Date: 28 November 2018 > View this hearingWitness: Mayor of London> View other evidenceType: Document> View more Document evidence
Downloads Download all files as a zip Position Statement of Mayor of London MOL00000116.pdf(5.17 MB) Index of Exhibits to Mayor of London Position Statement 26.10.18 MOL00000127.pdf(791.26 KB) LFB Position Statement - Actions Since the Grenfell Tower Fire LFB00024387.pdf(4.41 MB) Appendix 1 - GTIRT Terms of Reference Updated (V2) LFB00024391.pdf(4.15 MB) Appendix 2 - NFCC Simultaneous Evacuation Guidance Final LFB00024392.pdf(16.71 MB) Appendix 3 - Change of High Rise PDA Ops Messages LFB00024390.pdf(951.11 KB) Appendix 4 - LFB Community Assistance Activities LFB00024385.pdf(1.88 MB) Appendix 5 - Commissioner Letter to Housing Providers LFB00024388.pdf(1.59 MB) Appendix 6 - Responsible Persons LFB00024389.pdf(161.49 KB) Exhibit ML1 - Extract from London Plan MOL00000121.pdf(86.1 MB) Exhibit ML2 - Extract from London Housing Strategy MOL00000119.pdf(112.91 MB) Exhibit ML3 - Letter to Home Secretary MOL00000120.pdf(7.99 MB) Exhibit ML4 - Correspondence between Mayor and Home Secretary MOL00000126.pdf(10.03 MB) Exhibit ML5 - Letter to MHCLG SoS MOL00000125.pdf(7.96 MB) Exhibit ML6 - Letter to MHCLG SoS on Hackitt review MOL00000113.pdf(17.74 MB) Exhibit ML7 - Letter to MHCLG SoS on ban on combustible materials MOL00000124.pdf(8.27 MB) Exhibit ML8 - Response to Shelter Big Conversation MOL00000117.pdf(19.79 MB) Exhibit ML9 - Response to Labour green paper MOL00000118.pdf(29.29 MB) Exhibit ML10 - MD2346 Social Sector ACM Cladding Remediation Fund MOL00000128.pdf(8.32 MB) Exhibit ML11 - Letter to MHCLG SoS MOL00000115.pdf(7.07 MB) Exhibit ML12 - Good Practice Guide to Estate Regeneration MOL00000122.pdf(88.07 MB) Exhibit ML13 - GLA Capital Funding Guide - Section 8 MOL00000123.pdf(21.02 MB) Exhibit ML14 - Letter to DoH SoS MOL00000114.pdf(4.89 MB) Exhibit ML15 - Letter to RBKC MOL00000111.pdf(3.32 MB) Exhibit ML16 - London Councils paper MOL00000112.pdf(43.6 MB)