- CLG00035574_AM_64 Exhibit AM52 February 12, 2015 Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regs .msg__0.pdf(1.23 MB)
- CLG10003056_Email chain including media transcripts re Grenfell Tower Fire (Exhibit 1 to MHCLG Building Safety Timeline 26_10_18).pdf(11.97 MB)
- CLG10004553_Fw_ Camberwell fire - Note of Pre-Inquest hearing - Information only_0.pdf(1.2 MB)
- CLG10005228_Submission from Victoria Molho (Strategic Analysis Team) to Andrew Stunell and Grant Shapps dated 22 May 2012 re Red Tape Challenge - Building Regulations Propositions_0.pdf(354.97 KB)
- CLG10005461_Emails between Alison Lockyer, PS Don Foster and PS All Ministers Re_ Briefing for Meeting with LABC on 7th February - Building Regulations DF_DF_025202_12_0.pdf(36.84 KB)
- CLG10005470_Email chain between Brandon Lewis and others and Louise Upton re draft official reply to Ron Dobson, Commissioner at London Fire Brigade re recommendations for DCLG following the i.pdf(1.05 MB)
- CLG10005496_Email from Brandon Lewis to Brian Martin and Louise Upton re sprinkler and fire protection policy_0.pdf(58.43 KB)
- CLG10005544_Email from Don Foster to Shayne Coulson, Don Foster Cc a number of recipients subject 'RE_ War book - needed by COP FRIDAY 1st March'_0.pdf(1.42 MB)
- CLG10005562_Email from Alison Lockyer to Minister Don Foster re briefing for speaking appointment at the Local Authority Building Control conference on 19_03_13_0.pdf(1.19 MB)
- CLG10005581_Email from Alison Lockyer to Don Foster attaching revised speech, Q&A briefing and copy of the building regulations reform _war book_ for the LABC Conference on 19_03_13_0.pdf(25.77 KB)
- CLG10005612_Email from Les Britzman, Fire and Rescue Adviser, to Mark Prisk and others seeking confirmation when draft Rule 43 letter to social housing providers following Shirley Towers inque_0.pdf(961.42 KB)
- CLG10005613_Ministerial submission from Mary Marshall to Mark Prisk seeking approval to send draft Rule 43 letter following Shirley Towers inquest to social housing providers_0.pdf(901.36 KB)
- CLG10005628_Email from Brandon Lewis to Peter Holland and cc'd various others FW_ Sub re Rule 43 letter_0.pdf(579.12 KB)
- CLG10005630_Submission from Peter Holland to Brandon Lewis, Mark Prisk and Don Foster re Rule 43 from K St J Wiseman - HM Coroner for Southampton and the New Forest re Firefighter fatalities a_0.pdf(97.78 KB)
- CLG10005702_Submission from Erin Richardson to Brandon Lewis dated 14 May 2013 re Briefing for Select Committee meeting on 15 May 2013_0.pdf(7.37 MB)
- CLG10006315_Submission from Anthea Nicholson to Stephen Williams dated 15 May 2014 re Competent Person Schemes_0.pdf(685.99 KB)
- CLG10006417_Submission from Andrew Newton to Stephen Williams dated 15 July 2014 re Outline Building Regulations and Standards External Research and Implementation Programme for 2014-15_1.pdf(398.07 KB)
- CLG10007023_Internal DCLG email re Introduction meeting between James Wharton MP & Sally Randall about the Building Regulations_0.pdf(552.65 KB)
- CLG10007729_Email chain from Brian Martin to PS James Wharton and others re APPG Fire Safety and Rescue Group lunch meeting on 26.11.15 attaching amended briefing and annexes_0.pdf(1.91 MB)
- CLG10007801_Email correspondence between James Wharton, Brian Martin and others re Building control review - meeting with JW follow up actions_0.pdf(1.13 MB)
- CLG10007804_Draft ministerial submission from Alex Murphy to James Wharton and Greg Clark on simplification of building regulations and the building control system - final version sent_0.pdf(273.92 KB)
- CLG10007855_Email from James Wharton to Greg Clark dated 7 December 2015 re Simplification of Building Regulations and Building Control system_0.pdf(611.44 KB)
- CLG10007856_Submission from Alex Murphey to James Wharton and Greg Clark dated 10 November 2015 re Simplification of Building Regulations and the Building Control System_0.pdf(274.12 KB)
- CLG10008566_Email chain_ Continued internal email chain re_ Building Regulations Discussion Document_0.pdf(1.59 MB)
