- BLM00000849_Exhibit NWJ_43 - Intentionally blank (no exhibit).pdf(17.65 KB)
- BLM00000860_Exhibit NWJ_53 - Emails between Nick Jenkins, Phil Cook and several others r.e. feedback provided on Booth Muirie’s guide to designing AD B2 compliant multi layered walls….pdf(1.7 MB)
- BLM00000850_Exhibit NWJ_44 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and Danny Kearney r.e. Option 3, Option 2 and BS8414 testing..pdf(4.42 MB)
- BLM00000867_Exhibit NWJ_6 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and David Metcalfe r.e. class A2 or B. Advising of meeting with ARUP..pdf(602.03 KB)
- BLM00000866_Exhibit NWJ_59 - Emails between Danny Kearney and Nick Jenkins r.e. 8414 testing.pdf(4.6 MB)
- BLM00000865_Exhibit NWJ_58 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and Danny Kearney r.e. Option 3.pdf(4.28 MB)
- BLM00000864_Exhibit NWJ_57 - Emails between James Hulbert and Nick Jenkins r.e. response to Booth Muirie’s guide to designing AD B2 compliant multi layered walls….pdf(1.88 MB)
- BLM00000862_Exhibit NWJ_55 - Emails between Nick Jenkins, Jim Blair and others r.e. AD B2 volume 2.pdf(960.42 KB)
- BLM00000861_Exhibit NWJ_54 - Emails Jim Blair and Nick Jenkins r.e. whether the Booth Muirie’s guide to designing AD B2 compliant multi layered walls… should relate to residential..pdf(1.89 MB)
- BLM00000863_Exhibit NWJ_56 - Emails between Jason Challenger and Nick Jenkins r.e. Booth Muirie’s guide to designing AD B2 compliant multi layered walls….pdf(873.71 KB)
- BLM00000859_Exhibit NWJ_52 - Email Nick Jenkins to Nick Jenkins – Draft of Booth Muirie’s guide to designing AD B2 compliant multi layered walls…..pdf(786.44 KB)
- BLM00000851_Exhibit NWJ_45 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and Danny Kearney r.e. A2 and desktop studies..pdf(5.6 MB)
- BLM00000857_Exhibit NWJ_50 - Emails between Adrian Pargeter and Adam Heath, Nick Jenkins etc r.e. cavity width and testing..pdf(1.26 MB)
- BLM00000856_Exhibit NWJ_5 - Emails between Nick Jenkins, Brian Martin, Stephen Howard and Sarah Colwell r.e. B4 requirement and filler..pdf(5.49 MB)
- BLM00000855_Exhibit NWJ_49 - Emails between Adam Heath and Nick Jenkins r.e. fire test and collaboration between Kingspan, Euroclad and Booth Muirie..pdf(913.16 KB)
- BLM00000854_Exhibit NWJ_48 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and David Metcalfe r.e. Option 1..pdf(2.79 MB)
- BLM00000853_Exhibit NWJ_47 - Emails between Adam heath and Nick Jenkins r.e. Desktop studies and successful tests – BS8414..pdf(2.6 MB)
- BLM00000852__Exhibit NWJ_46 - Emails between Adam Heath and Nick Jenkins r.e. comments on Booth Muirie’s guide to designing AD B2 compliant multi layered walls_.pdf(1.59 MB)
- BLM00000858_Exhibit NWJ_51 - Emails between Adam Heath and Nick Jenkins r.e. DCLG tests.pdf(1.91 MB)
- BLM00000880_Exhibit NWJ_71 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and John Crellin, Jim Blair, John Millward r.e. requirements of BS-476 and filler material..pdf(3.45 MB)
- BLM00000881_Exhibit NWJ_8 - Emails between David Metcalfe and Nick Jenkins r.e. BS8414 testing.pdf(3.06 MB)
- BLM00000882_Exhibit NWJ_9 - Emails between Nick, Phil Cook and Sarah Colwell. R.e. BS8414 testing..pdf(753.78 KB)
- EXO00001114_An Exova Warrington fire report on the appraisal of External fire Spread performance of faÇade Constructions for Project Unite Porthsmouth. (WF No. 356744 Issue 2 ).pdf(7.81 MB)
