Date: 7 November 2022 > View this hearingWitness: BSRs Team 1> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip BSR00000201_Phase 2 Overarching and Module 7 - Written Closing Submissions on behalf of BSR Team 1A.pdf(1.75 MB) BCA00000016_BCA Technical Guidance Note 18_ Use of Combustible Cladding Materials on Residential Buildings (Issue 0 June 2014)_0.pdf(2.28 MB) BRE00004636_BRE Passive BGM Report December.2015 doc_0.pdf(2.08 MB) CLG10007044_Briefing note on the Approved Documents_0.pdf(3.24 MB) CLG10007048_Internal DCLG email re brief discussions on the simplification and deregulation of the Building Regulations_0.pdf(58.21 KB) JSW00002935_Email from Matt Smith to David bradbury attaching smoke extract analysis_0.pdf(482.39 KB) KIN00002388_Emails from John Garbutt of Kingspan to DCLG (copying Brian Martin) expressing concerns related to (i) incorrect reflection of the test results in the media, (ii) lack of precision.pdf(3.35 MB) MAX00003490_Emails between Appleyards, TMO, Studio E and others regarding VE including the use of ACM cladding, tilt and turn windows, combi boilers and other design changes_0.pdf(4.9 MB) MAX00004350_Email Terry Ashton titled _RE_ Grenfell and finger blocks - visit with fire brigade__0.pdf(2.25 MB) NHB00001831_Internal NHBC email re Building Control Bulletin _ Conmat Standard Conditions _ assessments in lieu of tests attaching draft Building Control Bulletin_0.pdf(1015.53 KB) NHB00002744_NHBC Guidance Note - Acceptability of common wall constructions containing combustible materials in high rise buildings_0.pdf(1.45 MB) TMO00829834_Report by Carl Stokes, titled 'Grenfell Tower installation of new main gas pipe work' setting out fire safety concerns and key requirements for the installation_0.pdf(639.66 KB) TMO00831999_Internal TMO email forwarding email from Carl Stokes re boxing in of gas riser with concern about Triio not having building regs approval._0.pdf(1.91 MB) TMO00861343_Emails between claire williams (tmo) and charlie saul (tmo) queries about national grid gas reinstatement plans for grenfell and involving Tony batty on the project_0.pdf(38.04 KB) TRI000001224_Correspondence from tRIIO regarding design amendment_0.pdf(203.28 KB)