Date: 9 June 2022 > View this hearingWitness: Professor José Torero> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip JTOR00000006_Professor Jose Torero - Phase 2 Report_ Adequacy of the Current Testing Regime dated 4 January 2022.pdf(42.41 MB) INQ00014934_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, The Final Report, Report 8, the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(21.51 MB) BRE00015031_Digest re BR 135 (Annex B - Digest 501) by Sarah Colwell mentions the Performance criteria and classification method for BS 8414-2-2005..pdf(1.13 MB) INQ00014942_McKenna, S.T., Jones, N., Peck, G., Dickens, K., Pawelec, W., Oradei, S., Harris, S., Stec, A.A., Hull, T.R., Fire behaviour of modern façade materials – Understanding the Grenfell.pdf(9.65 MB) INQ00014941_Technical Addendum to a letter from the Inquiry to Core Participants dated 23 April 2019.pdf(1.95 MB) INQ00014940_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, The Accreditation and Regulatory Reform Report, Report 7, the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(35.61 MB) INQ00014939_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, Fire Safety Education, Training, Professional Development and Skill Constraints, Report 6, the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(25.98 MB) INQ00014938_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, Roles Report, Report 4, the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(26.61 MB) INQ00014936_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, Education Report, the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(48.42 MB) INQ00014935_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, Regulation, Control and Accreditation Report, the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(35.69 MB) INQ00014937_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, The Methods Report, the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(35.68 MB) INQ00014933_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, Competencies Report - Report 5 - the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(48.09 MB) INQ00014910_V. Dréan, B. Girardin, E. Guillaume, T. Fateh, Numerical simulation of the fire behaviour of facade equipped with aluminium composite material‐based claddings‐Model validation at l.pdf(18.24 MB) INQ00014906_Drean, V., Schillinger, R., Leborgne, H., Auguin, G. and Guillaume, E., Numerical Simulation of Fire Exposed Façades Using LEPIR II Testing Facility, Fire Technology, 54, 943–966,.pdf(13.97 MB) INQ00014932_Professionalizing Fire Safety Engineering, - Comparison of FSE Guidance Documents and Assessment Criteria - the Warren Centre, University of Sydney, 2020.pdf(28.14 MB) INQ00014909_V. Dréan, B. Girardin, E. Guillaume, T. Fateh, Numerical simulation of the fire behaviour of façade equipped with aluminium composite material‐based claddings—Model validation at i.pdf(12.97 MB) INQ00014908_Guillaume, E., Fateh, T., Schillinger, R., Chiva, R. and Ukleja, S., Study of fire behaviour of facade mock‐ups equipped with aluminium composite material‐based claddings, using in.pdf(11.78 MB) INQ00014914_Guillaume, E., Drean, V., Girardin, B., Benameur, F., Koohkan, M. and Fateh, T., Reconstruction of Grenfell Tower fire. Part 3—Numerical simulation of the Grenfell Tower disaster_.pdf(17.42 MB) INQ00014916_Guillaume, E., Drean, V., Girardin, B., Koohkan, M. and Fateh, T., Reconstruction of Grenfell Tower fire. Part 2_ A numerical investigation of the fire propagation and behaviour fr.pdf(15.71 MB) INQ00014918_Guillaume, E., Drean, V., Girardin, B., Benameur, F. and Fateh, T., Reconstruction of Grenfell Tower fire. Part 1_ Lessons from observations and determination of work hypotheses,.pdf(9.87 MB) INQ00014920_Guillaume, E., Drean, V., Girardin, B. and Fateh, T., Reconstruction of the Grenfell Tower fire – Part 4_ Contribution to the understanding of fire propagation and behaviour during.pdf(20.96 MB) INQ00014960_B. Messerschmidt, The Capabilities and