- BLM00000883_Index to the Witness Statement of Nicholas Ward Jenkins.pdf(345.95 KB)
- CLG00000222_The Building Regulations 2010 (Fire Safety) Approved Document B – Vol 2 (Buildings other than dwelling houses) B1-B5, 2006 edition incorporating 2007, 2010 & 2013 amendments_2.pdf(164.45 MB)
- CWCT0000029_Minutes of the Centre for Window and Cladding Technology Technical Group Meeting, held on Wednesday 17 March 2016_0.pdf(2.32 MB)
- BLM00000878_Exhibit NWJ_7 - Emails between Nick Jenkins, Satoru.Okadao, Takashi Kimura, Hayato Satou, Brian Martin, Stephen Howard and Sarah Colwell. R.e. AD B2 and 8414 test..pdf(8.21 MB)
- BLM00000879_Exhibit NWJ_70 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and Phil Cook r.e. Mitsubishi obtaining a BS8414 fire test.pdf(595.77 KB)
- BLM00000872_Exhibit NWJ_64 - Emails between John Spittlehouse, Nick Jenkins and others r.e. whether the core is filler or not..pdf(6.08 MB)
- BLM00000877_Exhibit NWJ_69 - Letter from the BBA dated 18.12.15 r.e. BBA certification of Alpolic.pdf(562.71 KB)
- BLM00000870_Exhibit NWJ_62 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and Borja Churruca Ybarra r.e. Vitrabond and Option 3.pdf(3.36 MB)
- BLM00000876_Exhibit NWJ_68 - Email from Frank Ritter r.e. 8414 test failing on K15.pdf(12.25 MB)
- BLM00000869_Exhibit NWJ_61 - Emails between Nick Jenkins and Nick Jenkins r.e. circulating further draft of Booth Muirie’s guide to designing AD B2 compliant multi layered walls….pdf(2.34 MB)
- BLM00000868_Exhibit NWJ_60 - Emails between Adam Heath and Nick Jenkins r.e. Option 3.pdf(3.15 MB)
- BLM00000871_Exhibit NWJ_63 - Emails between Adam Heath and Nick Jenkins r.e. Desktop studies.pdf(2.6 MB)
- BLM00000873_Exhibit NWJ_65 - Emails between John Millward and Nick Jenkins, Jim Blair r.e. Composite panels.pdf(3 MB)
- BLM00000874_Exhibit NWJ_66 - CWCT agenda for 17.3.16.pdf(431.63 KB)
- BLM00000875_Exhibit NWJ_67 - Emails between Brian Martin and Debbie Smith, Russell Paul, Phil Cook and Nick Jenkins r.e. responses from DCLG.pdf(2.45 MB)
- EXO00001783_Exova BR 135 Desktop Assessment Report - Assessment of the fire performance of external wall systems incorporating K15, for use on high rise buildings as featured on Marine Wharf E.pdf(3.56 MB)
- KIN00003820_Email chain between Kingspan and Euroclad Architectural Ltd regarding the use of K15 above 18m.pdf(3.49 MB)
- KIN00005738_Email from Nick Jenkins of Euroclad Architectural Limited to Kingspan enquiring whether K15 is suitable to use on buildings over 18m, followed by Kingspan internal correspondence i.pdf(857.22 KB)
- KIN00005739_Email from Nick Jenkins of Euroclad Architectural Limited to Kingspan enquiring whether K15 is suitable to use on buildings over 18m, followed by Kingspan internal email from Rober.pdf(761.73 KB)
- KIN00005813_Email from Euroclad Architectural Limited to Kingspan re suitability to use K15 for buildings over 18m, followed by Kingspan internal correspondence.pdf(2.07 MB)
- KIN00009521_Email chain between Euroclad and Kingspan requesting relevant test data for a proposed construction type and subsequent internal discussion.pdf(3.12 MB)
- NHB00000065_NHBC- Acceptability of common wall constructions containing combustible materials in high rise buildings_0.pdf(2.77 MB)