Date: 10 November 2022 > View this hearingWitness: Exova (UK) Limited> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip EXO00002143_Phase 2 Overarching and Module 7 - Written Closing Submissions on behalf of Exova (UK) Ltd (M1-6).pdf(6.51 MB) EXO00000354_M Smith to T Ashton Exova email asking for comments on AOV JS Wright proposal_0.pdf(472.84 KB) EXO00000599_B Sounes to T Ashton cc M Smith (Max F), Studio E email re office layout fire protection, embedding drawing of Existing Escape Stair, uncoded, annotated, undated._0.pdf(1.62 MB) EXO00000630_Email C Williams to M Smith cc T Ashton, D Campbell, P Booth re instruction to carry out hand calculations on AOV_0.pdf(1.63 MB) EXO00000645_Emails between D Campbell (Max Fordham), P Booth (Appleyards), T Ashton (Exova) cc Studio E, TMO, Max Fordham, Artelia re testing of smoke control system at Grenfell®_0.pdf(1.43 MB) EXO00001079_Exova memo dated 06_12_2013 regarding Means of Escape Observations_0.pdf(43.18 KB) EXO00001428_Emails between Bruce Sounes (Studio E), Terry Ashton (Exova), Matt Smith, Duncan Campbell (Max Fordham) and Tom Ashton (Curtins) re stair configuration, boxing club and EMB office.pdf(1.25 MB) MAX00006543_Email from Max Fordham to RBKC re_ Smoke exhaust LFB submission. Includes comments in relation to the AOVs compliance with Building Regulations and its operation_0.pdf(1.08 MB) PSB00000080_Email chain between J S Wright [David Bradbury] and PSB [Richard Yeadon] dated 27 May 2015 regarding smoke extraciton equipment provided by J S Wright for Grenfell Tower._0.pdf(33.89 KB) RBK00014953_Email from RBKC to Studio E re fire strategy not being sufficient to consult with LFB on smoke extract._0.pdf(1.02 MB) SEA00009424_Email from Sounes to Ashton, Campbell, Smith, Studio E regarding fire strategy queries including sprinkler system, vent system, AOV locations, attaching updated smoke control propo.pdf(641.41 KB) SEA00009720_Email Chain Between Sounes, Ashton, Smith, Campbell, Rek regarding comments on fire strategy, updated drawings, AOV, area where escape stair not protected, possible reduction of fi.pdf(2.06 MB)