Date: 28 November 2018 > View this hearingWitness: Ministry Of Housing, Communities & Local Government> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip MHCLG Building Safety Timeline CLG00019098.pdf(22.56 MB) 2. email exchanges with the senior team on the immediate review of building checks - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003017.pdf(1.86 MB) 2. email exchanges with the senior team on the immediate review of building checks - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003122.pdf(124.74 KB) 3. Draft minutes of the Expert Group - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003048.pdf(200.41 KB) 4. Letter from Melanie Dawes to Local Authority Chief Executives and Housing Association Chief Executives re Safety Checks CLG10003084.pdf(1.66 MB) 5. Letter from Melanie Dawes to local authorities, with further guidance on safety checks following the Grenfell Tower fire CLG10003081.pdf(855.36 KB) 6. Letter from Homes and Communities Agency to Regulators of Social Housing to remind them of obligations as a Registered Provider CLG10003099.pdf(926.85 KB) 7. Letter from Melanie Dawes re Safety checks on private residential blocks - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003176.pdf(1.7 MB) 8. Letter from Secretary of State Sajid Javid to MPs updating them on work to support those affected by the fire CLG10003069.pdf(3.71 MB) 9. Letter from Melanie Dawes to Local Authorities and Housing Associations setting out the interim mitigating measures for building CLG10003032.pdf(3.59 MB) 10. Statement from the Secretary of State Sajid Javid regarding the cladding testing failure rate - exhibit CLG10003057.pdf(1.79 MB) 11. Announcement from the Department that the number of high rise buildings which had failed a combustibility test was now 60 CLG10003024.pdf(1.44 MB) 13. Joint letter from Melanie Dawes and John Manzoni (Permanent Secretary for the Cabinet Office) to all Government Permanent Secs CLG10003119.pdf(4 MB) 14. Government Building Safety programme - Explanatory note - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003160.pdf(1.09 MB) 15. Department press release on Expert panel meeting for the first time - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003137.pdf(1.35 MB) 16. Secretary of State Sajid Javid provided an update to Parliament on the Grenfell Tower fire and fire safety - exhibit CLG10003051.pdf(4.83 MB) 17. Department press release on Expert panel recommends further tests on cladding and insulation - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safe CLG10003087.pdf(1.39 MB) 18. Department press notice on the Industry Response Group (IRG) - complementing the work of the Independent Expert Advisory Panel CLG10003155.pdf(2.73 MB) 19. Circular letter from Bob Ledsome on recladding of tall buildings - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003072.pdf(4.27 MB) 20. Department publishes update on its website that advice has been sent to all building control bodies in England on recladding CLG10003079.pdf(2.6 MB) 21. Building safety programme explanatory note on large scale cladding systems testing - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline CLG10003124.pdf(5.15 MB) 22. The Secretary of State update to Parliament on the Government’s response to the Grenfell Tower fire - exhibit CLG10003097.pdf(3.87 MB) 23. Letter from the HCA to registered providers of social housing about remediation works and long-term financial viability - exh CLG10003134.pdf(1.13 MB) 25. Fire test report no.1 published - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003133.pdf(656.12 KB) 26. Fire test report no.2 published - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003038.pdf(639.92 KB) 27. Press release Fire test report no.3 published - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003177.pdf(1.32 MB) 28. Press release Fire test report no.4 published - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003125.pdf(640.72 KB) 29. letter from Tamara Finkelstein to Local Authorities re Safety of Large Panel System Buildings - exhibit to MHCLG CLG10003015.pdf(1.63 MB) 30. letter from Secretary of State Sajid Javid to Local Authority Chief Executives re Identifying all residential tower blocks CLG10003139.pdf(880.14 KB) 31. Press release Fire test report no.5 published - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003082.pdf(1.07 MB) 32. Letter from Helen MacNamara re findings from the Ledbury Estate - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003109.pdf(982.4 KB) 33. Fire test report no.7 published - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003147.pdf(1.06 MB) 34. letter from HCA about regulation of social housing for tenant organisations to share with tenants - exhibit to MHCLG Building CLG10003178.pdf(2.76 MB) 36. Fire test report no.6 published - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003158.pdf(657.08 KB) 37. terms of reference for the Hackitt Review published on the Department website - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003153.pdf(633.8 