- CLG10008625_Email from Tim Luenig to Sajid Javid and others RE_ Submission GB Building Regulations Discussion Document_0.pdf(2.09 MB)
- CLG10008626_Email from Tim Luenig to Sajid Javid and others RE_ Submission GB Building Regulations Discussion Document - review_0.pdf(1.61 MB)
- CLG10008983_Email from Office of Sajid Javid to PS Gavin Barwell, All Advisers and Tim Leunig re building regulations discussion document_0.pdf(956.5 KB)
- CLG10009026_External email chain re_ review of building regulations Part B_0.pdf(857.31 KB)
- CLG10009790_Letter from Minister for Housing Alok Sharma updating on Government efforts in the wake of the fire at GT_0.pdf(1.3 MB)
- FBU00000132_Exhibit MW 74 - Philip Hampton, Reducing Administrative Burdens Effective inspection and enforcement, HM Treasury, 2005 - (Matt Wrack - FBU)_0.pdf(107.06 MB)
- GOL000000029_Minutes of the London SCG Major Incident Meetings (14 June - 28 June 2017), LLAG meeting minutes 18 June 2017-21June 2017, GF Recovery coordinating group 24 June 2017-.pdf(109.15 MB)
- GOL00001373_Exhibit MS_108 - OFFICAL_ For Information_ North London Fire_ Housing Assistance_0.pdf(136.02 KB)
- HOM00000842_Submission from Brian Nash to Bob Neil and Grant Shapps re Fatal fire at Lakanal House, Camberwell, dated June 2010_0.pdf(155.24 KB)
- HOM00000871_Email from Louise Upton to Peter Wise and others Fw Submission National Guidance_0.pdf(1.07 MB)
- HOM00000872_Submission from Chris Boulton to Bob Neill MP dated 15 July 2010 re National Guidance including Operational Guidance for the Fire and Rescue Service in England- Options Review_0.pdf(191.75 KB)
- HOM00000884_Submission from Louise Upton to Bob Neill MP, dated July 2010 re Regulation for commercial fire risk assessors_0.pdf(1.23 MB)
- HOM00001003_Ministerial Submission from Louise Upton to Bob Neill MP re_ Update on the work of the Fire Risk Assessment Competency Council to develop a competency standard for commercial risk_0.pdf(321.03 KB)
- HOM00001134_Email from Brandon Lewis to Louise Upton and others re_ Lakanal House inquest update and proposed DLCG handling strategy and lines to take in the event of media interest_0.pdf(1.19 MB)
- HOM00001135_Submission from Louise Upton to Brandon Lewis dated 3 December 2012 re Lakanal House Pre-Inquest Hearing_0.pdf(234.81 KB)
- HOM00001201_DCLG emails regarding overnment position on sprinkler and fire protection policy_0.pdf(46.85 KB)
- HOM00001202_Submission from Louise Upton and Brian Martin to Brandon Lewis and Don Foster dated 3 December 2012 re Sprinkler and Fire Protection Policy_0.pdf(2.51 MB)
- HOM00001285_Email correspondence between Peter Holland, Brandon Lewis and others re 130304 BL clearance to Shirley Towers Rule 43 letter_0.pdf(590.47 KB)
- HOM00001288_Email between DCLG re response to Shirley Tower Fire Rule 43 Letter_0.pdf(695.33 KB)
- HOM00001335_Submission from Mike Larking to Brandon Lewis dated 19 April 2013 re The Worshipful Company of Firefighters Annual Fire Lecture 2013, 23 April - Safe as House - A Debate on Sprinkl_0.pdf(580.3 KB)
- HOM00001356_Submission Bryan Lea to Mark Prisk dated 1 May 2013 re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Fire Safety Recommendations_0.pdf(668.41 KB)
- HOM00001363_Email correspondence between Les Britzman and Brandon Lewis re 130504 BL response re CFRA Rule 43_0.pdf(714.53 KB)
- HOM00001364_Submission from Les Britzman to Brandon Lewis (Cleared by Peter Holland), dated 1 May 2013 re Lakanal House Inquest - Rule 43 Recommendations Fire Safety, Fire Fighting, Search and_0.pdf(149.59 KB)
- HOM00001516_Fire Sector Federation response to the Coroner in the Lakanal House inquests and invitation to discuss taking forward the findings of the Focus on Enforcement Review_0.pdf(108.52 KB)
- HOM00001518_Submission from Mike Larking to Brandon Lewis dated 19 February 2013 re CFOA - Development of Fire Safe Register Scheme_0.pdf(154.28 KB)
- HOM00002139_Emails between Andrew Turner (behalf of BSA), ROberto Singcuenco (behalf of Brandon Lewis MP), Brian Martin, Mike Larking (CC DCLG others) re Meeting with BSA re Fire Safety and P_0.pdf(3.26 MB)