Limitations of the Single Burning Item (SBI) Test, Fire & Building Safety in the Single European Market, FireSeat, 2008.pdf(2.47 MB) USA0000001_National Fire Protection Association, NFPA Response to Grenfell Tower Inquiry, 21 March, 2019..pdf(9.79 MB) QLD00000002_Queensland Governments Submission – Grenfell Public Inquiry, Non-Conforming Building products Audit Force, April 2020.pdf(29.55 MB) NSW0000001_Inquiry into the regulation of building standards, building quality and building disputes, Submission from NSW Government, Department of Customer Service, Better Regulation, Divisi.pdf(56.3 MB) INQ00015026_Approved Document B Volume 2_ Buildings other than dwellings, 2019 edition (incorporating 2020 amendments).pdf(138.34 MB) INQ00014966_UAE Fire and Life safety Code of Practise, General Headquarters of Civil Defence Ministry of Interior, United Arab Emirates, 2011..pdf(480.81 MB) INQ00014964_SP FIRE 105—Method for fire testing of façade materials, Dnr 171‐79‐360 Department of Fire Technology, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute.pdf(8.65 MB) INQ00014963_Shergold, P. and Weir, B., Building Confidence - Improving the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia, Febr.pdf(43.38 MB) INQ00014962_Nilsson, M., Husted, B., Mossberg, A., Anderson, J., Jansson McNamee, R., A numerical comparison of protective measures against external fire spread, Fire and Materials. 2018; 42_4.pdf(12.29 MB) INQ00014943_Schulz, J., Kent, D., Crimi, T., Glockling, J.L.D., Hull, R.T., A Critical Appraisal of the UK’s Regulatory Regime for Combustible Façades, Fire Technology, 57, 261–290, 2021..pdf(29.32 MB) INQ00014959_M.S. McLaggan, J.P. Hidalgo, A.F. Osorio, M.T. Heitzmann, J. Carrascal, D. Lange, C. Maluk, J.L. Torero, Towards a better understanding of fire performance assessment of façade sys.pdf(22.9 MB) INQ00014958_Lambert, M. Independent Review of the Building Professionals Act 2005 – Final Report, October 2015..pdf(181.31 MB) INQ00014957_Jones, N., Peck, G., McKenna, S. T., Glockling, J.L.D., Harbottle, J., Stec, A.A., Hull, T.R., Burning behaviour of rainscreen façades, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 403,.pdf(11.53 MB) INQ00014956_Bonner. M, Rein, G, _Flammability and Multi-Objective Performance of Building Facades_ Towards Optimum Design - International journal of High Rise Buildings_.pdf(4.9 MB) INQ00014955_Bonner, M., Wegrzynski, W., Papis, B. K., Rein, G., KRESNIK_ A top-down, statistical approach to understand the fire performance of building facades using standard test data, Build.pdf(9.61 MB) INQ00014954_Agarwal, G., FM Global, Research Technical Report, Evaluation of the Fire Performance of Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) Assemblies Using ANSI_FM 4880, December 2017..pdf(26.72 MB) INQ00014953_Hidalgo, J. P., McLaggan, M. S., Osorio, A. F., Heitzmann, M., Maluk, C., Lange, D., Carrascal, J. and Torero, J. L. (2019). Protocols for the Cladding Materials Library – Part IV_.pdf(6.27 MB) INQ00014952_Heitzmann, M., McLaggan, M. S., Hidalgo, J. P., Osorio, A. F., , Maluk, C., Lange, D., Carrascal, J. and Torero, J. L. (2019). Protocols for the Cladding Materials Library – Part I.pdf(15.25 MB) INQ00014951_McLaggan, M. S., Hidalgo, J. P., Osorio, A. F., Heitzmann, M., Carrascal, J., Lange, D., Maluk, C. and Torero, J. L. (2019). Protocols for the Cladding Materials Library – Part II_.pdf(20.14 MB) INQ00014950_Hidalgo, J. P., McLaggan, M. S., Osorio, A. F., Heitzmann, M., Maluk, C., Lange, D., Carrascal, J. and Torero, J. L. (2019). Protocols for the Cladding Materials Library – Part I_.pdf(22.39 MB) VIC00000001_Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) in collaboration with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA), Submission to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry on Victoria’s Res.pdf(23.61 MB) BRE00016665_BRE booklet on BR135 - _Fire performance of external thermal insulation for walls of multi-storey buildings_ (Third_ ed._ 2013).pdf(8.44 MB)