KB) 39. Letter from Tamara Finkelstein to Local Authority Chief Executives on Large Panel System Buildings - exhibit CLG10003179.pdf(1.98 MB) 40. Letter from the Secretary of State to Sir Ken Knight - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003064.pdf(2.09 MB) 41. Circular from Bob Ledsome to Building Control Bodies about wind-loading calculations - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003036.pdf(1.64 MB) 42. Oral Statement to Parliament from Secretary of State Sajid Javid providing an update on the government response to the GrenfelCLG10003166.pdf(3.94 MB) 43. Government Building Safety Programme – update and consolidated advice for building owners following large scale testing CLG10003113.pdf(16.72 MB) 45. The Secretary of State Sajid Javid announcement of a Green Paper on Social Housing in England in speech CLG10003148.pdf(2.51 MB) 46. letter from Sir Ken Knight to Secretary of State Sajid Javid - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003071.pdf(2.68 MB) 47. Department publishes update on interim mitigation measures required pending remediation of cladding - exhibit CLG10003175.pdf(2.21 MB) 48. Letter from Neil O’Connor to Local Authority Chief Executives re Identifying all residential tower blocks with Aluminium Comp CLG10003022.pdf(1.32 MB) 49. Tamara Finkelstein wrote to Local Authority Chief Executives explaining how the New Burdens Doctrine - exhibit to MHCLG Build CLG10003101.pdf(795.56 KB) 50. Letter from Secretary of State Sajid Javid to MPs about work to care for survivors of the Grenfell Tower tragedy CLG10003042.pdf(1.27 MB) 51. Advice for building owners External Wall Insulation (EWI) systems with a render or brick-slip finish - exhibit to MHCLG Build CLG10003080.pdf(8.48 MB) 52. Advice for building owners on external wall systems that do not incorporate ACM - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003114.pdf(3.4 MB) 53. Information note for landlords and building owners of tall residential buildings with ACM cladding - exhibit to MHCLG Buildin CLG10003159.pdf(23.75 MB) 55. Written Statement from Secretary of State Sajid Javid providing an update on Building Safety Programme - exhibit CLG10003093.pdf(404.28 KB) 56. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - December 2017 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003049.pdf(5.63 MB) 57. Press Release on Dame Judith Hackitt hosting industry summit - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003020.pdf(2.24 MB) 59. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - February 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003086.pdf(5.08 MB) 60. Building Safety Programme update and consolidated advice for building owners following large-scale testing - exhibit to MHCLG CLG10003157.pdf(16.72 MB) 61. Letter from Tamara Finkelstein to the LGA on Government support for identification of private sector buildings over 18m CLG10003138.pdf(1.07 MB) 62. Letter from the Department to the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry to advise on the action it was taking on fire doors - exhibit CLG10003045.pdf(172.53 KB) 63. Letter from Jo Farrar to Local Authority and Housing Association chief executives re fire doors - exhibit CLG10003151.pdf(592.62 KB) 64. Oral Statement to Parliament from Secretary of State Sajid Javid providing an update on the Grenfell Tower tragedy - exhibit CLG10003059.pdf(3.46 MB) 65. Letter from Secretary of State Sajid Javid and Nick Hurd re Update on Investigation at Grenfell Tower - exhibit CLG10003135.pdf(1.16 MB) 66. Department press notice on fire doors - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003180.pdf(2.78 MB) 67. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - March 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003063.pdf(7.26 MB) 68. Letter from the Inquiry sending request for information clarification to the department in relation to fire door test - exhibit CLG10003054.pdf(959.77 KB) 69. consultation on changing the guidance in Approved Document B on assessments in lieu of tests - exhibit CLG10003150.pdf(15.37 MB) 70. Letter from the Department to the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry regarding fire door test - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety CLG10003021.pdf(3.57 MB) 71. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - April 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003112.pdf(8.82 MB) 73. Letter from Chandru Dissanayeke to customers of Manse Masterdor Ltd LG10003145.pdf(1.99 MB) 74. Press release on update on fire doors investigation - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003115.pdf(2.78 MB) 76. Letter from Secretary of State James Brokenshire to Local Authority Chief Executives outlining a Direction under section 3(3) CLG10003074.pdf(1.33 MB) 78. Oral Statement to Parliament from Secretary of State James Brokenshire on the Hackitt Review - exhibit to MHCLG Building CLG10003154.pdf(2.35 MB) 79. Press release on the Government commitment to major building safety reforms - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003167.pdf(1.63 MB) 80. Letter from Secretary of State James Brokenshire and Nick Hurd to residents - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003089.pdf(1.68 MB) 81. Letter from Secretary of State James Brokenshire to Council Leaders to provide more detail on the funding for removal CLG10003095.pdf(788.64 KB) 82. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - May 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003163.pdf(16.91 MB) 83. Press release on James Brokenshire publishing consultation on banning combustible cladding - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety CLG10003034.pdf(1.46 MB) 84. Press release on Action plan to accelerate remediation of private high-rise residential buildings with ACM cladding - exhibit CLG10003030.pdf(2.68 MB) 85. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - June 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003120.pdf(13.6 MB) 86. Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Oral Evidence Independent review of building regulations and fire safety CLG10003162.pdf(37.04 MB) 87. Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Independent review of building regulations and fire safety Ninth Report CLG10003131.pdf(51.41 MB) 87. Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee Independent review of building regulations and fire safety Ninth Report CLG10003132.pdf(2.81 MB) 88 and 89. Consultation paper on Clarification of Approved Document B and Next Steps for Part B of the Building Regulations CLG10003075.pdf(4.27 MB) 91. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - July 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003088.pdf(24.67 MB) 92. Press release on Action to address recent fire door issues - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003106.pdf(2.71 MB) 93. Circular letter from Bob Ledsome to Heads of Local Authority Building Control and Approved Inspectors on fire door tests - exhCLG10003085.pdf(1.8 MB) 94. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - August 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003094.pdf(25.74 MB) 95. Advice on the testing and classification of Fire Doorsets - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003102.pdf(1022.57 KB) 96. Circular letter from Bob Ledsome to Heads of Local Authority Building Control and Approved Inspectors re assessments CLG10003061.pdf(1.19 MB) 98. Building Safety Programme monthly data release - September 2018 - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003152.pdf(11.53 MB) 99. Advice for owners of buildings which are partially clad in ACM cladding systems - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003028.pdf(3.19 MB) 101. Advice for owners of buildings which include spandrel panels window panels infill panels - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety CLG10003027.pdf(1.09 MB) 102. Press release Government releases funding to replace unsafe cladding - exhibit to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 CLG10003053.pdf(1.37 MB) Building a Safer Future - Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety Final Report Dame Judith Hackitt CLG10003141.pdf(202.74 MB) DCLG Letter to Local Authority Chief Executives re Identifying all residential tower blocks with ACM cladding Follow up guidance CLG10003140.pdf(4.91 MB) Endnote 12 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and End Note 5 to the Position Statement - Statement from the SoS CLG10003043.pdf(1.74 MB) Endnote 37 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and End Note 15 to the Position Statement - Terms of reference CLG10003046.pdf(137.24 KB) Endnote 44 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and End Note 16 to the Position Statement - Independent Review of Build CLG10003165.pdf(9.64 MB) Endnote 54 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and Endnote 17 to the Position Statement -Independent Review CLG10003161.pdf(224.44 MB) Endnote 55 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and Endnote 19 to the Position Statement - Written Statement from SoS CLG10003035.pdf(5.11 MB) Endnote 58 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and Endnote 21 to the Position Statement - Letter CLG10003077.pdf(6.98 MB) Endnote 69 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and Endnote 20 to the Position Statement - consultation CLG10003040.pdf(1.35 MB) Endnote 72 and 75 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and End Note 11 to the Position Statement - Press release CLG10003090.pdf(2.73 MB) Endnote 90 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and Endnote 22 to the Position Statement - Written Statement from SoS CLG10003146.pdf(1.95 MB) Endnote 97 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and Endnote 23 to the Position Statement - Government Response CLG10003029.pdf(1.98 MB) Endnote 100 to the MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26.10.18 and End Note 2 and 24 to the Position Statement - Gov announcement CLG10003149.pdf(2.94 MB)