- HOM00002140_Ministerial Submission from Mike Larking (Fire Resilience and Emergencies) to Brandon Lewis re Meeting with The Business Sprinkler Alliance re Fire Safety and Property Protection._0.pdf(114.33 KB)
- HOM00004382_Submission from to Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis dated 17 April 2013 re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Fire Safety Recommendations_0.pdf(231.44 KB)
- HOM00004397_Cover email from Louise Upton to Eric Pickles re Lakanal House_ DCLG draft response to the Rule 43 report, attaching submission and 6 Annexes_2.pdf(836.24 KB)
- HOM00004398_Annex F - Submission from Brian Martin to Don Foster re Lakanal House Inquest Rule 43 Recommendations regarding Building Regulations, dated 11 April 2013_1.pdf(135.38 KB)
- HOM00004399_Annex E - Submission from Bryan Lea to Mark Prisk re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Fire Safety Recommendations, dated 1 May 2013_1.pdf(668.6 KB)
- HOM00004402_Annex C - Submission from Les Britzman (CFRA) to Brandon Lewis re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Recommendations Fire safety, Fire Fighting, Search and Rescue, dated 1 May 2013_1.pdf(151.54 KB)
- HOM00004403_Submission from Louise Upton to the Secretary of State dated 13 May 2013 re Lakanal House_ DCLG Response to the Coroner's Rule 43 Recommendations, dated 13 May 2013, with Annexes A_3.pdf(257.06 KB)
- HOM00004432_Submission from Erin Richardson to Brandon Lewis dated 13 June 2013 re Attendance at the Local Government Associations Fire Commission Meeting on 14 June 2013_0.pdf(2.8 MB)
- HOM00005848_Submission from Mike Larking to Brandon Lewis dated February 2013 re Domestic Fire Safety Policy - Future Direction_0.pdf(259.08 KB)
- HOM00005907_Submission from Les Britzman to Brandon Lewis dated 1 May 2013 re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Recommendations Fire Safety, Fire Fighting, Search and Rescue_0.pdf(149.38 KB)
- HOM00018166_Email correspondence between Louise Upton and Bob Neill re Submission and draft official response to GLA report into fire safety in London's tall and timber framed buildings.pdf(814.54 KB)
- HOM00021556_Letter - Department for Transport From_ Mike Penning MP; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State To_ Bob Neill MP Re_ Consultation paper.pdf(44.58 KB)
- HOM00023727_Submission from Mike Larking to Brandon Lewis dated 25 September 2012 re BL 02587_12 - BAFSA Biennial Conference_0.pdf(64.75 KB)
- HOM00023767_Submission from Erin Richardson to Brandon Lewis MP dated 27 September 2012 re Meeting with the General Secretary, Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union_0.pdf(2.54 MB)
- HOM00024727_Submission from Mary-Ann Auckland, Louise Upton and James Webb to Brandon Lewis dated 7 January 2013 re Fire Kills Campain 2012-13 and 2013-14_0.pdf(2.63 MB)
- HOM00024743_Submission from Erin Richardson to Brandon Lewis MP dated 15 January 2013 re Quarterly meeting with the Chair of the Local Government Associations Fire Service Management Committee_0.pdf(797.59 KB)
- HOM00025202_Submission from Anna Wadsworth to Brandon Lewis dated 22 January 2013 re Meeting with the Fire Industry Association and the Fire & Rescue Suppliers Association - 28 January 2013_0.pdf(763.07 KB)
- HOM00025500_Letter from Peter Holland (CFRA) to Brandon Lewis, Mark Prisk and Don Foster (cc others) re _Rule 43 from K St J Wiseman – Coroner for Southampton and the New Forest re Shirley Tow_0.pdf(90.54 KB)
- HOM00027939_Email from Louise Upton to PS Brandon Lewis re 131128 Speaking note and briefing for APPG Fire Seminar_ 4 December.pdf(514.45 KB)
- HOM00042720_Submission from Peter Holland to Brandon Lewis, Mark Prisk and Don Foster dated March 2013 re Rule 43 from K St J Wiseman - HM Coroner for Southampton and the New Forest re Firefig_0.pdf(97.44 KB)
- HOM00044017_Email chain between Brian Martin and Peter Holland re Dubai high rise fire - 'Torch' building_1.pdf(506.77 KB)
- HOM00045304_Submission from Bryan Lea to Mark Prisk Re Lakanal House inquest - Rule 43 Fire Safety Recommendations_0.pdf(665.68 KB)
- HOM00045305_Submission from Les Britzman to Brandon Lewis re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 recommendations fire safety, fire fighting, search and rescue, dated 1 May 2013_0.pdf(149.37 KB)
