contact details.pdf(322.67 KB) RYD00018951_Email from KCTMO to Rydon re Design Meeting Points of Interest regarding the Window Design and Schedule for Client Choice for Grenfell Tower Refurbishment.pdf(445.58 KB) RYD00024466_Grenfell Tower Residents' Survey Information - information and timetable for internal flat works.pdf(14.69 MB) RYD00029360_E-mail from Simon Lawrence_ _might be able to use plasterboard as a packer underneath the UPVC rather than timber as it's cheaper_..pdf(280.94 KB) RYD00029476_E mail between Rydon re materials in new windows for Grenfell Tower.pdf(565.57 KB) RYD00040686_Correspondence between SD Plastering and Rydon regarding SD Plastering quote for installing window surrounds at Grenfell Tower.pdf(507.09 KB) RYD00042091_Correspondence internally at Rydon regarding quality procedures. Chain includes emails between Cenergist and Rydon regarding details of relevant industry certificates for insulati.pdf(1.4 MB) RYD00042485_Email from Simon Lawrence (Rydon) to SD Plastering progress of work in flat 145 and 17th floor communal areas that references, HIUs, windows, risers and disaffection from residents.pdf(38.78 KB) RYD00042486_Correspondence between Rydon and SD Plastering progress of work in flat 145 and 17th floor communal areas that references, HIUs, windows, risers and disaffection from residents at.pdf(534.86 KB) RYD00042487_Correspondence between Simon Lawrence (Rydon), Daniel (Rydon) and Simon O'Connor (Rydon) expressing concern that the show flat is not ready due especially to the unfinished install.pdf(22.93 KB) RYD00042488_Correspondence between Rydon and SD Plastering progress of work in flat 145 and 17th floor communal areas that references, HIUs, windows, risers and disaffection from residents at.pdf(1.07 MB) RYD00042888_Correspondence between Rydon and SDPlastering regarding the no. of windows on each floor of Grenfell Tower.pdf(896 KB) RYD00044349_email chain Supervisory Work.pdf(711.03 KB) RYD00049444_Email from C Williams (TMO) to S Lawrence (Rydon) re complaint regarding Flat 136 entrance door left open all weekend.pdf(331.79 KB) RYD00088957_Spreadsheet entitled 'SDP front sheet quote md 6-5-15', detailing works to be done to windows and their subsequent costs..pdf(386.06 KB) RYD00089082_Complaint email from Artelia about Rydon's performance, relating to cost_commercial matters, email from Zak Maynard to Adam Marriott.pdf(1.28 MB) TMO00840117_Email from Edward Daffarn to KCTMO in regards to several allegations about the TMO in addition to raising that residents were previously promised that they could be involved in the.pdf(76.88 KB) TMO00852038_Minutes of Meeting between Rydon and TMO regarding Housing management liaison meeting on 14 November 2014.pdf(102.95 KB) TMO00852871_Cllr Blakemen's notes from residents meeting - Residents' Report dated 16 July 2015.pdf(122.83 KB) TMO10009847_Re_ Request for support with setting up a Compact RA for Grenfell Tower Correspondence and complaints relating to various issues including the renovations, the installation of Hea.pdf(336.22 KB) INQ00011211_DOM2 2011 Edition - Sub-Contract Conditions.pdf(35.97 MB) RYD00003301_Table of potential cost reductions.xlsx(12.62 KB)