- HOM00045308_Submission from Louise Upton to SoS Re Lakanal House - DCLG response to the Coroner's Rule 43 Recommendations_0.pdf(259.08 KB)
- HOM00045309_Submission from Brian Martin to Don Foster dated 11 April 2013 re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 recommendations regarding Building Regulations_1.pdf(135.61 KB)
- HOM00045310_Annex D - Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Fire safety recommendations, dated 17 April 2013_0.pdf(230.09 KB)
- HOM00045313_Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis re MSU BL_016085_ Fire Sector Federation response to the Coroner in the Lakanal House inquests and invitation to discuss taking forwa_0.pdf(108.89 KB)
- HOM00045431_Email from Louise Upton to PS Brandon Lewis and others re Lines to Take dated 28 March 2013_0.pdf(1.55 MB)
- HOM00045590_Email from Peter Holland to Brandon Lewis, Eric Pickles and Don Foster re Rule 43 letter_0.pdf(402.67 KB)
- HOM00045937_Email re_ Submission on rule 43 letter in respect of Lakanal House_0.pdf(23.71 KB)
- HOM00045973_Submission from Louise Upton to Bob Neill dated 9 January 2012 re the Red Tape Challenge and the Fire Safety Order_0.pdf(205.77 KB)
- HOM00046029_Submission from Louise Upton to Bob Neill dated 29 March 2011 re DCLG response to the GLA report into fire safety in London - fire risk in London's tall and timber framed buildings_0.pdf(106.57 KB)
- HOM00046031_Submission from Louise Upton to Penny Mordaunt dated 16 January 2015 re LFEPA review of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.pdf(140.18 KB)
- HOM00046036_Submission from Tani Nisbet-Jones to Brandon Lewis dated 8 July 2013 re Fire_ Government Response to the Knight Review_0.pdf(2.47 MB)
- HOM00046044_Annex E - Submission from Bryan Lea to Mark Prisk re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Fire Safety Recommendations, dated 1 May 2013_0.pdf(2.07 MB)
- HOM00046053_Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis re Lakanal House inquest - Letter from Ron Dobson, London fire Commissioner, dated January 2013_0.pdf(100.85 KB)
- HOM00046055_Annex D - Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Fire Safety Recommendations, dated 17 April 2013_1.pdf(227.73 KB)
- HOM00046057_Annex F - Submission from Brian Martin to Don Foster re Lakanal House Inquest Rule 43 Recommendations regarding Building Regulations, dated 11 April 2013_0.pdf(139.09 KB)
- HOM00046067_Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis dated 17 April 2013 re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Fire Safety Recommendations_0.pdf(227.46 KB)
- HOM00046075_Annex C - Submission from Les Britzman (CFRA) to Brandon Lewis re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Recommendations Fire safety, Fire Fighting, Search and Rescue, dated 1 May 2013_0.pdf(149.08 KB)
- HOM00046086_Exhibit NH_16 to the witness statement of Nick Hurd (Home Office - Aftermath).pdf(1.33 MB)
- HOM00047100_Forwarded email correspondence between Jon Glen and Sean Farrance-White to Brandon Lewis re Briefing Notes_0.pdf(663.87 KB)
- HOM00047126_Email from Brandon Lewis to PS Brandon Lewis re Fwd_ Correspondence FW_ Domestic Sprinklers in New Buildings - DF_BL_033978_12-MR Frayne and MR Enness_0.pdf(91.81 KB)
- HOM00047509_Submission from Louise Upton and Brian Martin to Brandon Lewis and Don Foster dated 3 December 2012 re Sprinkler and Fire Protection Policy_0.pdf(1.86 MB)
- HOM00047519_Email from Brandon Lewis to PS Brandon Lewis - approval of Submission dated 17 April 2013_0.pdf(719.95 KB)
- HOM00047521_Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis dated 17 April 2013 re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 - Fire Safety Recommendations_0.pdf(225.93 KB)
- HOM00047571_Email chain between Les Britzman to PS Brandon Lewis cc'd to Peter Holland - Lakanal House - Submission Rule 43 on Operational matters_0.pdf(788.44 KB)
- HOM00047779_Letter from Brandon Lewis MP to Paul M Fuller QSFM re Inquest into the deaths at Lakanal House, dated 5 June 2013_0.pdf(266.55 KB)
- HOM00047874_Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis re Briefing for meeting with Paul Fuller – 3.30pm, 10 July_ Fire Sector support to business on fire safety, dated 8 July 2013_0.pdf(412.69 KB)
- HOM00047987_Submission from Erin Richardson to Brandon Lewis MP dated 17 September 2013 re Chief Fire Officers Association Annual Autumn Conference 2013_0.pdf(10.16 MB)